There is no rule for mixing color. ahahahahahahah. Funny little minds.
JoinedPosts by TheUbermensch
The REAL atheist meaning of life . . .
by nicolaou inthere isn't one and that's a really good thing.
let me illustrate;.
you are an artist, you pick up a new canvas and place it on your easel.
The REAL atheist meaning of life . . .
by nicolaou inthere isn't one and that's a really good thing.
let me illustrate;.
you are an artist, you pick up a new canvas and place it on your easel.
Jesus PSac. ahahahahahah. There is no such thing as "rules" for artists. That's why it is called ART. Listened to Sonic Youth? Strange stuff, but still (excellent) music. They didn't follow any rules. Classical music. Any rules? No. What rules did Picasso follow? ahahahah. Too funny
The general atheist meaning of life
by mankkeli ini have posted this on another forum where i mentor on spirituality and i am posting here again.. when things like spirituality are no longer present in one's life, they may or may not stop looking for meaning.
meaning is an essential part of human psychology, though some feel the need for it less than others, and even a few seemingly don't at all.
there also seems to be a trend that occurs: in the lack of a meaning of life, the brain tries to find one, because it sees a purpose for everything.. .
Look up on Templeton Foundation database, I am one of their nominee next year.
Wasn't there.
The general atheist meaning of life
by mankkeli ini have posted this on another forum where i mentor on spirituality and i am posting here again.. when things like spirituality are no longer present in one's life, they may or may not stop looking for meaning.
meaning is an essential part of human psychology, though some feel the need for it less than others, and even a few seemingly don't at all.
there also seems to be a trend that occurs: in the lack of a meaning of life, the brain tries to find one, because it sees a purpose for everything.. .
uber - as for your reply above it does not even make sense.
Actually it does. He made a generalization about a majority of atheists and the value they place in life. He has no credible statistic to back up this assertion, thus it is absolutely meaningless. It is like saying that most Jews live in Pennsylvania. The subconscious is an unknown object that contains unknown information. The conscious contains activity. I can ponder the meaning of live, and the value I instill in it, therefore it is a property of the conscious mind, and can not be affected by the subconscious. (take any Psych 101 class)
As for your previous post concerning me misrepresenting information... I ask how?
I took a statement "Meaning is an essential part of human psychology, but some feel the need for it less than others, and some don't need it at all" and pointed out it's contradictory content. By saying that "meaning is an essential part of human psychology" (ummm no it isn't) that means it is necessary for EVERYONE. (definition of essential). He then states that some feel the need for it less than others, and some don't need it at all. That is CONTRADICTORY. You can NOT say that it is essential (needed for life basically) and then say that some DON'T need it.
Free Will and Foreknowledge
by TheUbermensch inhi, i'm a new member that enjoys civil debate, so i thought i'd just throw a topic out there.. if we take the standard, contemporary judeo-christian god (all-knowing, all powerful, and perfectly good in every possible way) and attempt to incorporate free will, we end up with a contradiction.
an all knowing being knows everything that has occured, is occuring and will occur, if otherwise then we can not consider this being to know all.
if god knows all that will happen, then he knows our decisions, as well as the outcomes of those decisions.
Hitler's Third Reich exploited what Hegel, Kant and Nietzsche had done to the minds of university students. The Ubermensch, the Superman, had the Will to Power and no Jews deserved to stand in their way. Kant had taught that obedience to superior authority was every man DUTY. See where it got the Germans?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAhahiuhahahahahahahahahahhaha. Where in Nietzsche's writings did he say that Jews did not have the Will to Power? ahahahahahahahahahah That's almost like saying that Lenin and Stalin practiced Marxist theory. ahahahahahahahaha.
Empiricism is one type of thought where rationalism is another. There are two different thought processes that concern ALL philosophies. Obviously morality is mixed with metaphysics because our metaphysical beliefs are what create or affect moral beliefs.
Read some philosophy before you comment on it. Kant did not believe in a submission to a superior authority, he believed that authority would always exist. Your submission is not necessary if it hinders your freedom or the freedom of others. The government only exists in a Kantian ideology to protect your freedom and to ensure your freedoms to not hinder others freedom.
Obviously you haven't read Metaphysics of Morals or Perpetual Peace
The general atheist meaning of life
by mankkeli ini have posted this on another forum where i mentor on spirituality and i am posting here again.. when things like spirituality are no longer present in one's life, they may or may not stop looking for meaning.
meaning is an essential part of human psychology, though some feel the need for it less than others, and even a few seemingly don't at all.
there also seems to be a trend that occurs: in the lack of a meaning of life, the brain tries to find one, because it sees a purpose for everything.. .
Religion DID NOT involve physical evolution. Myths were stories to explain things we do not know. There is no PHYSICAL EVOLUTION. GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHIrugahriuhiruaghriuaghvnaeri FRUSTRATION.
The general atheist meaning of life
by mankkeli ini have posted this on another forum where i mentor on spirituality and i am posting here again.. when things like spirituality are no longer present in one's life, they may or may not stop looking for meaning.
meaning is an essential part of human psychology, though some feel the need for it less than others, and even a few seemingly don't at all.
there also seems to be a trend that occurs: in the lack of a meaning of life, the brain tries to find one, because it sees a purpose for everything.. .
Mankkeli, where did you even get that? I find meaning in my life without the belief in God. Are you high?
The general atheist meaning of life
by mankkeli ini have posted this on another forum where i mentor on spirituality and i am posting here again.. when things like spirituality are no longer present in one's life, they may or may not stop looking for meaning.
meaning is an essential part of human psychology, though some feel the need for it less than others, and even a few seemingly don't at all.
there also seems to be a trend that occurs: in the lack of a meaning of life, the brain tries to find one, because it sees a purpose for everything.. .
excellent points mankkeli
Seriously? Wow. Let me take this flaming vat of shit and dissect the "excellent points".
"When things like spirituality are no longer present in one's life, they may or may not stop looking for meaning"
Incorrect. Meaning is a relative term, for instance I do not find God meaningful, but you do. Does that mean that what you find meaningful is the only correct meaningful object(s)? Please. You are speaking of nihilism, a completely different subject.
"Meaning is an essential part of human psychology, though some feel the need for it less than others,"
Incorrect. Contradictory statement. If I say that all triangles are NOT circle-ish but say that some ARE sort of circle-ish I would sound like an idiot. You can't say that meaning is an essential part of human psychology and then say that some people don't need meaning.
"There also seems to be a trend that occurs: in the lack of a meaning of life, the brain tries to find one, because it sees a purpose for everything."
Partly correct The brain does find meaning for objects and existence, but a lack of a meaning in life IS a meaning. (nihilism, read up on it)
"What this thread is to address is the most commonly assumed purpose of living associated with atheism, but is rarely consciously understood: survival."
HA. You just made a generalization about millions of people throughout the world. You think that since I don't believe in God I only care about survival? Give me a break. The subconscious is not concerned with life or it's meaning, that is a conscious thought (read some psychology).
"The survival of life is the most common thing that is subconsciously assumed to be the only purpose for survival. From this perspective, things like art, music and spirituality are considered to be mere psychological needs."
They are not psychological needs they are psychological EXCERCISES. This has been proven, so there is no point to the contrary. I am an extremely passionate musician and I realize that music is an expression of my experiences.
"Though, to most it may seem like simply a depressing state of mind, it is hypothetically dangerous."
Oh please. I don't need your pity. Dangerous? Your false explanation about a mindset that you've never experienced? Do I post threads about the mindset of a Buddhist? Of course not.
." Religion may have literally evolved physically because it supports clan efforts to make sacrifices for the group even when they may not recieve something in return."
Religion couldn't have evolved physically, it is not a physical being. Are you saying that religion is socialistic at heart? O_o
"Due to this, they survived strongly as a group because they needed each other to watch out for each other. The only way they could sustain a tribe from a lack of morality in desperate times is fear of a diety, or promise of a better life, which only comes from religion."
Incorrect. If the fear of a deity had never been placed in someone's mind, but instead an extreme sense of morality (which is present in my mind, asshole, how dare you assume that atheists have no sense of mroals), then you would have much better human beings roaming the Earth. You do realize that religion creates a natural schism in human beings? You believe yourself better because you have been chosen by God, whereas I have not, because I am not worthy. That is an IMmoral thought.
"If the purpose of life is simply to survive, then there's really no reason why I shouldn't lie, cheat and steal. My instincts tell me not to, but others may come to the conclusion that their instincts need to be overridden with "reason," and that their desires should be met by whatever means necessary."
Incorrect. Your values that you place in life have nothing to do with morality. In fact, if you can be forgiven for your sins doesn't that mean that I can just go do what I want and then be forgiven again? Much more of an escape than the idea that THIS is the only life (which puts much more value in THIS life than religion does. Instictual thought has nothing to do with morality. Too much generalization for me to even discuss.
"A lot of this is subconscious, and it is part of why atheists won't succeed without first philosophizing the "whys" of life. Why not kill? Why not lie? Why not cheat? Why do any of these things if I'm not going to get something back, and especially if I'm not going to suffer consequences?"
It isn't subconscious. The subconscious does NOT deal with value. Value is a CONSCIOUS thought. Why not kill? Because I do not wish to end another person's life because it is the ONLY life. (see what I did there?) Why not cheat? Because my moral standards would make me view myself as a loser. There is law enforcement in this life... you realize this?
Do you hate God
by Star tiger ini beginning to think that this would be a good way of thinking, a totally righteous being would not let all the shit that is happenning to people prevail, this being cannot have the best interests of man as his first priority, it's all about ego and no matter how the human familty suffers, he hates pretty much everyone, as the tv show says, your fired, let's get a better god, one who at least gives everyone a chance!!.
i welcome comments from god apologists, to at least have an argument as to why they put they're faith in someone that does'nt give a shit about them!.
star tiger.
I hate delusion.
The general atheist meaning of life
by mankkeli ini have posted this on another forum where i mentor on spirituality and i am posting here again.. when things like spirituality are no longer present in one's life, they may or may not stop looking for meaning.
meaning is an essential part of human psychology, though some feel the need for it less than others, and even a few seemingly don't at all.
there also seems to be a trend that occurs: in the lack of a meaning of life, the brain tries to find one, because it sees a purpose for everything.. .
Wow you're a moron.