Duran, you've got some serious mixing and matching going on there:
"All needed nations will give their power to the UN when the time comes [Rev. 17:12]. This is necessary in order to bring about the 8th and final king that is used by God to serve as the 'hour of test'/hour of judgment'/'judgment on the house of God' [1 Peter 4:17; Rev. 3:10; 17:11, 12]. This 'hour' is the 42-month period of GT [Rev. 13:5; 17:11]. It is only GT for those that are refusing to go along with the rule of the UN. Prior to the UN getting the power to become the 8th king, WW3 must occur, it is the death-stroke on the beast as the 7th king [13:3]. The beast being revived is when it becomes the 8th king. [13:3; 17:11]"
Few problems here:
1) Remember beast with deathstroke only had ruling authority 42 months. Beast from the earth would take its place: "He exercised all the ruling authority of the first beast on his behalf" (Rev. 13:12). "The second beast was empowered to give life to the image of the first beast" (Rev. 13:15 NET). First beast is no more. Beast from the earth brought to life a new beast.
2) One hour is not equal to 42 months (3 1/2 years). (11:13; 17:12; 18:10, 17, 19; cf. 8:1).
3) I'd say we are now at Rev. 6:8. Next is Rev. 6:12 (sixth seal).
4) "He also caused everyone... to obtain a mark on their right hand or on their forehead" (Rev. 13:16 NET). Seems like the worship-part is the deadly part (13:15; 14:11; 19:20; 20:4).
5) Hour of test: First century Philadelphian congregation (3:10; cf. 1:11, 19; 4:1).