Leaving brings pain
Leaving brings freedom
..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
Leaving brings pain
Leaving brings freedom
i was just explaining to mrs picard........ never a jw, and not english, how we used to celebrate the harvest festival, when i was 7 and younger, before my parents converted to jw'ism.. i loved to sing "we plough the fields and scatter".
of course, singing such hymns is, to a jw, paramount to apostasy,with the death penalty like punishment the ensued.. how really stupid their harsh rules.. did you have any favourite hymns?.
i think we would all agree, that they beat the pants off the "kingdom melodies".
I am a born in who loves music. Singing at the KH was always my favorite part of worship. However.....I found even the old songs dull and uninspiring.
When i was 20 the Doobie Bros came out with the hit "Jesus is Just Alright" Wow, I LOVED it! I can't sit still when i hear it. I wondered why JW songs couldn't be as upbeat and include tambourines. Why does every song sound like a funeral dirge? Why couldn't there be choirs?
Since I'm no longer religious I prefer secular upbeat music.
i recently started working at a goodwill here in wisconsin, and i've never encountered more witnesses ever in my life.
every time i go to work, i see at least two or three people that i used to go to the kingdom hall with getting suits, dresses, etc.
some of them say hi, but some of them i just ignore, or they ignore me.
in short:- tight pants is no longer just a am3 hang up (or is that a hang up on the well hung?
)- brothers who have effeminate body language are flagged up- as are sisters with 'masculine' hair styles or dress- such dress is 'disturbing to the congregation'- the above must heed the (repeated) counsel from the elders...or they get stripped of the right to share on the ministry- however...this will not be revealed (announced) to the congregation.
I find this outline interesting because of it's secrecy. All the previous instructions to Jws regarding dress and grooming have AFAIK been public in talks and in publications. If the ruling class thinks they must root out gender ambiguity why not just say so?
I am curious about how this will play out in my family. The well liked father is an elder. The mother is opinionated and officious. Their thirty something very handsome likeable son still lives at home and has never had the slightest interest in girls. He dresses in jaunty caps and tweed sportcoats bow ties etc. He has every affect of being gay. He has never worked for anyone but his parents and is totally dependent on them. Will he be counseled? Will he change who he is? Will his elder father be held accountable? So many questions..........
thank you all for your sincere encouragement during these last few weeks.
finally, she is at peace.
i was with her , holding her hand when she died.
a thought on the emphasis of the importance of the new chairman arrangement at the midweek meeting:.
it reminds me of a tv-show, where the showmaster introduces tv-clips of some topics.. is it maybe a preparation for meetings with more and more videos ?.
and all the local brothers are doing is introducing them, creating anticipation for what big skydaddy prepared this week.. i wonder, if most of the meeting times in years to come will be videos anyway.....
The future for JW meetings:
KH lobby will have an attendant take your money/donation.
You find your seat
The lights go out
the meeting/ movie begins
the movie/meeting ends
the lights come back on
time to visit
are you on the road to everlasting life?.
note to the speaker: help bible students and interested ones to understand why and how to make further spiritual progress..
emphasize the many sources of help available, and warmly encourage them to act without delay.
"Do not be deceived by the false claims of happiness promoted by the world and it's ruler"
What a laugh! We who have left the borg and have never been happier are having an effect on the morale of the RandF. Whenever I run into a JW and they ask in their condescending way, "How ARE you?" I make a big point of being gleeful and saying I am The happiest I have ever been in my life! The Dub is left speechless. It always ends the conversation. Hahaha!
We happy exdubs are driving the Borg nuts.
none of my jehovah's witness relatives called to tell me or my family.
just found out this morning.
So sorry for your loss and the way you found out which only adds to your pain and grief. Your family's loss for not including you in their lives.
this video deal with some really important information that i wanted to share with you all, looks like it may have hit a nerve in the watchtower, because the stock link he mentioned in the video has been taken down, it was up yesterday, he says he plays chess and anticipated they would do that, so he supplied a secondary link to the same information.
the entire 8 part series is very informative exposing alot about watchtower doctrine, and hidden elements.
here is the link to the video.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0lrdx3vpug.
i think the numbers shown in the yearbook and with other occasions that are used by the gibberish buddies to boast about the blessings from jehovah are super fake and inflated, much of it even without their knowledge.
i think they like to take advantage of all sorts of technicalities and loopholes to report numbers as great as possible, but it's not like jws are super reliable sources of reporting.for example i have not been in field circus for something like two years.
i never talked about "the truth" with any non-jw, yet i've never been considered inactive.
Mynameislame, That's interesting. What ISN'T said is often as important as what is.
Tacitly "allowing" drive time to and from the territory could add millions of hours to the already inflated yearly report.