u are describing a classic textbook boderline personality.they are not schiz-but they live on edge of bing psychotic. Small things trip them over-in the medical community there is what is called 'boderline bashing" and many medical people hate them because they are difficult to help. Only by building a trusting reltionship with a therapist (because they would exhasut a friend) can any help come to them. They truly suffer.
JoinedPosts by wednesday
Do some people love trauma and tragedy?
by kenpodragon ini have never considered myself to be full of a bunch of trauma and tragedy.
at least when i compare it to some.. have you ever known the type of people though, that always have something new happening that is traumatic.
you know the type, if it isn't a sick child it is a argument.
Antipathetics instead of "Apostates"
by Dismembered indue to the negative connotations that result from the word "apostate".
how about if from here and now we consider ourselves antipathetics instead.
what do you think simon & all?
I am not ready to call myself an apostate-from all that i have been reading on the board-it would seem the JW are the apostates.Maybe jw are just another part of BTG. But where should we go-or should we go anywhere?
I came to this site through silent lambs. I have been trying to heal for a long time. People who have never been incested or raped , sometimes don't know what an amazing hurdle we have to overcome. It shatters every reality u know. Then to have the org turn around and "rape" u-well it was too much for me and i swore after that i'd never go in service again. i continued sort of with the meetings, but eventulally i have all but quit them . I attend an occ one, mostly at incestant of hubby. he is very upset i'm on theis board-but he is keping my secret-he wil not betray me. So not all jw think the same.
Edited by - wednesday on 14 September 2002 14:8:19
Edited by - wednesday on 14 September 2002 14:12:6
WTS visits Apostate Website! (again)
by Rado Vleugel inin february i reported that the watchtower society visited my website (click here for the february post).
i think they were a little frightened by this exposure and masked their identity while surfing apostate websites because i never saw them back in my stats.
but today i caught them again:.
I've always known that teh WTS on some level moniters sites. i've even remebrer herearing it discussed after a meeeting by a grou of brothes. They werer saying that there was a list of known apostates(ie anyone basically i guess who posts to these boards and such). While in an aol chat room few yrs ago, i actaully got someone to send me that list. I was glad to se my name was not on it! I had puter craxh since then and son did not save all my stuff. But that list does exist.
Watchtower Has Statute of Limitation on SIN?
by Nanoprobe instatement from the vicki boer trial .
lawyer colin stevenson argued that momm and his allies were confusing the spiritual law of the witnesses, which imposes a three-year statute of limitations on such things as abuse, with the law of the land, which requires immediate reporting.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=36530&site=3.
was anyone aware of this?
This is so revolting that i can hardly stand reading it in print. to think the main pursope of an org. is to maintain a squeaky clean image at the suffering of children and victims of crimes. It just makes me want to vomit...except my husband keeps telling me"and u think the other churches don't have scandals and coverups and all that? u are fooling yourself-u htink they are blessed by jehovah?" Now i say-is any religion any good-because they all cover over bad stuff and ji bet there is a catholic somewhere feeling just like we do. any comments
Do JW's teach anything about their history?
by Double Edge ineveryone here seems to know a lot about jw history, but when i ask my friend (who was a convert) they don't seem to know too much.
do they teach a church history class on sundays or during the week?
(just curious...seems funny that my friend would convert from catholicism without knowing too much of the history)
Refiners Fire,
Glad somone else remembers that book- . We were never encourged to read it much though. I was always told the old stuff "will just confuse u". The only stories i have heard about russell and rutherford-well they werer highly cleaned up . On of them ) is supposed to have had a problem wife nad she left him and was trying to start her own group. What i remember th jw saying is she was difficult and they were separated a lot. anyone know anything else?
by DJ ini find it utterly wrong as wrong can be to make fun of someone who is claiming to have demonic occurances.
yes, this is an uncomfortable subject and many here are filled with fear when the subject even comes up.
some choose to make fun of the situation while others declare the person to be insane.. i think it is fine to believe whatever you want to believe on this subject.
My experiences with demons have been many and varied. the really unusual one i told u about happened in bed at night and at a house that a number of other things had also happened.I have had experiences in both day and night. They only happen occ now. (this has all been over a very long period of time also)Nothing ever a vivd has happened again-but there have been definite encountes.
I attend the meeting on occ. and yes still basicaly believe it but find them very unloving. I'lll never go in service again. The problem is they are unloving.
My therapist and i have worked together for a long time and he knows me well. he's not sure what i saw but he knows i'm not nuts. Yes i had sexual abuse as a child. It was my father. I could not remeber it until many years later, but just "knew" something was wrong. It took therapy to help me remember. My dad is dead now-and i have told a few people. I was raped by a jw and they DF me instead for as they said then"either u are lying and accusing this bro of a gross sin or u have commited fornication yourself. We know u were drinking_(he got me drunk) so either way u are DF) He went free and raped again. they got him the second time. they df him but he moved away and new cong never told of his past.. I support the silent lambs-they are correct. this stuff hapens. wE never told to go to police or anythng. For god sake-rape is a crime.
dj i appreciate u extending your hand and i was vey touched by it. I just not ready to exactly throw caution to the wind here. I know there are jw moles on these boards.
edited for spelling
Edited by - wednesday on 15 September 2002 5:42:18
Watchtower Has Statute of Limitation on SIN?
by Nanoprobe instatement from the vicki boer trial .
lawyer colin stevenson argued that momm and his allies were confusing the spiritual law of the witnesses, which imposes a three-year statute of limitations on such things as abuse, with the law of the land, which requires immediate reporting.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=36530&site=3.
was anyone aware of this?
My first post did not go through. bill is correct. After a nuber of years an sin cannot be use dagainst u if u have basically led an ok life since then. Case in point-An elder relative of mine sinned with another relative mnay years ago. Finally one confessed(NOT THE ELDER). It was generlly made light of and the perosn confessing was sort of looked at as a nut.
Watchtower Has Statute of Limitation on SIN?
by Nanoprobe instatement from the vicki boer trial .
lawyer colin stevenson argued that momm and his allies were confusing the spiritual law of the witnesses, which imposes a three-year statute of limitations on such things as abuse, with the law of the land, which requires immediate reporting.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=36530&site=3.
was anyone aware of this?
I believe that bill is right, i have seen this sort of rule used to allow elders who commited gross sins stay in positions if it was and old sin. Case in pint i had a relative who had an affair with another relative-they kept it secret over 25 yers. Finally one persns conscience bothered them. (NOT HE ELDERS I MIGHT ADD) and one person confessed,. Meetins were held-it was laughted at-and all well that ends well. I should have done this when i was in my tens and ealry twenty's. just wait-not confess and eventually it would not matter.
Anyone still bothered by the demons?
by wednesday inhi i'm wednesday and born and raised in jw.-inactive several years.
i have had a number of iincidents that appear to demonic've had spirit beings sit on my bed at ight and talk to me i've been literally touched by things unseen.
now i know the jw are big on demon stuff.
hi this is wednesday-the person who started this thread. As u see i took quite a beating but it was nice to openly be able to debate things. It si hard for me to tell from your post if u are still active in JW. Currently i am inactive, but still believe most of the things i was taught., I frimly believe in the existence of a spirit world-both good and bad. No matter if i never walked into a KH the rest of my life-it would never occur to me to doubt the existence of God or the the spirit realm. My question originally had to do eith anyone still experinecing demon problems? I still do occ. The account i related seemed to smeo to call into question my sanity. I din't feel just by virture i'd had an experience with demons mean't i was nuts-but i got quite a lot of people who felt differently. I still maintain-and this is backedp up by sociology and my therapist-id a belief is intergal to a religion or culture-then the fact we all believe it by itself does not make us nuts. In other workd, u can't judge a person's sanity baised soely on the belief of this thing.
Through the years i have known jw who seemed to have more than their share of dmon problems. Others never had any.My husband who is a faithful witness and never ever looked into occcult stuff personally had an awful experience while we were liivng in acertain house(btw it was the same house wher i had my experience). My husaband is a very logiacl person and not given to hysterics. he knwe he'd had a real experinece.
Many o the board say theat when u leave the jw and their belief in the demons they will cease to exist. I don't agree, but its a happy thught and if it works for them-great. wednesday
Edited by - wednesday on 13 September 2002 9:42:5
Anyone still bothered by the demons?
by wednesday inhi i'm wednesday and born and raised in jw.-inactive several years.
i have had a number of iincidents that appear to demonic've had spirit beings sit on my bed at ight and talk to me i've been literally touched by things unseen.
now i know the jw are big on demon stuff.
Have i shared this with my therapist? Yes and he responded that since belief in demons is an intergal part of jw religion, u can't judge someone one psychotic for believing in this. Sociloogy textbook say the same thing. that does not mean the belief is not crazy-but it cannot be used as standard to judge soemone sanity by. All JW believe in demons. Some have had experiences some have not. The fact i have does not make me crazy. At the curent time i have only occ experience and nothing like experience i related.
but i can go on-if u want to think i'm nuts-that is your right. I have my thoughts about some posters too. .