I agree with you Francis..
I will also add that not only does it attract the "psycoemotional" people with problems, but it also raises the children in such manner. Those are the true innocents.
simple definition = "betrayal of trust".
the may 1st 2002 wt has an article entitled "jehovah hates the course of treachery".
I agree with you Francis..
I will also add that not only does it attract the "psycoemotional" people with problems, but it also raises the children in such manner. Those are the true innocents.
i remember when i was a kid i used to assuage my fear of dying with the comfort and knoweledge that i was one of the "millions now living that may never die.
" but even as a kid, i used to think to myself that after a thousand or so years of living with these boring people that i see at the kingdom hall, that sooner or later i would become bored as hell.
after all, everything really fun seemed to be a sin and after a thousand years of bowling with my fellow witnesses and groveling on my knees thanking jehovah for every breath that i took, wouldn't i get bored at some point?
(We once had a CO that simply assumed after a certain point humans would just stop having sex - no need to reproduce, and since that was the only god-approved reason for sex, our 'sex drive' would just be turned off - we'd be 'as the angels' were - living only to praise god day and night - and he actually seemed to ENJOY the thought!!!)
Believe it or not, I have heard that one before. My dad used to propogate that theory. Then I had heard a brother, (shortly thereafter get counseled), that maybe we would start inhabiting other planets, and maybe be able to explore demensions...
i apologize in advance for this post, i was stoned and bored when i wrote it:.
1/ all yer dreams consist of the jw discussion, silent lambs and crisis of conscience icons.. 2/ when you greet people you say, h, e, l, l, o.. 3/ you spend countless hours trying to think up witty posts so everyone has a look and you get those little flamy things on the folder, cause this is all you live for and it makes you happy.. breath.
4/ hair, make-up, perfect - right, i'm ready to log on.. 5/ 24/7 is just not enough time to say everything you need to say.. 6/ you use up yer 2 posts and 20 reply's in 2.35 minutes.. 7/ you complain constantly to simon, bombarding him with emails demanding yer own forum thread dedicated to all yer witty responses.. 8/ yer will stipulates a full time assistant is to be hired to do all your posting for you when you kark it.
Actually violet.. I was talking about myself..LOL
funny how things can change:.
cannabis is given health all clear.
by david taylor home affairs correspondent .
Thi Chi--
Very interesting points.. my head is just spinning with spin:
I must disagree.Fine. You can disagree all you would like. First, in my statement I was giving personal experience. How you can argue that is beyond me.
The per sei limit federally for every state is .08 . This study would need to be reviewed since there has been scientific evidence presented since 1970 to lower the b.a.c. to the current .08 enacted. Obviously the scientific evidence would have to show the affects of alcohol/intoxicants on the human body. In fact, you can be declared "less safe" to drive at .06. Therefore, the studies would need to be adjusted accordingly if they are basing it on a .15 or .10 standard.
Cannabis does not impair driving performance as much as alcoholI never said it didn't. But it still impairs. That was the point.
Obviously, you have clarified the distinction between the two types of forfiture. To break it down to layman's terms.. the criminal forfiture occurs to secure evidence of a crime. Obviously this is governed by the constituion under the fourth. In fact, this is NECCESSARY to protect the citizens in obtaining convictions for public offenders.
You know as well as I do that the fourth amendment covers the qualifications for a warrantless seizure of person or property. Your arguement seems to lie with the US Constitution. Of all the cases you have "quoted" (and I don't doubt you got these quotes from your latest copy of High Times, (only kidding), are governmental agencies that have acted outside of the Constitution guidelines set out by the fourth. I'm sure that punitive actions have been taken against these agencies where the person was wronged. And well deserved.
Never at anytime do I claim this system is fair. But at no point am I going to sit back and listen to the spin spewed forth here that sounds like there are no victims in an individual's choice to use marijuana.
Please post who you copied this from ---
Law enforcement agencies should be required to publish an explanation each time they seize and retain private property.BTW, we already do.. those are the nice little cars and trucks seized by agencies that say "THIS CAR SEIZED FROM A DRUG DEALER - D.A.R.E."
(edited because i screwed up the quote brackets)
in the beginning there was the computer.
and god said.
c:\let there be light.. enter user id.. c:\god.
LMAO!! That was very funny.
i apologize in advance for this post, i was stoned and bored when i wrote it:.
1/ all yer dreams consist of the jw discussion, silent lambs and crisis of conscience icons.. 2/ when you greet people you say, h, e, l, l, o.. 3/ you spend countless hours trying to think up witty posts so everyone has a look and you get those little flamy things on the folder, cause this is all you live for and it makes you happy.. breath.
4/ hair, make-up, perfect - right, i'm ready to log on.. 5/ 24/7 is just not enough time to say everything you need to say.. 6/ you use up yer 2 posts and 20 reply's in 2.35 minutes.. 7/ you complain constantly to simon, bombarding him with emails demanding yer own forum thread dedicated to all yer witty responses.. 8/ yer will stipulates a full time assistant is to be hired to do all your posting for you when you kark it.
You reply to everything because you envy the jedi members and can't wait to make it past master member.
does anyone else here within this community have interests in psychological profiling?.
Yes... use it in law enforcement.
Try the book "Mind Hunter" by John Douglas. He pretty much started the Psychological Profiling department for the FBI. He's the guru of guru's.
funny how things can change:.
cannabis is given health all clear.
by david taylor home affairs correspondent .
Thi Chi..
I've been a cop for five years.. and I have worked many wrecks where the person was high on marijuana...Sure. Let's give out another intoxicant. The difference between marijuana and alcohol is that marijuana stays longer in your system. (average 30 days from one marijuana cigarette). Wrong on this next statement:
Now with asset forfeiture, you can loose your house or car without a Court Order or review if you are involed with any illegal drugs, and even if you did not know that drugs were even an issue (like if a friend had drugs on them without your knowelege).Not in the USA! Sorry..but you need to go thru a civil process, and need a court order to seize assets. The law enforcement agency splits the assets with the state, district attorneys office, and any other agencies involved in the seizure.
Asset forfiture only occurs when you have possession with intent to distribute or manufacture. It does NOT apply to simple misdemeanor possessions.
Trust me, the only incentive to recieve the assets is jumbled by the multiple forms of paper work and court testimony and depositions that have to be given. The individual cops never see a drop of the money.
this past week there was a *bombshell* dropped about the reverend billy graham.
there were some audio tapes unclassified of conversations between billy graham and president nixon.. anyhow, the tapes revealed how billy graham really felt about the jews--proclaiming even then that "we'd better get the media out from under their control before it gets too late" and other anti-semitic remarks.. when questioned about it, graham simply stated that *he had no recollection of those conversations.
however he apologized for his anti-semitic remarks and the harm it may have caused.. now, what about jehovah's earthly organization????
He friggen has alzhimers.....
hey folks its my birthday, so y'all have a shot of wild turkey for me today.
happy B-day!