It is irrefutable . I am fully convinced nonef you will not find me another one unless you an indpendent Bible student and came up with some new good ideas from the Bible.
If you belong to any other church organization it will be in contradiction to the Bible.
Harold Camping from who has the same year 2011 AD on table when Jesus should return is against all local churches and he got good points you can hear by tuning to his interesting Open Forum program.
Whatever mistakes on the part of the Watchtower , they might not accept me with my biblical views , they still surpass all other churches on this planet earth.
The timeline I came to concerning our last days which are the endtimes points to the Internatonal Bible Student Association and Jehovah's Witnesses as the only true christian organizations in our time.
7 BC .. 2 BC ... 29 AD - 33 AD - 36 AD
has a duplicate in :
1879 AD .... 1884 AD ... 1914 AD - 1918 AD - 1921 AD .
Times when Jesus and his first disciples lived and taught a new religion can be superimposed upon the times of the International Bible Student Association.They revived or restored the defunct true christian religion.
And by sticking to the name wachtower Jehovah's Witnesses became a legitimate organization approved of God and they in turn has a 7-year period of tribulation in the precise time:
1935 AD - 1939 AD - 1942 AD.
The next 7-year period is 1984 AD - 1988 AD - 1991 AD .
Note the distances between the dates:
1914 AD - 1935 AD - 1984 AD beginning dates : 21 years + 49 years .
This how 70-year period can be split into two parts.
A special jubilee year was 1984 AD.
1984 AD - 50 years - 50 years ... 1884 AD.
1984 AD + 50 years = 2034 AD.
1935 AD - 1984 AD - 2034 AD shows there two ways to count jubilee years: every 49 year or every 50 year.
Go to
and note I am speaking about 23 year period : 2011 AD - 2034 AD.
2034 AD - 3034 AD = 1000 years.
7 BC was a jubilee year in line of 607 BC ..... 457 BC ... 7 BC and 1994 AD was a jubilee year and the next one is 2044 AD.
1935 AD ... 1984 AD .... 2034 AD .... 2044 AD .... 990 years ... 3034 AD ..... 3044 AD ...... 990 years ........
49 50 10 10x99 ( 49+50) = 990 10 10x99 = 990
We can see how beautifully the future times will be arranged ! This time pattern will go into eternity.
Read and examine my posts on alt.religion.jehovahs-witn how I came to that God's name represents the number 99 which is 49+50 .
By God's grace ( HalleluYAH ) I am using Luke 9.49-50 to claim my independent status and I am defending Jehovah's Witnesses and it must be so as God YAHWEH prearranged that. God's name 99 is on Jehovah's Witnesses with their date 1934 AD .