Even if it was,why would you want to follow a so called policy.Protect
the child first.Then go to an elder for a ruling on a criminal matter.
WOW It's a wide open world,use your
own thoughts.
my mother and i have been continually discussing the pedophile issue, and the dateline show.
she insists that there is no official policy of going to the elders first, when this situation occurs in a family.
she said she feels it is a family matter, and she personally, would go to the police first, and let them handle it.
1) i am a sister in a congregation of jehovah's witnesses in southern california.. i have a job.
i have a life.
i have a family.
may 23, 2002. mrs. barbara anderson.
c/o jerre michael hood .
37396. dear mrs. anderson,.
You know they talk about her admitting something she didn't do so she
will show repentance,well what about them admitting there errors so
they will show some repentance.So far they say they have done nothing wrong,so they must be unrepentant as well.(duh)
WOW It's a wide open world,use your
own thoughts.
i have been meeting-free for a year now, (although i did attend the last memorial mainly out of curiosity).
i have learned enough now, since leaving "the truth" to know that i'm never going back.
but i was wondering how long it takes to get all of the shit out of your head?
I don't know how long you were in so here goes,Ive been out for 12 years and I still fight with it.This is something that follows you all
your life I think.It's something you deal with as best as you can and
try to move on.Getting informed helps this,for me it's a part of my life that will reocurr with certain events.I feel we all are as normal
as normal can get with this type of history.
WOW It's a wide open world,use your
own thoughts.
this article was in today's desert and pass edition of the press-enterprise (riverside, ca, usa).
it doesn't appear on their website.
i typed the article verbatim.
if you are looking to go on a cruise in december, on celebrity, in the southern caribbean, make sure you ask who else is on board, before you book!
unless you want to spend your days being preached to on a ship...remember, no escape on the water!.
just got this off of jw on the web: .
to those that say that most jw's are windowwashers(due to no higher education), well you're wrong.
some are carpet cleaners, grease monkeys, pizza delivery boys, bread delivery boy, drivers, hair cutters, carwashers, toilet cleaners.... hey wait a minute... like the allmighty homer j. simpson said "dough!!
has anyone read the book crisis of conscience?i want to get it,but i would like to know if the information is helpful.. wow it's a wide open world,use your.
own thoughts.
just curious if your parents still have contact with you after you have been df'd/da'd.
mine have stood by w/strong convictions not to have contact w/me.
they have to have some being that i have kids that they want to see (but that is very minimal).