Simon, oops, sorry that double post was an accident. I thought my other videos were on topic maybe not close enough huh? I guess I need to study your terms of service more closely. I was simply trying to give the XJW’s on here nice little short videos they could send to those who are doubting the organization.
There’s so much content on the Internet that is so offensive and negative that I tried to make my videos, very informational and objective. But if it’s against the rules to post your own stuff, I understand. if you don’t want me to post any videos on here I’ll comply, just tell me so.
Honestly, I’m just trying to help the cause. But as a newbie to posting I guess I stepped over the line? I really love your site because it’s not monetized. I will never monetize my videos if that makes you feel any better. In fact I’ll crawl back in my hole if requested. Just give me the word.
And I was wanting some feedback to make these videos more effective to help people get out of the cult. But I understand that you’ve done more to help the cause then anybody else in here so I got a respect you and what your opinion is. If you can educate me briefly on the rules, i’ll try to comply.
I was genuinely excited to present my family story because I thought people would be interested and it would help those who want to get out of the cult. But if you really want me to leave, I’ll do that too.
I know there are some YouTube creators that are charging a $10 a month subscription and I don’t really want to be associated with them so I came on here Simon. Please educate me on how I can do better and if you think my videos suck, tell me so and I’ll try to re-cut them and improve them. I say these things with all sincerity. thank you for having the site.