Assuming that you don't dismiss Genesis outright as a collection of myths, I was musing about the actions of God as recorded in Genesis 11:1-9 regarding the building of the Tower of Babel.
This origin story for the multiplicity of languages in the earth has God getting annoyed with humans for staying in one location instead of filling out across the whole world.
Yahweh could have stopped the tower being built by collapsing it by means of an earthquake, sinking sand, or an extreme gale. Even using an angel to kick it over when everyone was tucked up in bed asleep. But no, instead he muddles up the vocabulary and grammar and made brand new languages creating division and confusion.
What's more he didn't scatter them and send them off in mixed multicultural groups, but instead He lets them wander off in tribes and family groups. Very insular. And no doubt the family heads quite quickly drawing up "them or us" survival techniques for their own tribal family. (Genesis 10:5.)
What is the most divisive thing in the world leading to wars and conflict?
Isn't it usually other nationalities, different tribes, people who speak a different language to your own. A grab for their land, wealth or possessions, or to take their women for the purpose of breeding. Surely God must have known that his actions would eventually lead to divisions and human casualties in time?
He can't really blame humanity for fighting each other as it was him (if you believe this Genesis story) that caused the division in the first place!