JoinedPosts by MarkofCane
Urging More Lurkers To Sign Up
by freemindfade ini have seen a lot of new posters intro stories on here, also updates from those who have been around for a while.
i just want to take 1 post to beg those reading to speak up.
it was a big turning point for me and one of the best decisions i made.
When I was fist lurking in the shadows, I remember I had my doubts about signing up it almost seemed like I was disloyal to God. That feeling is completely imposed on you be the controlling nature of the bOrg. They know how to control you, with words, they instill fear in us, they say not to listen to apostates. Why? because when you do it will expose them for what they are. If you can't afford a therapist then this is second best thing, it help to vent. -
Damn it feels good to be free and on my own without the pressure to do more as a JW slave
by No Longer a JW Brother ini don't know where to begin but damn it feels so good to be free of mind control.
i'm only officially out since this past december but i was out mentally for two hot years under the close watch of my batshit crazy psycho parents who bothered me every sunday to see what i thought about the meeting.
it was necessary for me to lie through my teeth.
Welcome, I like the way you went out with a bang. -
Fading is never 100% successful is it?
by nicolaou inmum phoned last night to see how we all are.
after fifteen years away from meetings and my old jw life you'd think my fade could be called 'successful' and for the most part it is.
.. my resentment at being lied to and having wasted over thirty years of my life has left me like a glass of water full to the brim, it only takes a tap to make a mess.
This is the price we pay to have contact with our families, I've come to the realization that my fade will not be complete until my mom and my wife's parents pass, I don't give a rats ass about anyone else. Ive looked at every scenario unfortunately they are prisoners of a cult. The guardians of doctrine have complete control over them, time is my only out.
There very old so I don't debate or disagree on hardly any level, I just let them be and try and enjoy what time is left. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of times I want to tell them off for raising me in this cult and because of the shit they try to instill in my kids "fog", but instead, I leave the room and find something to distract me, otherwise I Will Storm into the room with apostate eyes and unleash hell on them. Life's to short, I just come here and unleash on you good people. Haha
Every Know Anyone Too "Weak" To Wake Up?
by freemindfade ina jw that is probably irregular, they don't really attend meetings, they are not up on anything going on, they may even seem like they are faded but they are not, they are just slackers.
a jw that is impervious to the f.o.g.
(ok maybe it bums them, but they are too lazy and self serving to do otherwise).
There are plenty in my area as well, when I was in they were looked at as spiritually shipwrecked, spiritually immature, drinking milk and not solid food. They go through the motions like this is a guaranty of surviving Armageddon. That's crazier then believing it, in my opinion.
I made the mistake early on when I was waking up to think that a couple we befriended had to know something about ttatt why would they act the way they did, so indifferent. I brought up the ARC/ pedophile issue figured this is a good subject to probe with. Well I was wrong they turned on me and defended the truth like a rabid dog. These are not dumb people just don't care about the doctrine more of a social club. Don't make the mistake of thinking because they are weak or indifferent that they know ttatt.
Add your Stupid title of Winess books that did not come true
by Witness 007 in"millions now living will never die.
" -1922. sorry rutherford but they did!.
"god's kingdom of 1000 years has aproached!
And he said, “See that you are not led astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time is at hand!’ Do not go after them". - Luke 21:8
"The time is at hand" Published by Charles Taze Russell 1889
Known throughout the world at the turn of the century as "Pastor"... Charles Taze Russell was an author, lecturer and minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on February 16, 1852. His authorship of the series, Studies in the Scriptures, included The Divine Plan of the Ages, The Time is At Hand, Thy Kingdom Come, The Battle of Armageddon, The Atonement Between God and Man, The New Creation, plus many others. -
Things we an say on our death bed...
by The Rebel in1) i am glad i had the courage to live my life true to myself and not the life others expected of me.. 2) i am glad i had the courage to express my feelings.. 3) i am glad i let myself be myself.. 4 ) and i hope i have so many days, and years to live those thoughts, because surely the most wonderful thing about having left our " watchtower death bed" is to start living?.
in my case at 50 !!.
but the important thing is when we leave, to start living.. any experiences worth sharing?.
I would say "welcome everyone here, I've asked you to come because as you know, I only have a few hours left to live and I wanted to tell you something very important'.
"You are in a F@cking Cult!"
They locked the doors.
by outcast intaken from great crowd.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
rebekah called us at 6 am and it was.
very clear that she was traumatized by this event.
Sounds right, I heard a CO's say that the kingdumb halls are the equivalent to Noah Ark and when the doors are closed, Jehovah will have angels keeping them shut.
The people at Bethel probably thought it was Armageddon and they just closed the door's so no half dead worldly people would even consider crawling in. So it was kind of a........'you know Fire drill for them'.
Left Bethel to get married and have children, found the TTATT instead
by jehobi inlong story, short story.
grew up on a farm, went to bethel, married a sister and left bethel.
found ttatt after my cousin died refusing a blood transfusion.
Interesting intro, leaves me wanting more. Welcome stay awhile and participate. -
by Terry innone of you are old enough to have been there, i suspect.
i had been in prison two years as a jw conscientious objector when the exciting news about 1975 spread like wildfire.i was paroled from prison in 1969 and immediately began pioneering.
the pressures began mounting throughout the organization.
Hi Terry
Sorry about all the awful pain this ridiculous cult has weighed on you. It's good to have boots on the ground perspective of what really happen in 75, the society blames the R&F as those that ran ahead of the org. Interesting enough my mother was baptized in 1973, we had a conversation about this once and she said 'she was told, she had to get baptized in order to survive the end' which was just around the corner, now that I display a more questioning attitude she denies she ever said it.
How this organization has any adherents is beyond me. When Harold Camping came out as a complete scam artist and false prophet, I remember all the JW saying "how can anyone with a functioning brain fall for such nonsense, some still have faith in this man, people can be so easily deceived". That's when things started popping in my brain, I remember wondering could we be in the same delusion?
I let it go,I guess I wasn't ready to except reality yet.
Ten years out.....
by snare&racket ini'm not sure how useful this post will be, but i feel compelled to write it.
with many of my older posts, i wrote them with a younger jw version of me in mind.
with this i write it with a younger newly ex jw in mind.. ten years ago i went to my presiding overseer and told him my concerns about wt owning 'rand cam' military stocks, about unfulfilled prophecy and human error in the governing body and the theocratic consequences of such.
Wow I remember reading some of your post's when I was first lurking.
Good to hear from you again, there's an army of new ones here. Please check in again, revenge is living a fantastic life without the bOrg and you my friend are a testament to that.