That translates to “Bible study online”.
Propaganda... 😖.
i dunno about you, but if i walked up to this display at an expo i'd be a little creeped out..
That translates to “Bible study online”.
Propaganda... 😖.
i dunno about you, but if i walked up to this display at an expo i'd be a little creeped out..
That’s portuguese.
Is either Portugal, Angola, Brazil or Mozambique.
i attended my grandfathers jw funeral the other day.
firstly i am a rabid apostate, and certainly not wt greatest fan.
that been said however, i will certainly stick up for them when they do the right thing.
Is nice to hear( under the circumstances) that your grandfathers funeral was all about him and not the heavy watchtower lectures.
im sorry for your loss. Jws funerals are usually so clinical that most just “cruise” through it.
i know of a sister that died, but had planned her whole service, to detail of the songs she wanted, the orator etc.
i was told such a lovely service, so personal and so different.
i just thought... most normal funerals are like that...jws don’t know the difference because they are used to only it one way only, and they don’t attend others funerals either.
Where I live on the uk, it’s normal to have a wake after burial. But in my country of birth no. (Unless that has changed recently).
When I explained once what was it like to my jws family, some were shocked, how terrible to go eat and drink after burying your loved one. But that’s not what’s like, it’s a chance to commemorate the life of the person that has passed, it’s a loving way to show support to the family too.
conclusion: witnesses need to learn more from the worldly people and better their way of performing funerals.
i dunno about you, but if i walked up to this display at an expo i'd be a little creeped out..
What??? Where is this, do you know?
scary stuff. If you told me on the 90’s that this would be happening.... no one would believe it!
we have been in a battle over health care for so long here in the us regarding public, private, gov't subsidized, obama care, medicare for all, and just about every permutation of the above.. we hear the horror stories here that people wait 20 years for a check-up (ok, bit of an exaggeration), but you get the point.
one side tells us that canadians flock across the border when they are sick and need to see a doctor.
the other side says that is simply not the case.. so tell us, if you live under one of the government systems would you replace it?
I agree with all the uk citizens comments about. NHS is a fantastic service when goes wright... when hoes wrong... goes REALLY wrong. There’s fantastic staff that are working under very difficult situations and conditions at the moment.
Nhs is only free to those that haven’t paid taxes on the United Kingdom, all taxpayers are paying for health tourism and that is wrong. We need a better system here.
If I need to go to the hospital or GP I tend to see my local pharmacy first, they have a wide knowledge of health care that can help.
I get very annoyed when friends take their kids to A&E with a minor problem, I just feel that there’s no need to clog up emergency services if there’s another way of dealing with it, of course if it’s serious then by all means, must go and see a doctor.
another thing that gets up my goat is how youngsters get so drunk these days... then end up at the hospital with sometimes huge problems due to Atheir own stupidity.
where I come from we pay on delivery of service, such as GP appointments etc, but if you need a certain test you can always have it done but pay for it. Some stuff it’s not that expensive, depending on what’s needed, and if you can’t wait you can see s private doctor. In the uk the same service would cost hundreds.
i think we should introduce a pay fee in the emergency room, as I can almost guarantee that the attendance of stupid people that waste the doctors time would soon diminish. They would soon learn to make smart decisions.
i have been treated well when I have attended the uk healthcare services. They are a dedicated bunch but I really feel for them as they need to work really hard and under pressure due to the lack of funding, too many people attending it, not enough staff and long hours.
i've never been that big on video/computer games but i used to have a ps2 and my absolute fav game was star wars battlefront ii, released by pandemic in 2005.. you could choose to play as three different classes of soldier and fight for the rebels, the imperials, the republic or the battle droids.
as you played and gained points by killing the enemy, you could unlock a fourth and fifth class of soldier.
you could also play as a hero or villain - such as darth vader, luke skywalker, princess leia, etc.. there was something absolutely awesome playing as darth vader and cutting down or force-choking rebel soldiers on the tantive iv.. .
We were too poor to buy games. But I remember playing Tetris in a handheld console that belonged to my cousin...whenever I visited.
Later on sonic the hedgehog after i bought it myself but didn’t played that much.
never been that interested in games, my kids have had a few, Nintendo lite, wii console, a few Xboxes series. And tamagotchis of course lol.
since waking up from the cult i've been curious about where the cult is going and how will it end up?
will it fizzle out or become a little fringe "religion" like plymouth bretheren or the shakers?.
we've already seen the cult evolve from:.
I still surprise myself at the thought of how people still follow this stupid nonsense.
How a religion keeps refreshing’s just almost unbelievable.
i'd like to start off this post by saying, we all know that the wt loves control.
it's clear by their history, their wt's, the elder arrangement and so on.
however, after witnessing and using the publish id program in person, it takes this need for control to a whole new level & it was scary.. if you've ever seen builder assist (the website program used for ldc volunteers) or the metro program, it actually looks pretty similar to that.
Wow this is scary. I presume they need to control EVERYTHING.
they warn people about the government antics but in the end...they are not that different.
At least with the worldly governments they do give a choice of leadership... with the Witnesses whoever IN has to follow their self appointed righteous clowns.
imagine this.
someone has been involved in a car crash or shooting.
total strangers usually rush to the aid of the victims.
I see it like this:
if the person believes in god existence then they will thank god and feel that there was some sort of divine intervention.
But if the person doesn’t believe that there’s a higher being, then that person will probably feel that human kind is not that bad as so many feel that we are.
We all know what suffering can be like on our own skin so we are prompted to help others based on our own knowledge of pain.
anyone doing anything interesting/fun for the holidays this year?
we got some presents for our kids and a tree.
other than that, just chillin.
When I was a bible student we never went out on Xmas day.
We were told in the hall that because that was a special day to others that we should take easy use discernment and respect those that were celebrating.
My country of birth is a catholic country mostly. Maybe because of that, I’m not sure.
I'm so surprised to read that people went to service Xmas day, witnesses would definitely would be mistreated in my home town if dared to knock. Plus most people would be attending church anyways.
Hope you all have a good time this year whatever your plans are. Chilling, celebrating or sleeping.
In the uk we have Boxing Day which is a bank holiday, so an extra chilling day to enjoy. Love it!