JoinedPosts by TheUbermensch
I'm sorry, but I have to say this re Kim Kardashian (fluff thread, sort of)...
by AGuest inbut i do so to be fair (may you all have peace!):.
if she were my daughter, and kris humphries said to her what he said to ms. kim, when she voiced her concerns (again) about not wanting to move to minnesota (which she did before getting married and he "pretended" to accept), i might tell her he's the wrong guy/man, too.
no, i don't believe in divorce "just because,"... and don't know that i would tell my daughter to divorce him (she made her bed, so to say), but.... what did he say?
An Old Argument.... does it hold water?
by AK - Jeff inestimates range from 4 million to 15 million children die from starvation each year on this planet.
that's between 500 and 1700 children a day, depending on what numbers you accept.
still, no matter which numbers you use, doesn't this make you arrive at one of the following conclusions?.
And can it hold 7 billion people? If it can't do we just kill them off until we all fit?
An Old Argument.... does it hold water?
by AK - Jeff inestimates range from 4 million to 15 million children die from starvation each year on this planet.
that's between 500 and 1700 children a day, depending on what numbers you accept.
still, no matter which numbers you use, doesn't this make you arrive at one of the following conclusions?.
Where is there one safe place on the Earth from every possible natural disaster? O_o
What is "truth" - COULD Einstein Have Been Wrong?
by AGuest inmay you all have peace!.
just came across this article:.
"Math", as we know it... might NOT work out. On a previous thread I shared something to this effect when I saw the physical realm come into existence. I heard a voice say... NOT in words of OUR world, but in words that I can only describe as some kind of "math" equations... but NOT, as somehow I understood that they were MUCH more advanced that what is at our current disposal: "Let light come to be/come into existence." Just those "words" spoken... and... omigosh... a very tiny "explosion" occurred. A "light" burst forth (from some other place)... punching through the "void"... and bringing "matter" through with it as it travelled. What I witnessed was the "birth" of that Light... coming out of a "womb". It was pure energy. It was my Lord... being "born"... from the Woman: the spirit realm. He came out of "her"... and into THIS "world"... which was a dense, black void - nothing existed in it. Not even dust particles. No sound. No air. No elements. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Like a vacuum.Yet, those words... that "equation"... resulted in that Light coming forth. We don't know the "math", dear one. We aren't even close to eventing the theories, let alone the formulas. Because what we DO know is absolutely... primitive... even prehistoric... to what I heard.
ahhahahahahaahahhahahahahahah. Did anyone actually read this? ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhh. WOW ahahhahahaha
I've never laughed so hard. And you don't claim to be an extremist AGuest? I don't even know where to start with this statement.
An Old Argument.... does it hold water?
by AK - Jeff inestimates range from 4 million to 15 million children die from starvation each year on this planet.
that's between 500 and 1700 children a day, depending on what numbers you accept.
still, no matter which numbers you use, doesn't this make you arrive at one of the following conclusions?.
I just loved N.Drew telling us what a name is philosophically. Have you actually ever studied philosophy? Aha, as if there is some set in stone definition of what a name is in the philosophical world. ahahhahahah, quite hilarious.
I've pretty much given up on this entire situation/discussion. We're going nowhere. Theists consistently deny that it is God's fault, and blame it on human beings.
Let's say there is something that you are praying for AGuest. I'm not sure what you consider a legitimate objective to pray for, so let's just say you are praying for something in your life, where you live, or in your community. You want so badly for this thing to happen, and it does, and you praise God and say thank you.
Let's say there is a child somewhere else in the world, let's say Japan, praying for something in his community, or where he lives, or for something in his life, and he wants it just as badly as you do, and he's just as righteous. The next day, he drowns in a tsunami....
This happens continually all over the world on a daily basis. People, just as deserving and righteous as you, dying in natural disasters, of starvation, dehydration....
Was that child unworthy of God's love? And you, someone who lives in a respectable house or apartment, I am sure (because you own a computer and pay for internet), someone who eats on a daily basis, probably has a car or some mode of transportation, in other words someone who is better off than more than 30% of the population of this Earth deserved his love more? Do you see how it seems one-sided? God allowed that child to die but answered your measly unimportant prayer? I don't understand how that is believable. It's an abhorrence, a horrible idea.
What greater good could that child have died for?
The picture you paint by stating your beliefs is worse than any Darwinian world that could/does exist, and Darwinian views are absolutely HORRIBLE when it comes to morality and ethics.
My question is: Why does God allow pointless death via natural disaster?
An Old Argument.... does it hold water?
by AK - Jeff inestimates range from 4 million to 15 million children die from starvation each year on this planet.
that's between 500 and 1700 children a day, depending on what numbers you accept.
still, no matter which numbers you use, doesn't this make you arrive at one of the following conclusions?.
Wait, so no love shown to human beings?
I'm confused. How does that separate God from Allah? Allah loves Muhammad.......... ??????????
An Old Argument.... does it hold water?
by AK - Jeff inestimates range from 4 million to 15 million children die from starvation each year on this planet.
that's between 500 and 1700 children a day, depending on what numbers you accept.
still, no matter which numbers you use, doesn't this make you arrive at one of the following conclusions?.
What love is shown in the world by God?
Hilarious! (At Least I Think So...)
by EmptyInside inokay,my mother told me,boy did i have an experience today,meaning field service experience.
and before you start the eye rolling,you got to read this one.. my mother and anther sister went on my mother's return visit.
a young man opens the door and just leaves it open.
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. xD HILARIOUS.
An Old Argument.... does it hold water?
by AK - Jeff inestimates range from 4 million to 15 million children die from starvation each year on this planet.
that's between 500 and 1700 children a day, depending on what numbers you accept.
still, no matter which numbers you use, doesn't this make you arrive at one of the following conclusions?.
Whatever you say Psac.
Sure, we're biased, but the way you described the goings-on in this thread is COMPLETELY one-sided. Compare "This is what I believe and why" to "what you believe is delusional because I disagree with you."
An Old Argument.... does it hold water?
by AK - Jeff inestimates range from 4 million to 15 million children die from starvation each year on this planet.
that's between 500 and 1700 children a day, depending on what numbers you accept.
still, no matter which numbers you use, doesn't this make you arrive at one of the following conclusions?.
Funny that your argument of the Believer and Non Believer makes the Non Believer sound like a complete asshole.
"what you believe is delusional because I disagree with your position since I am right and rational" HA, that's not biased at all is it?
As if someone is wrong just because they disagree with you. I think YOU are the one who hasn't read any of the posts. Have you ever heard a non believer say "Well, you know, those believers believe, so they must be wrong". what an irrational statement on your part Psac.