I’m sorry that you lost your grandad.
Losing someone is really hard, I know how you feel, my parents are both gone and there’s not a day that goes by that I remember, specially my dear mum.
in relation to your experience with the Jehovah’s Witness lady, I feel that many have given you good advice already. It’s a cult.
Witnesses recruit new people to the religion when people are in need of comfort or when people can’t find the answers they need in life....so please be careful. This religion will change your life forever and not for the best.
It will dictate all of your life. Will make you separate from your family... even if you don’t think so now. Eventually to be accepted in the Kingdom Hall, one must serve Jehovah without strings, denouncing all that you know, feel and want.
All that you know now....will be belittle by this religion.
Hang in there, your grief will easy up a little one day. Keep the good memories alive and remember ....that’s what I do.
good luck and a warm big hug.