I looked at the site. They are the jw reform group. that may be fine for some. The site is for
jws in good standing
those that have left by DA or DF due to questioning the beliefs of the org (apostasy) ( note the caste system regarding DF/DA)
those of any other religions who are interested
So I can't be sure but it would seem that if anyone was DF over any reason other than questioning the beliefs of jws, they are probably not welcome.
I actually like the site, it seems nice and is probably safe, but if you are trying to leave jws behind, probably not the place you want to go.
If you really do like jws and just want them to reform- then that is your place. They seem honest and and appear to be trying really hard to keep the place safe. But folks, it is jw speak. Know that upfront.
Not my place but maybe you would like it.
at one time i would have loved that site, but that was long ago and far away.