Justia, you didn't profile, you stereotyped. Were you to actually profile as law enforcement or military profiles, you'd have backed up your profile with verifiable statistics showing how the group you described is the most likely to open carry and engage in the behavior you described.
Given your example of how the military profiles, let's say I'm deployed on a DSCA (Defense Support to Civilian Authorities) mission following a natural disaster. Say a tornado like I was last year. My platoon is pulling security on a neighborhood that got slammed and is in ruins. We're manning checkpoints at all entrances and running patrols 24 hours to prevent looting.
I advise my squad leaders to pass on to their soldiers to pay extra attention to the following profile: black, teens-20's, saggy pants, and 24" wheels on their Chevy sedans because they're exactly the type most would think of to loot.
Did I just profile or did I stereotype?
They were exactly the "type" most would think of to openly carry a weapon: white, late-30s, John Deere caps, wife-beater t-shirts, gun racks in the truck...
I see no difference between my hypothetical "profiling" and your stereotyping and both are wrong.