Yes, Shades of Grey, We kept thinking that the WTS is Gods Org who have become like the bad kings of Isreal
until I asked hubby and myself the question : then exactly what years were they teaching the WHOLE truth?
Russel had a kinder, gentler view but he also taught that HE was the "faithful and wise servant" Then we have
the Rutherford years that turned a Sincere group of Bible students into rabid JW's dragging around phonographs
Blaring hateful speeches. All the while he was an alcoholic who also said HE was the "faithful and discrete steward"
Next we have the Knorr-F Franz years where the concept of the "faithful and discrete slave"(NWT) being an
ORGANIZATION came to be. These years weren't better though. The 1975 debaucle, the Blood doctrine, The Malawai travesty rules out those years as well. The years after Knorrs death didnt produce ANY reform either - only more false predictions that they lie about ever saying. God HATES liars. No it never was used by God and that's a bitter pill to swallow. But the sooner we accept reality the sooner we can get on with what's left of our lives!