The 1995 change of the meaning of 'generation' got me thinking. It was such a core teaching for so long, and was being tossed aside so lightly. I distinctly remember trying to discuss this with others in the congo, and getting nowhere.
I then spent more than 5 years assuming that I was weak and wicked and that was why I was having such doubts.
Then... I started to realize what bloody bigots all us Witnesses were. I started to hit JW dissident sites on the - wait for it - Internet. I ran across the writings of our own Alan Fueurbacher (sp?) and two issues in particular got me thinking: clearly there had been no world flood 4,500 years ago, and equally clearly 607 and thus 1914 was totally bogus. Let me publicly thank AlanF for his clear, calm writings and for a phone call I made to him around that period of time. He is an absolutely sterling gentleman who has helped me and many others.
So... I met with the elders. I can remember sobbing, wishing desperately that I could keep believing, vividly aware of all the pain in store for me and my family. Then I wrote the proverbial 'letter to the Society' - response, 'it's so because we say it's so' with much use fo the word 'evidently' which means, 'we have no evidence for what we're about to say'. Talked with an elder I respected at the time, and realized that he was eager to believe black was white if that's what the Society said.
And after all this, I was still rather believing that I was the one who was being weak. The brain is weird. But one day, reading Watter's site, I suddenly realized that it wasn't true. That none of it was true. And with that, 17 years of mental structure fell away in an instant. I imagine that if I ever achieve 'enlightenment', it will be a very similar experience.
Thanks to everyone sharing their stories - I'm enjoying reading them.