"It was a policy adopted formally by the Vatican in 1962. Joseph Ratzinger then as a priest helped formulate it. It says that when children are harmed in any Catholic parish anywhere in the world, the priest and the bishop are under Papal order to suppress the evidence of that, to hide ... well to protect the child rapist. Never to tell the police and to silence the victim. If they don't do that they can be excommunicated. So in effect it says that raping a child is not a crime, it's just a sin, but talking about it in a church is a crime that can get you thrown out, and even held in a Papal prison, if you release this information. So, it's a formal policy, it's a criminal conspiracy to hide and protect child rape all over the world. And that's an enormous obstruction of justice and a crime against humanity. And that's one of the reasons that lawyers all over the world are so interested in that. It's from the very top of the church."
The above quote is from a recent Red Ice Radio interview with Annett, the audio for which can be heard/downloaded from here:
A source inside the Vatican in 2003 released the secret information contained in this document (Crimine solicitationies), to the London Observer newspaper:
A copy of the Vatican document can be found here:
"Kevin D Annett is a Canadian writer and former minister of the United Church of Canada. Annett graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology and a Master's Degree in Political Science. Annett has written two books on the subject of residential school abuse in Canada. In 2006, Kevin produced a documentary on this topic called 'Unrepentant.' Additionally, he created and hosted 'Hidden from History,' a public affairs and human rights program on Vancouver Cooperative Radio from 2001 until the station shut him down in 2010. On previous programs with Kevin, we spoke about the world-wide system of abuse by church and state upon children and adults. He returns to the program to discuss the historic lawsuit which is being filed by Kevin Annett on behalf of the ITCCS (International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State) and Jason Bowman of The Association of Citizen Prosecutors (ACP) in Federal Court against the Church and Crown." (
More details about the case can be found here:
Posts by JWB
by JWB inthe catholic church and "crimine solicitationies".
"it was a policy adopted formally by the vatican in 1962. joseph ratzinger then as a priest helped formulate it.
it says that when children are harmed in any catholic parish anywhere in the world, the priest and the bishop are under papal order to suppress the evidence of that, to hide ... well to protect the child rapist.
Don Cameron to the rescue
by irondork intoday, i informed a co-worker that we were in the last day of the last days.
his eyebrow informed me i had better explain.. with this thread fresh on my mind from this morning ( ), i told him what was being reported from the highest levels of the wt society and that they were getting this information first hand... from heaven.. .
his eyebrow informed me i didnt do a very good job.. .
"What does it mean to be baptized in the name of the holy spirit? As noted earlier, those hearing Peter on the day of Pentecost were aware of the holy spirit. In fact, they could see proof right before their eyes that God continued to use the holy spirit. Peter was one of those who had been “filled with holy spirit and [who had] started to speak with different tongues.” (Acts 2:4, 8) The expression 'in the name of' need not imply the name of a person. Today, many things are done 'in the name of the government,' which is not a person. They are done BY THE AUTHORITY OF the government. Similarly, one who is baptized in the name of the holy spirit recognizes that the holy spirit is, not a person, but Jehovah’s active force. And such baptism means that one acknowledges the role the holy spirit plays in God’s purpose. (Watch. 15 Mar 2010, page 14, paragraph 16, "Baptized in the Name of Whom and What?") [Emphasis mine]
"Disrespect for God's Sovereignty. When a person acts presumptuously toward God he is showing disrespect for Jehovah's sovereignty and Godship. THOSE CLAIMING TO BE HIS SERVANTS AND MISREPRESENTING HIM ARE MOST REPREHENSIBLE. Of the false prophets, Jehovah said: 'The prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that I have not commanded him to speak . . . that prophet must die. . . . When the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, . . . with presumptuousness the prophet spoke it.'--De 18:20-22." (Insight, Vol II, page 681, "Presumptiousness") [Emphasis mine]
"Jehovah’s Witnesses, in their eagerness for Jesus’ second coming, have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect. Because of this, some have called them false prophets. Never in these instances, however, did they presume to originate predictions ‘in the name of Jehovah.’ Never did they say, 'These are the words of Jehovah.' The Watchtower, the official journal of Jehovah’s Witnesses, has said: 'We have not the gift of prophecy.' (January 1883, page 425) 'Nor would we have our writings reverenced or regarded as infallible.' (December 15, 1896, page 306) The Watchtower has also said that the fact that some have Jehovah's spirit 'does not mean those now serving as Jehovah's witnesses are inspired. It does not mean that the writings in this magazine The Watchtower are inspired and infallible and without mistakes.' (May 15, 1947, page 157) 'The Watchtower does not claim to be inspired in its utterances, nor is it dogmatic.' (August 15, 1950, page 263) 'The brothers preparing these publications are not infallible. Their writings are not inspired as are those of Paul and the other Bible writers. (2 Tim. 3:16) And so, at times, it has been necessary, as understanding became clearer, to correct views. (Prov. 4:18)'—February 15, 1981, page 19." (Awake! 22 Mar 1993, page 4, "Why So Many False Alarms?")
The question might well be asked, although they have never said, 'These are the words or Jehovah' have they not PRESUMED TO SPEAK BY THE AUTHORITY OF JEHOVAH? It seems to me that they have always wanted to have the respect that would attach to a genuine prophet of God, but not the accountability.BTW: irondork, Don Cameron makes some very strong points in his book.
Starfrock The Web Wizard - Chapter 1 - "Memories"
by JWB in<00> chapter one.
\/ "memories".
[1] the old man sighed heavily as he opened the thick book.
<00> Chapter One
\/ "Memories"
[1] The old man sighed heavily as he opened the thick book. There were only a few blank pages left in which to write the most recent events of his life. It took quite a bit of effort to hold the pen in his trembling hand. Unfortunately his agile mind was at the mercy of the limits forced upon him by the difficulty encountered in the physical act of writing. If only he had youth on his side. It was then that his thoughts started to wander back to when he was a young boy.
[2] Growing up in the Kingdom of Jorg was not easy for him as a child. He remembered all the times his mother had scolded him over making 'Joe' sad. When he was very young all he knew about 'Joe' was that he was his Mom and Dad's best friend. In fact he was the best friend of all of his parents' friends. Although he never saw 'Joe' he understood that it was paramount that he make 'Joe' happy and that he, along with his parents, regularly spoke to him as if he were actually living there with them at home. As he got older he wanted to know as much about 'Joe' as he could.
[3] Now the rulers of the Kingdom of Jorg were known as the Covening Body and they lived at the Warlocks' Tower in Spellsville. Whenever the Covening Body wanted to say something important to the People of Jorg they would get the Frighting Department to send out letters and even books into the Kingdom. One of these books was called 'The Creation of the Kingdom of Jorg' and it had become of great interest to the old man when he was in his teens.
[4] The tale was told of a young warlock by the name of Chuck who felt that the magic of his parent's coven had worn off. Poor Chuck was dis-illusioned. However, one day when he was taking his daily walk he heard the sound of a man talking about a new kind of magic. This sparked the interest of Chuck to the extent that he formed his own version of that magic and conjured up a small building which he called the Warlock's Tower.
[5] It was he who formed "The Babel Students", a small group of people who felt, like Chuck, that the magic had disappeared from their lives. So together they spent many years consulting that which is known as The Ancient Book with the hope that they would be able to find the whereabouts of The Light of Truth. Since Chuck was finding The Ancient Book only pointed in the direction of The Present Truth, he decided to study The Calculations According To The Great Stone Witness and was overwhelmed to find it encoded therein many of the things he had been proclaiming as The New Prophecy.
[6] During this time Chuck had welcomed into his Inner Circle a young man called Joe who was practicing The Arts of The Judges. As Chuck got older and fell into bad health Joe became more prominent in the Inner Circle and became known as Defender of the True Magic. It wasn't long before Chuck left the Warlock's Tower and went to live with The Great Wizard In The Sky.
[7] Thus began Words War One. Some of those from the Inner Circle did not like the way Joe was dealing with them and eventually they were expelled from the Warlocks' Tower. Many of The Babel Students were saddened. Some became very angry with the Inner Circle and spoke out against them saying that their magic was a sham. Over the few decades that followed many members of The Babel Students had nothing more to do with the Inner Circle. These were dubbed 'The Evil Babel Class'. (Some of their descendants still exist to this day.)
[8] Not long after this incident Joe and those of the Inner Circle were sentenced by The Powers That Be to many years in prison. It was rumored that the magic being emitted from the Warlocks' Tower was weakening the power of some men to fight in the Sea Of Restless Mankind. Joe blamed prominent Illusionists from Crystal Dome for this outrageous lie. However, after the space of a few years The Powers That Be reversed the judgment and released the bonds keeping the Inner Circle captive.
[9] Joe did not waste time in getting back to Warlocks' Tower to start a new era of Organization. Knowing that many had become dis-illusioned because of the seeming failure of The New Prophecy, Joe took it upon himself to let the 'Faithful Babel Class' (as they came to be known in later years) know that The Light Of Truth had been found by the Inner Circle and that it was being kept at Warlocks' Tower. He told them that from now on all leaders of Babel Student covens would have to take a test to see if they really practiced the True Magic.
[10] The old man had read that eventually Joe also went to live with The Great Wizard In The Sky. All of the 'Faithful Babel Class' loved Joe and knew that he was ever looking down on them, and one thing was for sure, they never wanted to make him sad! Joe's parting gift to the followers of Warlocks' Tower was the Kingdom of Jorg, a place where the magic was becoming so powerful that people of all sorts were coming under its spell.
[11] Suddenly the blank pages in the opened book were getting wet. The old man realized that tears were falling from his eyes. It was as though certain memories had been queued up but had not yet reached his conscious mind, that his emotions were responding before he was fully aware. In a few moments he understood his sadness. Right in front of him was a picture of his mother, father, sister and himself taken when he was about eighteen years of age. He had never seen his family since about that time. Very soon afterwards he had been banished from the Kingdom of Jorg and to this day had lived in the Land of the Oppo States.
[12] His right hand moved over to the short wire-like object laying on the table to his left. He had been told all that time ago that this had been the cause of his banishment. They had accused him of going down the Broad Band Road and getting entangled in The Web Of Lies. No amount of reasoning would convince them that what they called True Magic was just an illusion. He had been found guilty of setting up Oppo Site and calling himself Starfrock The Web Wizard! -
Sparlock and the House of Caleb
by JWB insparlock and the house of caleb.
once upon a time there was a wizard by the name of sparlock.
one day he was taking his daily walk through the neighborhood and eventually came to the house of caleb.
Once upon a time there was a wizard by the name of Sparlock. One day he was taking his daily walk through the neighborhood and eventually came to the house of Caleb. He had always passed by quickly on account of the feeling he had that something was not quite right about the place. However, today he found his steps slowing down as he heard the happy sound of a boy playing with his toy airplane. When the boy caught sight of Sparlock his eyes widened in astonishment.
"Hey Mister, that's a cool looking outfit you're wearing!", said the boy.
"Do you really think so?", replied the wizard.
"Yes I do. I wish my Mom and Dad and sister could see it. I wonder if my Mom's around so I can introduce you to her!"
[Please continue the story] -
Sparlock entry at Uncyclopedia
by IsaacJ22 ini created a brief entry at the uncyclopedia on sparlock.
it can be found here at
if you guys want to make it bigger, better, funnier, that could insure that the entry stays up.
IsaacJ22, I just enjoyed reading the entry and read some things I didn't know. I wonder if we will see a sequel next year, maybe "Return of Sparlock" or "Sparlock Strikes Back"? Do you think the WTS will release a series of collectable Caleb(TM/WT) toys?
Rick Fearons wife Inez passed away
by mouthy indid anyone hear that rick fearons wife inez passed away???
I tried to leave a message here yesterday, but for some reason no entry box appeared.
Dear Rick, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Please accept my genuine sympathies.
When 'this' means 'that', 'you' means 'someone else' and 'shortly' means 'so far in the future you will be long buried and forgotten'
by JWB inwhen 'this' means 'that', 'you' means 'someone else' and 'shortly' means 'so far in the future you will be long buried and forgotten'.
"so he groaned deeply with his spirit, and said: 'why does this generation seek a sign?
truly i say, no sign will be given to this generation.
The Strongest NASB Exhaustive Concordance gives the following definitions:
"2112. eutheos; adv. from 2117; at once, directly:-- immediately (32), shortly (1)"; "2117. euthus; a prim. word used as an adj.; straight, straightway:-- early (1), immediately (52), just then (1), right (2), straight (6)"
Here are a few examples of the use of 'eutheos' in Matthew:
"After being baptized Jesus *immediately came up from the water; and, look! the heavens were opened up, and he saw descending like a dove God's spirit coming upon him." - Matthew 3:16 (NWT) [*eutheos]
"And so, stretching out [his] hand, he touched him, saying: 'I want to. Be made clean.' And *immediately his leprosy was cleansed away." - Matthew 8:3 (NWT) [*eutheos]
"*Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken." - Matthew 24:29 (NWT) [*eutheos] -
The Jehovah's Witness Definition of the Word "Soon"
by God_Delusion inhowdy guys and gals!.
forget the word "generation", the watchtower society has completely spun another word - "soon".. how many times did you (do you) hear jehovah's witnesses tell each other "the end is coming soon"?.
i talk about this word spin in our latest article - the jehovah's witness definition of "soon" -
"... But which is really practical: preparing yourself for a position in this world that will soon pass away? ..." - Awake! 22 May 1969, page 15, "What Future for the Young"
[Edited to add:]
Conclusion: soon = at least 40+ years!
When it comes to doomsday I much prefer fiction and fantasy, don't you?
BTW: Where's Superman when you need him?!
When a Jehovah's witness cannot explain what they believe with New Light
by wasblind intheir firm understandin' become shakey ground if confronted wit their own words.
last week a elder from the hall i attended, kindly approached me, ask why i ( an unbaptised publisher ) stopped.
Reminded me of this Bible verse:
"But sanctify the Christ as Lord in YOUR hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of YOU a reason for the hope in YOU, but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect." - 1 Peter 3:15 (NWT)