Legal, but dispensed by licensed physicians.
A person should not be able to pickup drugs like heroin from a seven-eleven. These drugs are very powerful and addictive and their use needs to be monitored by a doctor. A doctor will also be able to control doses and educate people on their safe use, which will help prevent over doses. Granted, overdoses cannot be completely prevented. A doctor could tell a person not to take more than X amount, but the person will go home and take twice that much.
Having a system in place like this will also help people who are prone to addiction get the help they need instead of destroying their lives even more by throwing them in jail.
There will also need to be in place laws similar to the "dont drink and drive" and "public intoxication" laws only they will apply to these drugs. People will also need to be held fully accountable for their actions while under the influence of these drugs, as is with alcohol.
Doing these things will greatly reduce crime and problems with gangs. It will also save billions of dollars a year by getting rid of the war of drugs. Instead of these drugs draining the government budgets, they could be taxed and actually increase revenue that will then be directed to helping people with addiction problems.
If not these things, then at least have pot available... not in the "weed" form, but as inhalers and foods. An inhaler (like used for asthma) will be far safer and less harmful to the lungs than smoking.
Edited by - Elsewhere on 29 January 2003 13:59:48