Can you stop one heart from breaking?

by compound complex 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear and Gentle Readers,

    Kindly apply the sweet words of our dear Emily to why small deeds have been so meaningful to you or another individual in time of need. No kindness is ever for naught.

    Deepest gratitude,


    Not in Vain

    If I can stop one heart from breaking,
    I shall not live in vain:
    If I can ease one life the aching,
    Or cool one pain,
    Or help one fainting robin unto his nest again,
    I shall not live in vain.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Words of kindness can be powerful, just as much as hateful ones, especially if used at the right time. Due to my anger relating to childhood and the witnesses, I feel it was more understood, than actually shown, that I do, love my family, despite that.

    My mom went for triple heart by pass, and could have died, about 10 years ago. I never even went to the hospital to see her. My poor sweet mom, is a very simple woman, and never really knew how to show love, despite her never ending desire to feed us.

    Until recently, I have never said, or written one word of thanks or appreciation to her. I have never even given her anything. That is until she got sick again. I now know, I could have lost her, so I made a lasagna, and gave her a little peice in a container. I wrote a little note, with a heart, that said the simple words, " I love you mom!" I don't think, she even noticed the Lasagna. She was so happy! It justified her life and after that, I think she thought I could walk on water.

    Kind words spoken on this board, at the right time, can have similar effects. I think showing love is becoming a rare thing in this world. I wouldn't call myself an example to follow, but thank you for your compassion and heart Coco.

  • nameless_one

    A word is dead
    When it is said,
    Some say.
    I say it just
    Begins to live
    That day.

    Small deeds of kindness -- my one and only new thread on this forum was posted in distress. You, Coco, were the first to reply, and then immediately sent me a comforting PM. You probably don't remember me, but I will always remember you :smile:

    You are a gentleman of class and grace

  • boyzone

    Thats truly beautiful coco. A few months ago I was in pain. My mum had been diagnosed with cancer and had just undergone a very painful operation. I had been by her bedside till late and the next day I was exhausted and very stressed. I took my 8 year old to school hoping that the sisters at the school gate would show some kindness and give me a smile or even a "how's your mum?" (my mum's a witness) instead of the cruel shunning. On the contrary, one former close "friend" literally turned her back on me as I walked passed her. I was devasted and cried and cried. That small action hurt so much I felt physically sick.

    I didn't want to be on my own so I headed into town. I bought a coffee but all the tables in the cafe were full so I stood up and waited with my tray. One couple at a table saw me standing and asked me to join them. I didn't know them but they shared their table with me. They were from Scotland and were visiting the area. We had a lovely chat and they made me laugh.

    I will never forget their kindness that day. It was a small thing, but to me it meant absolutely everything. They will never know how important that act was to me, and I will never forget it.

    They stopped my heart breaking.

  • wednesday

    Say a prayer for the falling angels

    Stem the tide of the rising waters

    Toll a bell for the broken hearted

    Burn a torch for your sons and daughters

    The endless night has got a hold of me

    Dark days are pulling me forward

    And all the tears are washing over me-

    I'm crying, lost forever-

    In a future that ain't what it used to be

    from "the future ain't what it used to be" Jim Steinman

  • BabaYaga

    Dear gods, people, you have me in tears.

    Perfectly gorgeous thread, Dear CoCo.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I can't agree with that poem co co. Our goal in life should not be to avoid pain in others or ourselves. Our goal should be to enjoy what's good, and learn from what's bad.

    Happiness can not come without some pain.
    Flowers will not grow without some rain.
    When you find yourself seeing through tears,
    Thank life's yins and yangs, and relish the sting.

  • BabaYaga

    And I disagree with you, John Doe.

    You know what I realized several years ago? That there is no good and evil, there is only hurt and heal. If someone continues to demonstrate hurt to others, that is because something is hurting or unresolved or just plain lacking in themselves. In order to heal, one has to have love and healing oneself.

    We are NOT just here to enjoy the good and learn from the bad... unless you mean that sharing our love and mending hearts is enjoying the good. Without that, there is no true joy.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Pain is a fact of life. Consider, for a moment, an analogy. Would you rather live life with no pain nerves or with pain nerves?

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Good ol John, is like the Grinch that stole Christmas. I can see a bit of myself, in him. One day John will return all the presents, to the Who's in Who ville. Thats what I was trying to do by giving my mom a peice of Lasgna. But, if you want John off this thread in a real hurry, don't argue with him, just tell him we love him. LOL


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