JoinedTopics Started by NoRegrets
Interesting article about Wikipedia edit wars! JW's rank near the top of religious editing!
by NoRegrets ini found this interesting!
the jw's are very,very busy trying to keep a hold on the real information regarding the group's ugly underbelly!.
Interview with an Apostate: No Regrets
by NoRegrets intell us a little about yourself and your family.. i was raised in a small town congregation that was largely made up of 2 large ruling families/dynasties.
i gave my first talk at age 5 that my mom wrote for me on note cards.
my parents were the first.
New Handbill Campaign
by NoRegrets inapparently the jws are doing a new handbill campaign.
they were just at my door and offered it to me with one of their heartless and scripted presentations.
the religion has just become so dumbed down.
The distinction between cult and religion.....
by NoRegrets inanother great article from the ted talks.
opening quote really tells it all: "the distinction between cult and religion lies squarely in how those leaving or those wanting to leave are treated.
The choice to join a cult
by NoRegrets inthis was an article from the ted talks that was interesting:.
I want us all to take a step back and BREATHE!
by NoRegrets inok gang, i love each and every one of you.
but, it's time to move it along.
obviously, the aawa blew up before they left the launching pad, but it's over and done.
AAWA has caused divisions and has lost the opportunity to be effective
by NoRegrets inhere's the thing,.
the whole aawa idea had noble ideas behind it, but the ship has sailed and the movement needs to go back to the drawing board.
Elders sink to a new low....
by NoRegrets inso one of my best friends has been dfed for many years.
his invalid grandmother slipped into a coma is likely to pass away soon.
he went to the hospital to see her before her time.
What were your favorite assembly foods?
by NoRegrets inso i'm young enough to not remember having hot prepared meals at assemblies, but heard all about it from my parents and the like.
but what i do remember were all of the cold sandwiches and institutional snacks and soda.
remember the food tickets we started to use?
Coco Rocha People Magazine JW Blurb
by NoRegrets inso i know that there has been a lot of discussion about coco rocha and it is pretty much a proven fact that she is a jw.
i was surprised, though, to see her make a public statement in about it in people magazine.
we were in the doctor's office waiting room and my wife pointed it out to me.