This is the price we pay to have contact with our families, I've come to the realization that my fade will not be complete until my mom and my wife's parents pass, I don't give a rats ass about anyone else. Ive looked at every scenario unfortunately they are prisoners of a cult. The guardians of doctrine have complete control over them, time is my only out.
There very old so I don't debate or disagree on hardly any level, I just let them be and try and enjoy what time is left. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of times I want to tell them off for raising me in this cult and because of the shit they try to instill in my kids "fog", but instead, I leave the room and find something to distract me, otherwise I Will Storm into the room with apostate eyes and unleash hell on them. Life's to short, I just come here and unleash on you good people. Haha