So in this imaginary world where the majority of the population is gay, does this also mean that the majority of these surrogate children being born will also be gay as well?
Will all the surrogates be adopted children from the minority of the population that is heterosexual? Or will the gay parents actually have sex with someone other than their gay partner with someone of the opposite sex to have children who are blood relatives?
Will the majority of the population be blood relatives to their legal parents?
I'm trying to imagine this world here.
I can imagine they would provide cash incentivies to straight couples to have as many children as possible and pay surrogates handsomely.
So basically, the minority heterosexuals could just make their careers and livings off of having babies and giving them up for adoption? Would any thought be given to the fact that children in this world are basically treated as pieces of property to be sold?
Would there be enough of these minority surrogate mothers willing to participate in the practice of giving their babies up for adoption to sustain the population indefinitely?