I agree don't meet. But if you have too, like I had to. I had a couple of elders hounding me, leaving messages on my phone. So i figured I would see them next time I showed up at the meeting,so I called back and accepted to meet with them and the CO, but instead of my home I said I would only meet at the Kingdom hall. They agreed and we met after the meeting. The CO asked me a number of times if there was anything he could do? If I believed the Organization was God vessel? I said yes to everything and said that we had some personal issues we are working out and needed some time and privacy to accomplish this. This kind of left him and the elders satisfied and have back off since then.
If you decide to meet be careful not to show disagreement with any doctrine or GB agenda. Don't bring up any issue about the organization that you are questioning once you open that door they will pursue the blood trail. Choose your words wisely and say as little as possible. Watch that you don't roll your eyes or show body language that shows contempt for there intrusion on you. If you can't control yourself, then don't agree to meet.