Oh yes now I remember. Anyone who disagrees with the Witchtower Publishing Corporation in Brookly.
JoinedPosts by OlderTom
What exactly is an apostate? #73
by OlderTom inoh yes now i remember.
anyone who disagrees with the witchtower publishing corporation in brookly.
Why did he do it?
by ozziepost inhave you wondered why god allowed the watchtower organisation to start in the first place?.
is it really god's organisation, that's just got corrupted?.
was it ever god's organisation?.
To Had Enough
You are not alone many of us have asked ourself the same questions. Some times we know what the answer is but we refuse to accept it because we want something better.
We all know the answer to "where else can we go to?" Jesus said that HE was the one to follow not some social club. The question is not where but WHO.
I am still looking for truth but I am starting to accept there may not be any truth, real truth, absolute truth. Everyones truth is diferent because we all look at something from a diferent perspective and from a diferent background.
What looks like truth to me may not be truth for you.
The bible is full of contradictions and nonsensical statements. As a witness I was always told it is MY fault. I just don't understand. Theses contradictions are not there. It is me who doesn't understand.
I discovered that many claim to feel the holy spirit acting on them and to have special powers of perseptions. When asked, Can you feel the spirit? Many can't feel it but they say they do because they don't want to admit they are different. Or not christian enough. Or not holy enough. It's all a giant con game.
Don't worry about your doubts. You are a thinker not a Witchtower clone. Keep reasoning on these things and don't try too hard to find the answer. If there is a god and he wants you he will send you a sign. After all that is not too much to ask for is it?
The mind is like a parachute, it has to be OPEN to work properly.
Many JDubs can't think outside the Witchtower circle. Having to think and decide whats best for yourself is too much of a struggle for some people. Some join the army some join a religion to do the thinking for them. I prefere to make my own mistakes and learn from them.
more enemies of Jehovah #73
by OlderTom inin addition to a previous post about enemies of jehovah.. yes it's amazing how everything outside of the watchtower kingdoom is an enemy of jehovah but they are quite hapy to take whatever they can from these enemies of jehovah.. do these people ever think?.
for example it is very much frowned upon to go to college and get an education.. when scientists make a discovery and can proof, which shows mankind to have excisted longer than their stated 6000 years, they try to discredit these scientists by ridiculous statements such as, " carbon dating doesn't work after the flood" how can they make such a statement when assumingly they don't have any schoolars among their ranks?.
where did all the watchtower lawyers get their education?
In addition to a previous post about enemies of jehovah.
Yes it's amazing how everything outside of the Watchtower kingdoom is an enemy of Jehovah BUT they are quite hapy to take whatever they can from these enemies of Jehovah.
Do these people ever think?
For example it is very much frowned upon to go to college and get an education.
When scientists make a discovery and can proof, which shows mankind to have excisted longer than their stated 6000 years, they try to discredit these scientists by ridiculous statements such as, " Carbon dating doesn't work after the flood" How can they make such a statement when assumingly they don't have any schoolars among their ranks?
Where did all the Watchtower lawyers get their education? From enemies of Jehovah?
Ha! Think Watchtower clones Think!
Take a look around your local Kingdoom hall. Make a mental list of how many brothers and sisters work for a living. Now make a list of how many work for enemies of Jehovah.
While you are at it make a list of how many are liviong of hand outs from the govenment. In my Kingdoom hall there are a large percentage who are quite happy to collect disability, sicknes, unemployment, and all sorts of other "enemy of jehovah allowances while they make a name for themselves pioneering.
I know personally many brothers who are professional dole bludgers. They could work if they wanted to but they prefer not to work and live on hand outs.
Didn't one of the disciples make tents while preaching so as not to be a burdon on his brothers?
Now have a look at some of the strange marriages in your congregation. I remember a guy who I thought was married to his mother.
Another youngish philipina married to a brother who was so old he could hardly stand up during the prayer/song. She started playing up as soon as her citizenship was approoved and was DFed but their marriage was approved by the Watchtower gestapo.
Us, a relatively "normal" couple, they tried everyting they could to keep us appart. Why? because the chief gestapo elder was grooming me to reach out for other things and for that he needed me to be single. How selfish?
Keep looking and list the number of unhappy people and people with severe mental problems. Look at how they smile at the Kingdoom hall but observe them at the bust stop or railway station when they think they are lost in the crowd of worldlies. They have the longest faces and are the most miserable because the only thing they have to look forward to is when their god destroys 6 billion human beings.
What a sick buch of Watchtower clones. BOY am I glad we got out.
Is Jehovah is still creating? #73
by OlderTom ini thought jehovah is on his rest day.
he's done with working and creating things, well that is what i was taught anyway.. tell me this then.
every year we get a new variety of the influenca virus.
I thought Jehovah is on his rest day. He's done with working and creating things, well that is what I was taught anyway.
Tell me this then
Every year we get a new variety of the influenca virus. Why is jehovah still creating these new viruses when he said he is resting?
Are these viruses evolving into new viruses as they adapt to the ever changing environment?
Where was the Aids virus 6000 years ago? Did jehovah create it and why?
Why did we only discover it and feel the effect of it last century? Maybe he only created it last century? But he's supposed to be resting.
Bacteria are mutating/evolving quicker than we can find antibotics to fight them. Fact is they change/evolve/mutate in response to the antibiotics we develop. Is this evolution or creation?
Look at our youth how they evolve into teenage monsters and then back into human beings.
Another question for JDubs. I really would like a sensible answer. I guess that excludes you Freddie.
The memorial
Jesus Christ said Keep doing this until I return. Right?
He returned in 1914 so why do JDubs keep celebrating the memorial and not partake every year?
Why travel to the Kingdoom hall to NOT partake when you can NOT partake more easely at home?
Do JDubs ever think about these things or do they just throw it all into the "too hard basket"?
I'm no genius but I wonder about these things and how JDubs deal with these questions.
I guess the anti Watchtower filter pops up and the brain shuts down and goes back to "drone" mode
JDub congregations are much like Termite mounts. Everyone works for the good of the colony. They don't know why they just do. A few at the top enjoy the benefits. Individuals are expendable and of no consequence only the good of the colony matters.
The C.O. and elder came to my house last night!
by Sarah inplease tell me i made the right decision.
last night the co and another elder showed up at our house just 5 minutes after my husband got home from work (i think they were sitting on the side of the road just waiting for him to come home)*stalkers*, anyway to make along story short, the pressure was on.
i felt like they were there to get us to da ourselves.
Someone said
Re: The C.O. and elder came to my house last ni... Jul 28, 2001 11:00:47 AM
>Dear Sarah
>Sorry to hear about the trouble they caused. Maybe their names need >to be posted on this board! The CO and ElderWhat an excellent idea!! Why not create a shame file. A list of all these 2 faced swine.
Lets do it.
Let this one be the first
Elder Gordon Wheeler Katoomba congregation NSW Australia
Jehovah is not the only god #73
by OlderTom inthink about it, i think it's jahveh's first commandment.. thou shalt have no other gods besides me.... or words to that effect.
look it up if you like.. so god is admitting that there are other gods besides him.. how then can he claim that he is the almighty alpha and omega?
the one and only, el suprimo?.
Think about it, I think it's Jahveh's first commandment.
Thou shalt have no other gods besides me.... or words to that effect. Look it up if you like.
So God is admitting that there are other gods besides him.
How then can he claim that he is the almighty alpha and omega? The one and only, el suprimo?
He is clearly acknowledging that he is not the one and only god, If he was, the commandment to have him as the one and only god would be completely un-neccessary.
If I am the one and only OderTom and I know it, why would I need to warn my subordinats not to worship any other OlderTom's?
Is God a little confused perhaps? Me thinks Moses made it up on the way to the mountain and didn't give it much thought.
What kind of bush was he burning up there?For 5 thousand years nobody noticed the contradiction?
How many other suspect stories did we swallow without thinking about it first?
I mean to say if your daughter Mary (not her real name) came home, anounced she was pregnant and her boyfried (Joe) didn't do it, Who would swallow the story she was impregnated by the holy ghost?
New Bethel complex for UK
by JEMIMAH inas some of you may know london bethel is very close .
to buying new land to house a new complex (45 acre site).
it is not often that ibsa has kept a secret this long before.. any info appreciated.
I'm surpriced anyone still acknowledges Freddies excistance. I tend to look at him as just another computer virus after all has he said anything of any significance lately?
Some advice for Fredie. "It is better to look like a fool in silence, than open your mouth and proof it".
Someone may have to explain it to Freddie but let him think about it for a while first.
Is this site only for x-jws???
by silver252525 inhi guys!.
i would just like to know if this site is only for ex-jws or what?.
i have not been here long but from what i have seen i wanna think so:(
This site is or was started for Witnesses and interested ones. Unfortunately many witnesses can't stand the heat in the kitchen and get out
Some see the light and get out of the great harlet Babylon the Great (the Watchtower corporation) then they are ex witnesses. Some just feel uncomfortable reading so much overwelming evidence their religion is a cult and stop posting./
Some witnesses are so inimidated that they are afraid to come here because they are convinced the Watchtower police will catch them and disfellowship them.
So you understand you won't find many witlesses here although you can be assure many many more lurk here than post here.
Hi Prisca
How you been? All is well I trust.
Who is organising the next BBQ? Isn't it about due soon?
Organized religion, no religion, agnostic
by cnn77 ini am new here trying to figure my way around...... i would appreciate it if you could say which of these fits you..... 1. still a jw.
2. if you dont agree with the jw doctrines any longer do you belong to another religious organization now?
3. are still religious and have no religious affiliation.
You said...........read the Bible as I find many things in the Bible illogical and full of holes. Any sincere input in this is much appreciated by myself.
I have come o the conclusion that..... Much of what is written in the bible can be crosssreferenced with archeological EVIDENCE. Unlike the Mormons for instance. However I have trouble dealing with, and wonder how Christians deal with things such as.
The bible sais man was created 6000 years ago yet we find evidence of humanoids 1.5 Million years old.
Our aboriginals reccon they have been here in Oz for 40000 years and evidence dates them to 60000 years.
How did Noah get the Australian unique masupials into the Ark, feed them their special diets for a year and then put them back into their right place after the flood? UPS?
The bible sais Eve was made from one of Adams ribs yet men and women have the same number of ribs.
The watchtower sais we are living in the last days yet history teaches us that despite Hitler, Sadam, Milosowitch and the Indonesian dictators we live better and longer than we ever did in history.
In the past mankind was even more barbaric than they are today. Canabalism was not unique to the Melanesians. It was common practice to eat ons conquests. We were, and some still are, animals with a bigger brain.
Look at our aboriginals, when discovered they were living in the stone age even though European people were much further advanced. Did God make another one of his mistakes or did he forget about them?
The JDubs talk about living forever on earth yet the earth and everything on it is designed to live/excist only for a short time and nature reclaims it and returns it to the earth from which it came.
Living things turn back into compost.
Metals turn back into their oxides (rust)iron oxide.
Aluminium ->bauxideSo.... the bible is a book of fairy tales which have been grossly distorted over the years as you would expect when stories are handed down from generation to generation and not recorded immediately.
The bible was written for mostly uneducated peasants. Anyone with some level of intelligence would question much of what is written and test it if it really is so.
In my humble oppinion of cause. Anyone who can provide proof that everything in the bible is to be taken literally and absolutely true, I would welcome you ideas and see your proof. I have an idea it's going to be a long wait.
And don't give me that BS about "you gotta have faith"
Faith is believing something that is unbelievable.
And you will know the truth and the REAL truth will set you free.