Folks, if I may, this is not a time to stand on the bodies of innocent victims as a soapbox to argue politics.
Gun control, or what some say is the lack thereof, is not to blame for the deaths and injuries. No political party is to blame. The tea party, occupy movement, nor any other group of people who engage in the diverse and divisive political discourse in the United States is to blame. Talk radio, blogs, the internet, video games, movies, TV shows, and our sometimes truly tasteless entertainment industry is not to blame. I'll even go so far as to say that parenting (or the all-too-frequent lack thereof) is not to blame.
The guns used and the guns owned by Americans, legally or illegally, are not to blame. They are merely tools and the good or bad intent is in the user. Ammonium nitrate wasn't to blame for Oklahoma City and box cutters weren't to blame for 9/11.
The blame for this rests on the head of ONE PERSON who made the decision to take innocent lives. No gun control law would have stopped him. No law against deploying improvised chemical munitions in an enclosed area would have stopped him. No law against improvised explosive devices would have stopped him from booby-trapping his apartment.
Would an armed citizen present in the crowded theatre have been able to stop the massacre? Possibly. If the armed citizen were highly trained to operate in a dark, chaotic environment with an active shooter in the presence of a chemical weapon. Yes there would still have been innocent casualties. Just as likely at the hands of the citizen as the terrorist. And I'll call him a terrorist because that's what he was. He inflicted terror upon the populace, regardless of why.
On the subject of citizens being armed, this is not in itself a reason why that should not be allowed by law. If anything, it should be a reason for those of us who choose to exercise our Second Amendment right to increase our training and consider where we carry because should we suddenly be confronted with the inherent duty to act in defense of those around us, the potential casualties would be something we would all have to live with.
If you pray, pray for the victims and their families. If you don't pray, put aside your pre-programmed beliefs and once again examine all that you have been taught or told to believe with the same critical thinking that got you out of the JW's instead of accepting what you are told.