2024 Annual Meeting Doctrinal Change

by Listener 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Listener

    A change to their doctrine came from Jackson. This isn't a transcript of his whole speech but I thought I would try and get some of his main speech in writing.

    At around 1hr26 minutes he starts talking about some dangerous thinking in feeling there is some wiggle room in regards to the schedule for the GT. He says -

    "Some areas where perhaps we could be a little guilty in regards to that. For example, our view with regards to the number of anointed ones remaining on the earth. Now for many years, what did we think? Well that number would go down and down and down and down and down. Now I don't know about you but me, I can remember when the report came out just how many partakers, hmmm? And what were we thinking? Well probably, well maybe we didn't say it but we're thinking well the number will go down, down, down, down and there will be just a couple of old guys in a wheelchair who will get their reward. Well, I'm exagerating but that was sort of the feeling, wasn't it? But now what have we seen in recent years? Ha, those numbers have gone up and up. And not only that, younger brothers have been appointed on the Governing Body.

    Now I know what you're all thinking, two new ones, how old are they? We know, you're not googling now, ha, but you will be. But you see, we need to be careful about what we are thinking about the number of anointed ones left on earth. You see, 19 years ago I was appointed on to the GB, even I thought I was too young. Hm? Now they tell me I'm not so young anymore. But do we see the point? What does the Bible actually tell us with regard to this? Well it doesn't say the number would dwindle down to just having a few older ones left. No, the great crowd of other sheep will be judged on the basis of how they deal with Christ's Brothers. So that means the FDS and all the anointed throughout the earth will continue to be active in doing the work and wanting and needing your support right up until the time that suddenly they will be reassigned. And isn't that what Matt 24:31 says? There will be a gathering, a final gathering of all the anointed from the different parts of the earth. So for us to think 'Well, you know, there's some new ones on the GB, they don't look too old, ah, maybe we've got a little bit of extra time. No, Jehovah is making sure that the FDS is continuing to work and is effective right up in that until that time of reassignment."

    Then he says it was onto the next subject. He calls it "Our view of the destruction of BTG"

    "When we look through the scriptures, in Revelation 16, what does it tells us? That the waters will gradually dry up, yes churches are loosing support in some countries" He says Europe is less but Africa and South America religion still has a strong influence. "So what is it that the little voice is saying" points to his head. "Well yeah, we see it, it's going in the right direction but maybe not just yet, we've got a little bit more time left. But again

    Revelation 17 describes the destruction of false religion or in other words, when the GT starts. Verse 17 - For God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought, yes to carry out their one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast until the words of God is accomplished' Now what is this one thought? Well up until now, we've said the one thought is their desire to turn on false religion. And we can understand that because the context is talking about the destruction of false religion. But you see, if you look back at that verse, what is the one thought? Now this means we have to adjust our understanding. Another change. What does it say? The one thought refers to the nations being willing to hand over power, their political power, to the scarlet coloured wild beast, the United Nations.

    Let me repeat it because you are in shock now and you need to write this down. Okay. The one thought refers to the Nations being willing to hand over power to the United Nations.

    Now, why is that exciting? Well, the fact that Nations will eventually turn on religions really isn't that surprising is it? Gradually we've seen that happening. Oh yes, we see which way it's going. But what about Nations empowering the United Nations, handing over their personal political power so that the UN has more power? It has 'teeth' so it were. At the moment it's like a teethless, toothless organization isn't it? That seems unbelievable, no nation does that. But what is it that happens? It is an act of God. Jehovah puts that one thought into the minds of the nations. Yes, they will empower the UN so that the UN will be in a position to take action against false religion.

    Now this adjustment in understanding means that we also have to adjust our understanding of verses 12 and 13. So if you are in Rev 17 please lets look at 12 and 13 'The ten horns that you saw represent ten kings who have not yet received the Kingdom. But they do receive authority as Kings for one hour with the wild beast. These have one thought so they give their power and their authority to the wild beast.'

    So up until now we have assumed these 10 Kings represent all the political powers and governments in the World at the moment. That they did this during the last days by supporting first of all, the league of nations and then the UN.

    But now, what do we understand this to be seeing how we understand Vs 17? Well there will come a time when all political powers on earth, which includes many who have never been part of the 7 world powers. They will see that they need to collectively pool their power by giving it to the UN to try to solve some of the problems in the World. And they will rule, notice what does it say? For one hour, just a short period of time.

    So this newly empowered UNs from that time on, will rule collectively for a short time but it will enable them to destroy false religion and fight against Jesus' and Jehovah's people. Now isn't that exciting?

    But now we're back to our subject again. Now gradually things happen so we might say 'well gradually I see BTG losing influence in some places, well maybe not yet' But don't expect you will see Governments wanting to gradually give over power. They don't want to do that. It takes an act of God. Jehovah will put it into their hearts. This will occur with suddenness. Yes, then the GT will start. A sudden change, not something that happens gradually.

    So what have we learnt in our discussion? Well yes some things change gradually but Bro's and Sis's remember, some things that are about to occur. Let's remember the two things as a reminder.

    First of all, The remaining anointed one will suddenly be taken to heaven while they are still very active Matt 24:31

    The second one Jehovah will suddenly move the nations to give their political power to the UN Rev 17:12,13,17.

    So what's the takeaway? Don't be complacent. Don't think 'oh this is going to gradually change' No Some things won't gradually change. They will occur suddenly as Acts of God. So be ready and don't be surprised by sudden change.

  • KerryKing

    The UN recently managed to pass legislation, or whatever it's called, which failed for the WHO, that they will have the authority to over rule local governments and authorities in events involving Planet, Human and Animal Health. Maybe that includes war, I don't know but it also involves the WEF.

    Your man in the talk isn't prophesying, at least, not on behalf of God, but sharing the inside info that he has been allowed to share. The WT corporations are signed up to WEF organisations which are trying to bring all religions together. WT is actively involved up to the eyeballs, I wonder what they have been promised in reward by their human rulers?

  • Listener

    Who are the GB trying to kid about this. They our claiming that Nations will hand over political power suddenly at some future point in time. But it's not a sudden move. It's been happening for some time.

    This is from the Australian Governments Health website -

    Australia is working closely with the global community, including the World Health Organization, to reform and strengthen global health systems. These include updates to the International Health Regulations and the development of a new pandemic response agreement

    This is just an example of one country and there are many more involved.

    It is happening as we speak yet the GB obviously don't want to address this but they're pretending they have some new insight that's for a future time.

    They've decided they got their interpretation wrong and that's because of their hand being forced with world events already taking place which they won't admit to.

    It's another issue that makes the organization look very guilty and actively involved with the UN

  • Duran
    they're pretending they have some new insight that's for a future time.
    They've decided they got their interpretation wrong and that's because of their hand being forced with world events already taking place which they won't admit to.


    Verse 17 - For God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought, yes to carry out their one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast until the words of God is accomplished' Now what is this one thought? Well up until now, we've said the one thought is their desire to turn on false religion. And we can understand that because the context is talking about the destruction of false religion. But you see, if you look back at that verse, what is the one thought? Now this means we have to adjust our understanding. Another change. What does it say? The one thought refers to the nations being willing to hand over power, their political power, to the scarlet coloured wild beast, the United Nations.

    What fools the GB are and even bigger fools are those that follow them.

    They are saying now that they need to adjust their understanding/make a change, based on actually reading what the verses say.

    If JWs actually read the Bible and followed what it said instead of what the WTS/GB say, then they would have known all along what the verses said.

    So up until now we have assumed these 10 Kings represent all the political powers and governments in the World at the moment. That they did this during the last days by supporting first of all, the league of nations and then the UN.
    But now, what do we understand this to be seeing how we understand Vs 17? Well there will come a time when all political powers on earth, which includes many who have never been part of the 7 world powers. They will see that they need to collectively pool their power by giving it to the UN to try to solve some of the problems in the World. And they will rule, notice what does it say? For one hour, just a short period of time.

  • blondie

    I see the word "assumed" used, it made me remember this proverb "When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me." Once again they do make an ass out of themselves and unfortunately other believing jws.

  • LeeMerk

    When will they ever learn to not speculate on every sentence of the Bible, trying to make it say something it doesn't?

  • nicolaou


    WT corporations are signed up to WEF organisations which are trying to bring all religions together. WT is actively involved up to the eyeballs

    Can you back this up? Do you have any proof at all that WT are collaborating with the World Economic Forum to "bring all religions together"?

    I can wait 🙄

  • blondie

    The WTS has said that the marriage of the Bride of Christ and Jesus cannot happen, until of the "true" anointed are resurrected to heaven. Considering how many of the newer governing body members are quite young, 40's and 50's and they have said that all will be resurrected to heaven before the wedding starts, what about these younger governing body members? Does that mean they will have to live out their natural lives before they are resurrected (the WTS has said that the resurrection of the anointed started long after the 1st century, and actually started in the early 20th century and that thereafter when "true" anointed WTS members died faithful, they would be resurrected "in the twinkling of an eye." So will younger governing body members have to die before natural and taken to heaven so they can be there for the marriage? (reminds me of the non-WTS teaching of the rapture) Or will the "end" have to wait till the death of the last governing body member? With so many jws getting the "calling" late in life (more than just the governing body, but all 144,000 anointed (all self-claimed) are in heaven" On the recent info on 2 more governing body members being appointed by the other members, what happens then? Can we "assume" that the average lifespan now is around 80 years (sic), and some will reach that age, can we assume that the end is yet 30 years in the future? And with the "overlapping generation" teaching how much farther will that put out the time for the marriage to begin. The marriage cannot start until all "true" anointed are in heaven, Can you conclude then that some of the anointed will die sooner, not of natural causes, also pushing out the timeline? I don't see how this explanation does not open up the need to make other "adjustments" and "clarifications: (WTS terms not mine)? (and when says "we" they mean the governing body since only they, not the rest of the anointed, have that privilege to make adjustments and clarifications? I know many on JWN will have their long convuluted explanations, but I am not looking for that. Just that readers here, look at the possibilities that the WTS needs to address. Love Blondie (who does not claim to be a bible scholar or feel that quoting other "bible scholars" is true support of their ideas. Give your own opinion not that of others.) Just reporting, not supporting WTS ideas.

  • DisgruntledFool

    "Even though the "Great Crowd" is growing larger all the time and the remnant of the "Little Flock" of anointed followers of Christ is getting smaller in numbers..." WT 3/1 pg 149 Where on earth does Jackson think that the rank and file got the idea that the number of anointed would decrease as we got closer to Armageddon?

    More whitewashing and historical erasure by Jackson and his Governing Body buffoons. My feelings: Fuck them and the self appointed thrones that they sit upon.

  • blondie

    DisgruntledFool, not a fool in my opinion. You provide a good example of what the WTS has "adjusted". But have seen the light, or as I call it an AHA moment.

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