almost euphoric, but in a bad way
Reminds me of one of my first girlfriends!
i had a terrifying experience this morning and i'm writing about it as a lesson on how we perceive things.
this type of thing has happened to me several times in my life, but since it just happened again this morning, and ghosts seem to be a topic of interest on this board, i thought i'd share it.. i was staying at a friend's house while she was away.
this place is an old apartment complex built in the 1920's in san francisco.
almost euphoric, but in a bad way
Reminds me of one of my first girlfriends!
i thought it would be interesting to get a cross-sectional view of your opinions on whether all drugs (lsd, heroin, cocaine, etc.
be legalized so that they then became freely available to the general population, in the same way that alcohol and tobacco are .
BTTT - because Abaddon's argument is so excellent.
i thought it would be interesting to get a cross-sectional view of your opinions on whether all drugs (lsd, heroin, cocaine, etc.
be legalized so that they then became freely available to the general population, in the same way that alcohol and tobacco are .
My problem is... every welfare cheque day I've got 1,000 people running around my neighbourhood yelling fire while sucking the public tit.Legalize this!! Come on Og, move to my neighbourhood.
What exactly is your point? I do not condone welfare abuse.
i thought it would be interesting to get a cross-sectional view of your opinions on whether all drugs (lsd, heroin, cocaine, etc.
be legalized so that they then became freely available to the general population, in the same way that alcohol and tobacco are .
I cannot possibly convey how annoyed I am to have to concede that this is a very valid point. Damnit.
I just wanted to say how happy it makes me when people are able to argue like adults and conced points. Bravo!
i thought it would be interesting to get a cross-sectional view of your opinions on whether all drugs (lsd, heroin, cocaine, etc.
be legalized so that they then became freely available to the general population, in the same way that alcohol and tobacco are .
And, as a matter of fact, there are plenty of recreational users of so'called 'hard' drugs. Our current President was one - okay, I grant, that's an argument for your side, but still...
i thought it would be interesting to get a cross-sectional view of your opinions on whether all drugs (lsd, heroin, cocaine, etc.
be legalized so that they then became freely available to the general population, in the same way that alcohol and tobacco are .
Men are always going to beat their wives. No matter how many people come forward with proof of how destructive it is, it's going to happen and has always happened; So what we really need to do is recognize that it won't be stopped by the threat of jail time, legalize it, and throw our money into better wound care for abused wives and better counseling for orphans of mothers murdered by their spouses.
This is asinine; no one on this thread has suggested that violent crime should be condoned. The pro drug arguments presented have always referred to victimless crimes. An argument this stupid badly weakens your case. I wish I could turn this red font off.
i thought it would be interesting to get a cross-sectional view of your opinions on whether all drugs (lsd, heroin, cocaine, etc.
be legalized so that they then became freely available to the general population, in the same way that alcohol and tobacco are .
Price markup from point of manufacture to point of sale is actually believed to be about 2,000% - perfectly believable for anyone who has ever grown the aptly named 'weed'.
Most of crazy151's points can be verified by reference to the giant drug experiment known as 'Holland'. In every measurable way, harm resulting from drug use either remained stable or slightly declined after decrimininalization. Or, as he has stated, consider the American experiment known as 'prohibition'. Prohibition greatly increased organized crime and liquor (as opposed to wine or beer) use. It also corrupted police forces. And this is happening now with the War on (some) Drugs - also, Civil Liberties have been systematically trashed, to the point where Americans now accept that some other Americans have the right to examine the contents of one's bladder.
i thought it would be interesting to get a cross-sectional view of your opinions on whether all drugs (lsd, heroin, cocaine, etc.
be legalized so that they then became freely available to the general population, in the same way that alcohol and tobacco are .
If drugs are legalized then I think addicts and users should have register with the government. Addicts to harder drugs could get their supply free of charge. I believe they do this in Switzerland.
You think drugs should be provided? I thought I was liberal.
i thought it would be interesting to get a cross-sectional view of your opinions on whether all drugs (lsd, heroin, cocaine, etc.
be legalized so that they then became freely available to the general population, in the same way that alcohol and tobacco are .
Except for the "filthy habit" part.
i thought it would be interesting to get a cross-sectional view of your opinions on whether all drugs (lsd, heroin, cocaine, etc.
be legalized so that they then became freely available to the general population, in the same way that alcohol and tobacco are .
Sure, you can smoke crack all you want. Lock yourself in a room, never get in a car, never expose children (unborn or already delivered) to you or your filthy habit, use your independent wealth to fund it, and do as you want to ONLY your body, and I'll probaby pity you but it won't much affect me. If you can accomplish total isolation, smoke away. But the minute you want to collect any goverment funds to support you in your addiction, the first second you collect unemployment because your crack-destroyed self can't hold a job, the moment you want my tax dollars to subsidize your habit through distribution or production, or the first time someone else is harmed by your inability to function normally as a result of your addiction, you're no longer an island.
I agree with this entire paragraph! Drugs should be legal, and the state is not responsible for the results. I'm glad that our positions appear to be exactly alike!