Over 30 years ago I remember the CO and his wife had a trailor on the KH parking lot. There was an issue as to who would pay to insure the moble home while it was parked on the KH property, either the WBTS or the KH members. The following year we had a new CO and he did not have a mobil home..
JoinedPosts by Roberta804
The CO and his wife have no home
by not bitter ini know some have a flat or apartment that they can go to on the odd week off but i believe that the majority have no base to call home.. my parents have the co and wife stayng this week again and i asked my mum about it.
she says that if they do get the any time off they go to her mothers to stay but thats only every few months.
i just can't imagine having to live out of a suitcase in someone elses home constantly.. how to they not crack up.
I just want a divorce!
by bornfree123 inhi there, this is my first post, but i've been buzzing around this site for years.. i got married at 18, hubby was 20, i was a regular pioneer and we were talking about serving in bethel.
fast forward - i left in 2004 after a 5 year battle with my conscience, family and friends who kept insisting that i was just "weak and needed to have another bible study".
however hubby and i stayed together although it was kinda on the understanding that we would just not talk about it.
Born Free,
You are not as restricted as your JW husband. To me there are only the four "A's" for divorce: Adulty, Abuse, Abandenment, and Addiction. No Judge in the world would keep you from obtaining your divorce with his abandnment. So go ahead and file and just smile when you see him until he gets served.
Would you like the
by mouthy inrevelation book?
or you can live forever on a paradise earth???
Your asking a lot Mouthy. Yes I know I am bad (Shador, I am very careful. My antics are a bit curtailed now because they put up a camera) but just like with
xwhyzzee, I really want to make hamberger of them. Maybe I am a bit touched to harbor such feelings and do such deeds. But that part of my life is only a part, I do have other interests and passions, so I think I am ok. Haven't any of you want to at the least soap their windows?
The Watchtower is Over....Jehovah is Ovah!!!!((Please Read))
by Joliette inno more assemblies or conventions.... no more service meetings, book studies, bible studies..... no more bethelites, gilead graduates, no more missionary work.. no more watchtower studies, field service, pioneers, elders, ministerial servants.. no more 'serving where the need is great.'.
its over, its over.. the watchtower has decided to end it all, suspend the organization work.
no more money.
There would be a lot of new Mormans
Would you like the
by mouthy inrevelation book?
or you can live forever on a paradise earth???
I'm only 54, but a grandma of 4 all under 7 years of age. I started Thinking for myself at age 12 (thinking was very dangerous) and had my first JC at age 14 because I asked for clarification during a WT rag study. At every corner I was rolling my eyes (elder's words, not mine), showed lack of respect for men in general..... really only the JW men. Been out 25 plus years and I still daydream of mean little things I can do to the elders or KH.
My best ones to date was putting gel fluid into the toilets and sprinkle purple rain on the floor in the middle of winter. They had to call a plumber to unclog the toilets and get new carpet. Oh and my most recent was to put a commerical grade glass vile of stink under the mat in front of the main door the night before the memorial.
I don't know why I am so obsessed with terrorizing them.... maybe because they terrorized me all my growing up years. Mouthy are you are mean as me????
Would you like the
by mouthy inrevelation book?
or you can live forever on a paradise earth???
Hey there Grandma Mouthy! Your broom stick may be bigger than mine...... but I am the biggest, baddest, dog gone tootingin Apostate in these here parts.
Out with the old....
by wha happened? ini purchased a condo late last year and due to my personal schedule, i wasn't able to redo it to my preferance until a few months ago.
all the heavy work is done.
now just replacing electrical outlets, fixtures and such.
Good for you! I vividly remember, 25 years ago, the absolute satisfying feeling when I made a huge bon fire out of my mother's bound volumes!
Tri-tip and Horse-manure
by Oubliette in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:documentproperties> <o:revision>0</o:revision> <o:totaltime>0</o:totaltime> <o:pages>1</o:pages> <o:words>427</o:words> <o:characters>2438</o:characters> <o:company>oak park</o:company> <o:lines>20</o:lines> <o:paragraphs>5</o:paragraphs> <o:characterswithspaces>2860</o:characterswithspaces> <o:version>14.0</o:version> </o:documentproperties> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><!
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My heart warmed thoughts are with you.....
No Booing Allowed At District Conventions Especially During Apostate Hate Speech Talks
by frankiespeakin inthis district assembly talk is so bad it a shame that no one is allowed to get up boo it, or voice anything negative about it, they have a captive audience of heads noding yes and claps of approval and agreement with every word or else.. it would liven up things if a group spread out in a stadium and started yelling "hate speech hate speech!
" .
Oh I think the "Human Apostate" talk would be a prime opportunity to crush a few stink bombs.
Crisis of Conscience and the preaching work with WT literature
by losingit in"it is interesting to contrast the deliberate elimination of prayers andsongs at witness meetings in mexico with the action of the watchtower society in the united states, where they were willing to fightcase after case all the way up to the supreme court of the countryrather than give up certain practices, such as offering literature fromdoor to door without a license and without having to register withthe police, the right to use sound cars, distribute literature on streetcorners, and many other such practices which are covered byconstitutional rights.
the organization did not want to relinquish anyof these things.
it fought to hold on to them, even though theseparticular practices are certainly not things that were done by earlychristians in the first century and hence cannot be counted as amongprimary christian practices.".
So glad to see that you see the borg as it really is... a publishing company in corporate America....... Only in Americia could something like the WBTS come about.