Because the revival of the Christianity began in 1879 AD and the date is the equivalent of the year 7 BC. The year 1914 AD = 29 AD. If Jehovh's Witnesses speak about the invisible coming of Christ they should speak about the spiritual coming of Christ in the person of Taze Russell.Christ was revealed in him in his personality.
Posts by OBVES
Charles Taze Russell was right!!!
by whereami inaccording to this article, interesting read.
fundamentalist christians take a hard line on setting dates for the second advent of christ.
but that didn't happen in 1914. as of 2004 it still hasn't happened.
Dearest OBVES...
by AGuest inmay you have peace!.
i have started a new thread on the subject you raised, blood, because the other is so long i didn't want the information i am privileged to share with you to be lost.
i wish to tell you that you have been misled and, like those you follow, risk misleading others, to your own detriment and theirs.
Read the Apocryphas how the dying of hunger Jews were refusing to eat food with blood and were ready to die ,sacrifice their blood for sticking to God's law .
Dearest OBVES...
by AGuest inmay you have peace!.
i have started a new thread on the subject you raised, blood, because the other is so long i didn't want the information i am privileged to share with you to be lost.
i wish to tell you that you have been misled and, like those you follow, risk misleading others, to your own detriment and theirs.
He didn't give blood to his disciples to drink ! He have them the substitute .The Watchtower seeks substitutes for blood !
Dearest OBVES...
by AGuest inmay you have peace!.
i have started a new thread on the subject you raised, blood, because the other is so long i didn't want the information i am privileged to share with you to be lost.
i wish to tell you that you have been misled and, like those you follow, risk misleading others, to your own detriment and theirs.
They were drinking blood of the dead to inherit characteristics of the dead which was to enable them to survive ! Which is much like transfusion today !
Also to make things more complicated know that in those times there were many people who lack food and were dying of hunger while from the blood a lot of food could be made and save many people from death .This would be saving life so why the blood was to be poured into the ground by God's law ?
It could save as many lives at that time in food like today's transfusions !But the most important is this why did Christ speak about drinking blood to be saved and yet he gave a substitute to his disciples : wine or grape juice which is the fruit of the vine ?
Dearest OBVES...
by AGuest inmay you have peace!.
i have started a new thread on the subject you raised, blood, because the other is so long i didn't want the information i am privileged to share with you to be lost.
i wish to tell you that you have been misled and, like those you follow, risk misleading others, to your own detriment and theirs.
You think the Watchtower is dead wrong on the blood issue you don't have to be in their organization .But there are people who agree with them and other teachings ; so they decided to be under their leadership and that is a principle governing an organization.
It is at your own risk what you are doing .
I don't belong to their organization as I have other good biblical reasons to do so .There are other points that point to the Jehovah's Witnesses as the true religion. Give me another christian organization that is against the blood transfusion and is the true religion surpassing them !
Dearest OBVES...
by AGuest inmay you have peace!.
i have started a new thread on the subject you raised, blood, because the other is so long i didn't want the information i am privileged to share with you to be lost.
i wish to tell you that you have been misled and, like those you follow, risk misleading others, to your own detriment and theirs.
Note that you will die faster from inhaling the smoke from those who smoke cigarettes than you and your children will face the blood transfusion .
Would you go on tv and proclaim :
Hey , listen you murderers who smoke cigarettes and kill thousand of innocent people every year. Stop smoking ! You are destroying a chance to live for ever ,so every one of you is destroying billion upon billion years of happy life .
And I have to face these people on the streets,in workplace ,near the entrances to shops ! They do me harm personally .
And the eternal life is more than that and compare that with the " lost years of life of those people who died because of blood transfusion over the whole history of mankind ! Say 1 000 000 000 000 died x 100 years still it is nothing as compared with one lost eternal life of one smoker !
Will you call police to arrest a smoker or should he be killed instantly for such a great loss of life ?
So, leave the Watchtower alone let them do what they want to do if their conscience tells them so . They study the Bible and they understand the way they do .You have murderers more horrible around you ! How many unborn children killed in the USA alone yearly mostly for out of convenience and ignorance !
Dearest OBVES...
by AGuest inmay you have peace!.
i have started a new thread on the subject you raised, blood, because the other is so long i didn't want the information i am privileged to share with you to be lost.
i wish to tell you that you have been misled and, like those you follow, risk misleading others, to your own detriment and theirs.
So why he did not give his blood to drink to his disciples ? But he gave them a substitute ! Also some amount could have been preserved to be miraculously multiplied into hundreds of gallans to and given to drink to save all the sick believing in him - why no blood was left if it was the most saving blood ? He said the words during last supper and why did the disciples not run to the cross to get a small drop of blood and drink it ?If Christ said they had to drink "of this cup " ane he meant blood he to drink .
If you told me in the kitchen my child don't eat that soup that is on the table .
To obey you I would do all I can to avoid that soop even if I were very hungry. I would not think how to eat the soup in another way around .
If you have the word abstain from blood it can be taken to the extremes to please someone who tells you to abstain from blood . If abstain you may take it to avoid the blood at any rate, any possible way.You simply reject blood by not allowing it into you body as much as you can.
I went also to this point assuming the Watchtower makes mistake on the blood issue and what happens then .
Know that in some religions people believe when man dies he goes to be with the Lord in heaven . So ,people should be happy ,not crying over the death of a man ! Would you cry if your child dies and go to heaven to be in the bliss or would you like to have your child with you and go through tribulations and trials in this mieserable world of bad people and risk the fate of your child if so many turn rebellious and will die forever ?
If son dies you going to see him soon anyway if you are saved man .
Would you panick and kill yourself if you sent your son far away to another country for 20 years and will not see or hear from him ?
You would reconcile with that even you may be not sure what will happen to your son in a foreign country . But if your son dies to be in heaven in the bliss , and certainly you could do your utmost to see him there soon , now it turns out to be a crime ,a tragedy !
Obves correct! Yearbook 75 says BABIES who take blood won't live forever!!!
by Witness 007 inyearbook 75 p.223-224 witness couple and their 6 day old cheryl, who needed blood.
"darell and rhoda correctly viewed blood transfusion as a violation of god's law, and thus oposed it.
they were concerned about the babies welfare, for everlasting life is only the prospect of those adhering to god's laws.
I did not say the babies taking blood would not be saved. I am not saying those who refuse blood for religious reasons because they understand so will be condemned . I am not saying those who allowed blood transfusion will be condemned.
Suppose those who refuse the blood transfusion make mistakes . How many people make mistakes on the roads killing thousands of people or die at workplaces.
You may say these are mistakes beyond control ! No they are not ! People can be more careful or stop riding their cars and use buses or trains.By doing so thousands more babies could be saved than by refusing blood to them !
The same with smoking cigarettes millions upon millions destroy their lives and other people's lives .You may faster die as a result of the smoke inhalation than have your child dead because you chose to refuse blood transfusion.
You or your child may die faster of some deadly sickness than face the death by refusing blood transfusion.Most likely you will never face the choice should you give blood to your child or not ! And don't worry if Jehovah's Witnesses are of the true religion their children that died earlier because of the refused blood will live anyway in the future and be united with their parents thanking God Yahweh they are live and well and thank their parents too.
I express this view in my thread if knew I would become infidel ,renegade , unbelieving person I would prefer to be dead as a child.When the death comes all the past life is gone and what matters then is the time I am facing death . You will not think then how many chicken soups you have consumed or what you have been doing in the year 2000 AD on July ,21 or 2002 AD on March ,18.
Is 1914 date flawed?
by badboy inreasoning from the scriptures says on pp95-97 that months consist of 30 days.. years therefore would be 360 days long.. i have calcaluted(sic)that for every year in the `western'calender such a 360 day calender would fall 4/5 days depending on whether it was a leapyear or not.
now over a period of 2520 years,a 360 day calender would be 9,940 days behind a 364/5 day calender(25 years!
) therefore 2520 years according to book of daniel would fall in 1889!.
It is not 25 years as you wrote.
A prophetic year of 360 days is 5 days shorter (+ small fraction of a day) from our solar year.
So 365 divided by 5 = 72
Every 72 year is an extra year included (72 x 5 = 365 days)
In 2520 years we have 35 times extra years !!
2520 divided by 72 = 35
So we move back 35v years from 1914 and get 1879 AD which is the year the Watchtower was forst published to the world and that was the year the religion linked to the Watchhtower was recognized by God as a true religion-the religion of the end time.
There is another way to arrive at 35;
7 x 360 = 2520
7 x 365 = 2555 a 35-year difference
If we count 2520 solar years (to 1914 AD) it is the same as adjusted prophetic years. -
OBVES What is your Status
by JT incould you share with us your status- if you have posted it please direct me to the thread.. are you a current jw/ms/elder/active/inactive thanks
back then when I was in Poland I used to be a pious catholic. A priest who taught religion gave me one time a gift.He himself was the author of the book and it was entitled "Eschatology" (About the final thiings) and that started me into the deep thinking about religion and I liked to mediate a lot as I wanted to explain everything that was related to my religion.I liked to debate with people about religion and I was called Jesus when I was after I was accepted a college Warsaw,Poland.
I used to teach students about the Bible and also debated with some Jehovah's Witnesses but soon later I was gaining more ane more knowledge and found myslef alone. I abandoned my catholic religion but at the same time I felt I could not join the Jehovah's Witnesses unless they are receptive to what I had learnt from the Bible. As a result I went an independent course and the gap was widening more and more between what I knew and what the Jehovah's Witnesses knew.
Being alone was not easy and I was kind of losing vigor but when I experinced a tragedy in which my girlfriend and my brother was involved I was in deep distres and it was 1984 and I was trying to explain my tragic experinces in the light of the Bible as I knew a lot about God and saw God's hand in what I was going through and soon after that I accidently opend the Bible on a page where the 70 weeks of Daniel 9.24-25 were written and the numbers "70" and "7" got my
attention.It is interesting and nice coincidence as I am writing on teh importance of numbers here on this forum lately.
Yes the numebrs "70" and "7" worked a transormation in me.It was kind of breakthrough in my life as I stood on feet again. I was almost dead and God made me alive-Psalm 88.So as you see the numbers can work miracles and I am talking about the numbers that are in the Bible ;they are also life to us as the whole Bible means life to us and the numbers there must be included just as the words that are found in the Bible.
So I was engaged in preaching work ( I was already in the United States for a few years at that time). I was thinking for a while that the en dmight come in 1987 but as I decided to start my mission in the fall 1984 I came to conclusion that 1991 will be the end of the world.Now I undestand that was an incomplete understanding.But if God has some plans for me and He allowed for the prediction for 1991 it must have some meaning though we may not understand that in a given time. I was wrong in prediction but it wa snot a total failure jsut as the year 1914 was a wrong date for the end and yet it has some added value to it and I am using it very extensively in my calculations. We must look from a different perspective now at the predictions that are made by the true believers.The true believers cannot be false prophets.So we must have another kind of definition of a false prophet in our times and if you read my posts you shoudl already know why.
So I have remained an independent believer and yet I am not against Jehovah's Witnesses and Luke 9.49-50 is the answer.