Meni, enjoyed those scriptures, especially those in Is. and Zech. And I can see that humility is an essential ingredient "for your eyes to be opened". Interesting that the anointed would gradually deteriorate. I agree, the anointed on earth today are certainly damaged goods, imperfect, part of the dregs of humanity that has to face the time of the end.
What do you think of Is. 19:18? Five Canaanite-speaking cities in the land of Egypt swearing by God's name (cf. Dan. 11:41 Canaanites to escape, Egypt - the world - will not escape). One of the cities is called "City of tearing down". I gather from this that God's people (as a group) will be disbanded, later to be built up again (Jer. 1:10; 2 Cor. 10:4,5; cf. Amos 9:11, 12). On the other hand, the anointed will be purified (perhaps by persecution, even dying?). Then they will be called City of Rigteousness, Faitful Town, after being resurrected to eternal glory (cf. Is. 1:25-27). Any thoughts on the matter?