Q: Do I ever reminisce about the good times I had with Jehovah's people?
A:The good times were the teen dance parties after the CA and DC which were outlawed in the early '70s
Q: How about an encouraging congregation meeting?
A: The one where i was encouraged to do more or the one where I was encouraged to give more? No wait, the ones where I was ignored.
Q: An encouraging convention?
A: Lets see, give me a minute, ok I liked the one where they had a giant three dimensional lighted brain and throbbing heart. It was very scientifical
Q: You must have had an encouraging time in the ministry.
A: Absolutely. My favorite was back in the 70's when the young hippie I was studying with invited her boyfriend to sit in. It took me a while to see that the crotch was completely ripped out of his pants......AND he wasn't wearing any under ware!
Q: Or simply a pleasant conversation with a fellow believer?
A: I had many simple conversations
Thanks for asking