Love it.....heard your story on the podcast, and love it also. Good on ya......all of you. Great job on JWPOCAST.COM also BTW.
JoinedPosts by mauiboy
What would happen if we all did something like this?
by cha ching in
having the mindset of "alice in wonderland" & the elders are "just like a pack of cards".
pretty good idea, to "let the people know"... i like the fact that she gave them sealed envelopes... .
If Your JW Parent Died Would YOU Go To The Kingdom Hall For The Talk?
by minimus ini would like your thoughts, please..
I wopuld, I did, and it went quite well.....better than I expected. Decide for yourself....But remember: If you don't go, there is no re-take. If you go and regret it, you'll get over it.
Can anyone confirm this?
by bafh inmy mom today said the brother behind the children's annimation used to work at pixar.
is that true?
if so, can anyone confirm it?.
check out The owner of the website is the guy who does the animation if I understand correctly. Sound for videos is inserted by WTB&TS in their studios. Organistudios owner (Jimmy) is from Utah(?) and now lives in Maui, attends and upcountry congregation.
Hebrews 10:25
by millie210 ini was asked recently by a still in friend (it was meant sincerely not sarcastically).
"but what do you do with that scripture so far as not attending meetings?".
i typed hebrews 10:25 in to the search bar but didnt get much.. .
My 2c: The Bible was written for the benefit of 1st century Christians. When the last of the apostles died, the Bibles efficacy died along with them. Not to say it's not a good book, it is. However trying to fit every word of it into our lives today, is like trying to pack an orange into an apple just doesn't fit. That is probably why so many of the WT terachings are so absurd; trying to make sense of archaic writings applied to todays world: Impossible. Just consider the WT's explaination of prophecies made 1000's of years ago. I'm supposing to the people of that time, the meanings were crystle clear ; today tho? "Clear as mud, but it covers the ground, and the confusion makes me head go round and round".....H. Belefonte
My own daughter has much suffered; she will get justice in due time.
by TheFadingAlbatros injust learned today direct from my beloved daughter that she has been abused between 5 and 12 years old by 2 brothers (her own cousins) and 1 family "friend".
she has attempted suicide a few days ago.
luckily she is living and she is not physically injured.
My heart goes out to you, your family and especially your daughter.
While you support her, don't delay too long in going to the authorities. The longer you wait, the more possiblity of further abuse to other children.
Take our love and find strength.
How to disassociate? HELP
by Mandrake ini'm looking for a way to disassociate myself, now i'm thinking to make a "public declaration" before a civil law notary (i'm in chile), but i need some ideas about what to put in that declaration, i would like to look the "ks" book to cover all possible sides and make a solid declaration... any experiences?
my plan is to make that legal declaration that would say "i'm no longer consider myself a jehovah's witness nor want to be linked to any of the wt organizations or legal entities, and want all my personal records to be erased"... any orientation will be helpful :).
I agree with joe134cd....that's what I did about 7 years ago. Mouch of my family is still in....I don't want anything to interfere with my being able to have contact with my grandchildren. However, I have always thought I would take out a 'personal ad', or maybe place and 'announcement' in the largest local newspaper stating the why, and what and that I no longer want to be part of this deceptive organization. My hope would be that, when the word got out, many of my old JW friends might have seeds planted by my 'announcment'.
Overlap what???
by dugout injust out of the blue i asked my wife whos been a jw for some 30 odd years can she explain the overlapping doctrine.
she said to me she never heard of this and said she will have to look it up.
i thought oh s#^%!.
I asked my still-in wife the same thing.....she told me go ask the elders. "Oh, like a Catholic saying go ask the priest to explain the trinity?" I thought. Dasn't say it....yet.
Lowering the standards: The sign of a cult struggling for survival
by Hidden-Window inmany of the recent changes in the jehovah's witness organization are a clear sign of a cult that is struggling for survival.
the internet has change the scenario in a very dramatic way.
many of us who for years struggled alone with doubts and cognitive dissonance thinking that we were the only ones, that we, as individuals were the issue, now know that there is a large community of individuals who see the organization as what it is, a mind controlling cult that is not only false, but also dangerous.. the governing body clearly understands the consequences of this awakening.
There will always be some die-hards who are so deep in, have sooooo many years invested, and know they have nothing else to turn to or go to, that will remain. But yes in-deedy, I hope you are correct and the vast majority come to realize TTATT. Here's hoping that each of us with family, friends and loved ones stiil 'in' see them 'out' sooner rather than later.
November 1 1960 QFR
by hoser inquestions from readers.
please answer my question in the watchtower.unsigned.. among the many readers of the watchtower who write in for information are some who ask personal questions on which they want a scriptural answer, but who give no name or address.
others give an address but no name.
When I wrote to inquire about the relationship between the UN and the society, I asked that the answer be sent to my home address, because for a previous inquiry I had asked for it to be sent to another address where I could recieve mail. Each time the response was sent to an address other than the one I requested. When I asked it be sent to my office address, they sent it to my home. (Obviously someone called my district to get the home adress from an elder). When I asked it to be sent to my home (the 2nd instance), The response was sent to the local body of elders, who then came to my home unannounced to tell me they had a response to my inquiry....then they refused to give it to me, read it to me, give me a photo-copy of it, or tell me the exact wording in any way. I told them if they had come to insult me with this I wanted to know why there was no logic to this, and I wanted a copy of the letter. Again I was told no, the society has given us directions to inform you that they had contacted us (the BOE) nwith an answer, but that we were not to inform you of the exact wording....WTF???. They then volunteered the comment that the society would obviously not want the answer to show up somewhere on the response: "well, duh!!! doesn't that, in itself give you a clue as to the truthfulness of the situation?? Why don't you just spit on me, and slap my face??Even that would not be as insulting as this". I invited the 2 elders to leave my home and never come back without my express permission....and not a single one ever has. Now that's love and shepherding if ever there was any. I have always wondered if anyone else ever had a similar response....
The TRUE story of a Pedophile
by Tech49 inthis is a true experience that i thought i would share, one that occurred just a few years ago in my area.
it is a real experience, nothing made up here.. a younger couple moved into our kh, into the joining congregation (so not ours, but the other one that shared our kh).
they seemed nice enough, they had one boy that was about 8, and a baby on the way.
When I served as an elder, a young girl....maybe 11 or 12....happened upon some porn, and thought performing oral sex on boys looked like alot of fun. So she 'serviced' serveral young boys....her age and a bit older. Some multiple times. When her mom became aware, she came to the's the catch: the girls dad was not a a W. So as elders dealing with a minor we decided the only thing to do was contact the legal dept in NY Bethel. Their advice to us was to counsel the girl and her mom, counsel all the boys involved, but by no means inform the girls father. If I remember their wording correctly...'that he might not go to the police and have it made a matter of public record, lest the media pick upon it, and we bring shame on the organization'. It pains me to this day that I was stupid and soooo indoctrinated that it never occurred to me to question that advice.
Yup, it happens. What a shame. It makes me think of James 4:17 that mentions if someone knows how to do what is right and doesn't do it, it is a sin for him.....bothers me to this day. BTW, any thoughts on how that scripture lies with Jehovah and the 1,000's of years and innumerable wrongs he's allowed to go on in that time?? If one single incident has bothered me for decades, what bothers him?