Topics Started by NCO
I do not miss anything about the conventions
by Darth Fader The Sequel inthis weekend nearly everyone i have ever known or that i am related to is sitting in a convention.
i miss none of it!!!!.
i do not miss:.
Are You A Patriotic Person Since Leaving The Witnesses?
by minimus ini'm into politics but i still don't consider myself patriotic..
Florida teacher suspended over [JW] kidsÂ’ Pledge of Allegiance
by AndersonsInfo in
associated presswed nov 6, 2013 3:34 pmspring hill, fla. a florida school district has suspended a teacher after requiring a fourth grade jehovahs witness to participate in the pledge of allegiance.. the tampa tribune ( reports that the hernando county school board recently concluded an investigation.. the student, who is jehovahs witness and prohibited by the religion from worshiping objects, refused on religious grounds, the investigation found.. officials said teacher anne daigle-mcdonald twice placed the students hand over his heart when the class recited the pledge.. the student told mcdonald during the incident that jehovahs witnesses do not worship objects, and that he stood during the pledge of allegiance out of respect for the country, but was not permitted by his religion to place his hand over his heart, according to the investigation.. after the student informed mcdonald of this, mcdonald went to the front of the class and said, if you dont want to say the pledge, you still have to put your hand on your heart and if you dont want to do that, you should move out of the country, according to the report.. the report also shows mcdonald said something about there not being a religion that prohibits doing the pledge, according to the investigation.. the district says that mcdonald violated a host of state education rules, professional conduct principles and the students right to free speech and freedom of religion.
several other students in the class corroborated the allegations, according to the investigation.. mcdonald was removed from student contact, and placed on alternative assignment on sept. 12.. while speaking to administrators at the school on that date, mcdonald said she thought the religion applied only to holidays, but said she did not attempt to contact the students parents for clarification, according to the report.. the investigation showed that she also said she didnt think it was good practice to regularly place hands on students, and that she feels strongly as a citizen of the united states that one should show respect to the flag.. superintendent lori romano ordered mcdonald be suspended five days without pay, reported the incident to florida department of education and ordered mcdonald provide proof of completion of diversity training..
Did you ever volunteer at or visit Bethel? What were your impressions when you were in the WBTS vs. now (looking back)?
by Poindexter Lionel Humperdique indid you ever volunteer/visit bethel back when you were in the borg?
at the time, it opended my eyes as i saw a lot of red flags.
for instance, volunteers were kept so busy without reasonable accomodations that everyone became in a robotic-zombie state of compliance with an unreasonably strict fast pased schedule.
Farewell To A Dear Friend
by NCO ini'm posting here to say farewell to a friend who for all i know died a jw.
this won't be easy because i'm crying as i post this.
i lost touch with this friend maybe 20 or more years ago and didn't know she had died until today.
Brothers told to pack an "Armagedon survival bag." gossip in Aust!
by Witness 007 inso my mum excitedly calls and tells me how the brothers are now told to pack a survival emergency bag, so the tribulation is coming!!!
talk about clutching at straws.
shes packed her bible of course and the some non essential stuff like food...he he.
by Calebs Airplane inthis case is in it's 9th year an has been touched upon briefly on and off.. the latest from the federal court is that all gated communites in puerto rico have until april 23 to provide the watchtower corporation full access.... this means the entry code or remote control devices that open the front fence.. this is clearly an act of provocation in order to create "pseudo-persecution" thereby increasing fs hours and "voluntary donations"....
Forum Owner and Member Integrity
by Simon insome people recently raised concerns about security of the site relating to whether forum members could be watchtower plants trying to obtain information about people.
apparently, this was because a previous forum that was setup was either owned by or later handed over to someone who used it to collect personal information about people which was then used to harrass them.
i don't know all the details, i'm just paraphrasing what i've heard and recognize that it's a concern to some people.. i want to first of all put people's minds at rest: i've been running this site for what will be 13 years next month.
I wrote a review for Anthony Mathenia's new book, Paradise Earth: Day Zero
by AndersonsInfo in
we know that the publishing of mathenia's new book, paradise earth: day zero was announced here on jwn some weeks ago.
we sincerely hope that many of you reading this post have read part one of this three-part series already.