Would you support "Open Carry" legislation in your state?
by Glander 71 Replies latest social current
No. Too many crazy fucks in the world. Plus I'd rather they not know I'm armed and dangerous.
Yes and sometimes.
Gold: Permissive Open Carry State Green Licensed Open Carry State Orange: Anomalous Open Carry State Red: Non-permissive Open Carry State Grey: Rural Open Carry State
- Permissive open carry states
- A state has passed full preemption of all firearms laws. They permit open carry to all non-prohibited citizens without permit or license. Open carry is lawful on foot and in amotor vehicle.
- Licensed open carry states
- A state has passed full preemption of all firearms laws. They permit open carry of a handgun to all non-prohibited citizens once they have been issued a permit or license. Open carry of a handgun is lawful on foot and in a motor vehicle.
- Anomalous open carry states
- In these states, open carry of a handgun is generally lawful, but the state may lack preemption or there may be other significant restrictions. The limitations and/or lack of pre-emption means that certain areas of these states are, in their judicial system and law enforcement societies, not very friendly towards the practice.
- Non-permissive open carry states
- In these states, open carry of a handgun is not lawful, or is only lawful under such a limited set of circumstances that public carry is prohibited. Such limited circumstances may include when hunting, or while traveling to/from hunting locations, while on property controlled by the person carrying, or for lawful self-defense.
- Rural open carry states
- Open carry is generally not permitted, except in unincorporated areas of counties where population densities are below statutory-defined thresholds, and local authorities have enacted ordinances permitting open carry in such jurisdictions.
In FL open carry is lawful only while engaged in, or going directly to and from, lawful Target Shooting, Hunting, Fishing, and Camping expeditions.
These are probably the only times I'd be carrying openly anyway. Otherwise I'd rather carry concealed.
After a crazy slaughters a bunch of unarmed people, which seems to happen more and more, I always wonder how many lives would have been spared if someone was able to resist.
As was said on another thread, "when seconds count, remember, the police are only minutes away"
Low-Key Lysmith
Absolutely. I live in WA, a permissive open carry state, however, I also have my CCL, which I don't use that often. I usually only carry a gun on long road trips, camping trips, backcountry fishing, etc.
Remember folks. An armed society is a polite society.
It does not seem to be a problem here in colorado. I always wanted to set up a Gay Marriage/ Open Carry....Signs reading "I support the right for men to marry and the right to open carry" It seems like it would be mildly confusing to some on the extreme right...."well they like the second ammendment and thats good...but gay marrige...thats bad....not sure what to think"
I would love it in Mexico. We cannot have guns here. It is minimum 5 years in prison for having one. And guess what? The Zetas and drug traffickers take what they want without impunity. When guns are outlawed then the outlaws have the guns.
Remember folks. An armed society is a polite society.
Yeah, like America ... oh, wait ...
The simple reality is more guns = more gun deaths. The notion that more people walking around armed prevents gun deaths is a little silly.
Why don't we all walk round with knives too to prevent stabbings? Or clenched fists to prevent fights ...
Marvin Shilmer
The simple reality is more guns = more gun deaths. The notion that more people walking around armed prevents gun deaths is a little silly.
I think the point is to let law-abiding citizens have means to protect themselves from criminals who are capable and willing to cause injury or death in the commission of crime.
When I decided to start carrying a personal sidearm it was after a couple of thugs approached my family with hunting knives and we were in the middle of nowhere on a government reserve. At that time if I’d had a sidearm and those thugs kept threatening my family I’d have cut them in half just like we did over there when I was carrying government issue. But I was unarmed. A woman happened to come along who was armed. She pulled her sidearm and the thugs retreated into the forest.
If a law-abiding citizen is injured or loses his or her life as a victim of crime, that bothers me.
If a criminal is injured or loses his or her life as a result of trying to victimize someone, I can’t say it really bothers me.
Marvin Shilmer
We have a friend in Indiana who open carries. I've never felt uncomfortable around him because he used to be a cop and knows how and when to use his glock. I've never considered it for myself though my husband would like to.