May you have peace!
I have started a new thread on the subject you raised, blood, because the other is so long I didn't want the information I am privileged to share with you to be lost. I wish to tell you that you have been misled and, like those you follow, risk misleading others, to your own detriment and theirs. I have been directed by the spirit of my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, to explain to you the TRUTH about blood, its purpose and value, and the Law Covenant's restriction against "eating" it.
Under the law, a person's LIFE... was in his/her blood. As a result, the Law was that no one should eat the blood of another. This is because many of the "nations" ate blood as a delicacy, for sport and for other reasons having nothing to do with sustaining life. By doing so, they devalued this precious liquid (precious as far as earthling man is considered) and made it nothing more than, say, beef and cucumbers. Food was not only for the preservation of life, but also for earthling man's physical enjoyment. Blood, however, was for neither, but for life... and the atonement of sin.
After my Lord's ascension, the disciples were led by the holy spirit he poured out on them and as a result, James, led by such spirit, informed the others (some of who were trying to impose the "law" of circumcision on the non-Jews) that such spirit only "added" a few things, including to "abstain" from blood. In their usual form, WTBTS took this beyond the true intent (i.e., not to eat blood for refreshment, delicacy, etc., as many of the "nations" did at that time), and included a restirction against giving/taking blood... intraveneously... for the purpose of saving another's life. Truly, there was no such "law," and saving another's life was not and has never been restricted by the Holy Spirit.
The TRUTH regarding what we should do when it comes to giving/taking blood can be found in the words of my Lord, when he said, "No one has GREATER love than this... that he should give his LIFE... on behalf of his friends." My Lord gave his life. How? By giving his blood, which he poured out on behalf of the world and commaned us to DRINK. Now, the WTBTS again oversteps the words of my Lord by saying that he substituted wine because he knew the law against eating blood. That was not the truth. The TRUTH is that he substituted wine because he knew that the blood he once possessed, red hemoglobin that coursed through the veins of his body of flesh... would be CHANGED... to the "lifeblood" of God... holy spirit... so that no red hemoglobin would remain. Thus, when we partake of the wine we are, in essence, indicating a "drinking" of the "blood" of Christ... holy spirit.
Now, given that my Lord said that no man had greater love than to give his life on behalf of his friends... and a man's life is IN his blood... how can withholding one's blood... one's LIFE... meet with God's approval? Wouldn't giving such blood in fact be a SACRIFICE of one's life on behalf of the other? It would.
I understand that you might not be able to get past the Law Covenant, however, which is one of the MAIN reasons why the WTBTS teaches what it does: it still adheres to "Moses" and the Law mediated by him... rather than accepting the Law of Christ, which was mediated by my Lord, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. As such, they constitute a "harlot," a woman who is bound to one man... but continues to adhere to the law of another, and such other presumably dead.
Under the Law Covenant, one was condemned for "transgressing" even one of them. Indeed, if you transgressed one... you trangressed them all. How could one ever prevail? One couldn't. Unless... one was RELEASED from that Law. And those who accept the blood of Christ as ratification of a covenant for a NEW law are so released. Yet, we cannot be without law ("lawless"), can we? No, for in a society without law, all suffer. Thus, my Lord gave us a NEW law... a NEW commandment... that we LOVE one another.
Okay, so... given that the life is in the blood... that no one has greater love than to give his life on behalf of his friends... and that we are COMMANDED to love one another... how can one WITHHOLD one's blood if another needs it to live... and still be adhering to such new law? One cannot.
The bottom line, dear OBVES... is NOT that we should concern ourselves with TRANSGRESSING the commands of the OLD Law... but that we concern ourselves with SURPASSING that Law... by means of the command of the NEW Law... love. If you think that God will find you unrighteous because you "overstepped" a comman of the Old Law in order to show love... then you do NOT know Him. Not at all. Nor do you know the Christ. For this is the VERY lesson that my Lord taught. Daily. It is the reason he healed on the Sabbath. It is the reason that he touched those considered "unclean." It is the reason that he hung out with sinners. It is the reason that those who hated him, did so: because LOVE... covers a MULTITUDE of transgressions... and because LOVE... along with others... is a FRUIT of God's spirit... against which there is no law.
I am to ask you, then, to consider this: it is judgment day and two men are standing before the throne of God. Both had the opportunity to save another's life... by giving their own (through blood)... whether temporarily or eternally. One, out of fear of God, withheld his blood and the person died. The other, out of LOVE for his fellow man, gave his blood, although he knew he might be giving up his change for eternal life, and the other lived as a result. Which man do YOU think God will love... and respect... more? The one who let another die... purely out of his own fear? Or the one who was willing to give up even his eternal life... to save the life of just one other?
If you know the answer, then you are not far from knowing God. If you do not know the, then I bid you look to the Christ and ask yourself which man was he?
I bid you peace... ears to hear... and a heart of love.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,