I support what silentlambs is trying to do. I look forward to a new safe place to post. thank u for standing up for all the little ones who have no one to rescue them.
Edited by - wednesday on 27 October 2002 19:6:23
i wish them peace.
at the end of the conversation i did not feel we were in agreement.
for similar reasons i believe ray has not supported the issue of child abuse being a problem in the organization to media and by personal comments to persons who ask him privately about this.
I support what silentlambs is trying to do. I look forward to a new safe place to post. thank u for standing up for all the little ones who have no one to rescue them.
Edited by - wednesday on 27 October 2002 19:6:23
i got this from my mother in an e-mail.
yes, that's right, my mom sent it to me.
she wrote in the subject line..................i knew there had to be a reason for the shape i'm in {lack of}.
My doc is 65 and so is his wife. he says they have sex(and good sweaty sex) on a regualr basis.He says it keeps him young-and i must agreee-he appears at least 10 yrs younger than his age and is very happy . i am trying to follow his example :)
how's the weekend going for you?
here in the great sunburnt country it's time to put the feet up and relax with a good cuppa, whilst i guess the north american posters and lurkers are still raging on saturday eve.
wherever you are, take a few minutes to just relax and unwind and enjoy reminiscing.
When i was active-i used to write it on my calendar. Eventaully i quit going ou in service but to avoid being talked with about it it used to put in a really low number and apease my conscience by dropping some literature off at a laundry mat.
i thought about writing "i quit" but it got a little wordier than i expected.
but i'm sending this off monday morning.
i've used a little info gathered here on this site but mostly it's my thoughts.
What an outstanding letter. If only the R/F could hear it. But u know, having been raised a jw-3rd generation, not sure i would not have just accepted the brothers words about the apostate beating his fellow slaves . I would have believed all there lies. Truly it took a lot for me to see how unloving and unfair they are. I had so litttle self esteem left-they callled me names and i just set there and let them. However, the day i decided i'd never tell another elder anything personal or discuss a problem with them-well it was a truly liberating feeling. I knew i didn't need them-i could approach jehovah through jesus and talk directly to Him.
I widh i could do what u have done, but for me at this time-it is just better to continue fading. My husband is JW and while he is inactive-he defends it . I talked with him the other night about COC and some of the stuff i had been reading. One thing he did say is even if the jw wer wrong about 607-they aren't far off b/c of the destruction of jerusalem being 70 years later and we have a historical date for that-539 i believe. i never listened very well at meeeting about this stuff-i just blindly beleived what ever the WTS said. i'm finding COC a really hard read-so much data and it skips around a lot.
I asked him how he felt about me reading COC and he is not happy but said do not talk to anyone else about it. So i don't.
Anyway, so happy for u and do EXACTLY WHAT U SAID-MAKE THEM PAY IF THEY CAUSE ANY PROBLEMS FOR U AND YOUR SON. I have heard about people, org's, being sued for things like that. it has been done before and successfully.
best wishes to u.
take some time today people and tune in and educate yourselves a bit about this 'system of things'.. no war in iraq!!!.
no blood for oil!!.
My son was in KoSoVo and may have to go to Iraq. Saddamn wil not stop until he has overturned our way of life. It is our way of life that is hated. We really have no choice but ot go and defend it or let them kill us. I don't want to live in terror.
i have just posted some of the audio from the 2002 witnesses now for jesus convention at http://www.jwinfoline.com/page/audio_tapes_of_month.htm more to come shortly.. on sunday evening a jehovah's witness still active in the watchtower and said that 55 - 60% of jehovah's witnesses have stopped attending in some kingdom halls.
has anyone else noticed a significant drop in kingdom hall attendance?
is there something big going on inside the wt organization that outsiders may not be aware of?.
I have wondered for some time about why they stopped subs-it is so traditional.. But in part it may be due to rising costs of everything and secondly it may be a way to control who has access to the publications. Of course jw still place mags with people ,and they still leave them at not at homes-unless theat has changed. Anyway, i have felt from the start it was a way to contol access to them. perhaps trying to stop the publication of them on boards like this.
and for those reasons, coj wanted in the beginning, to stay with the organization, just like bill bowens.
that is all carl wanted.
yes, as members of the governing body, they knew full well, exactly what carl's writings meant.
also being a 3rd generation jw(we say with such pride) i know that if an elder JUST resigns he is not put in that t catagorey. I agree if u stay away form meeting for an extended period of time-u are viewed as inactive-but the term in good standing refers more to your status as wheter u are df da marked or whatever. people have stayed away for illness and retained their good standing. I think to it depends on how your elder body views u. I ahve been inactive for years and NO has ever offfered to study with me. They have on an occassion or 2 tried to encourge me to come back to the meeting. I sort of said "when hell freezes over" in a nice way.It also depends who u are-if u weere very popular and and all well they will not mark u and knock themselfs out to try and get u back to kh. They will still invate u to gettogathers and treat u well. Especially if u weree an elder. the good ole boy system is alive and well.
However, your point made-if bill walked away he could still be in good standig -if no accusation that they could prove were made.
and for those reasons, coj wanted in the beginning, to stay with the organization, just like bill bowens.
that is all carl wanted.
yes, as members of the governing body, they knew full well, exactly what carl's writings meant.
resiging as an elder does not make hin not in good standing. Only if he is accused and proven he has violated a WT law is he not in good standing.Ray for that matter stayed in good standing almost until his DF. he says he still had the option to pioneer.
and for those reasons, coj wanted in the beginning, to stay with the organization, just like bill bowens.
that is all carl wanted.
yes, as members of the governing body, they knew full well, exactly what carl's writings meant.
I am currently reading COC. On my own, wihtout ever reading it here, i came to the conclusion that Ray would have done anything to stay in the org. and not be DF. He had a cong. he was attending and if he could not be an elder he said he'd just pioneer. This is in 80-81. From what i read , he fought them tooth and nail to keep them from df him(an example i intend to follow). So it seems that even though he had discovered all the untruths about the org, he would have stayed f they had not forced his df. He had family , etc.
Bill, presented to the org some startling things. They decided to df him. He fought. They fought. They won. He's now trying to help others in the org by bringing child molestation, rape and abuse to light so we can all look at how ugly it really is.
So what is the problem? Both men would have probably stayed and tried reform from within if they had not been forced out. No one DA themselfs.
also, perhaps it is a good legal move to write only about things u can document-otherwise he would have faced charges of slander and libel.
Edited by - wednesday on 26 October 2002 14:26:48
Edited by - wednesday on 26 October 2002 14:30:37
in the us, the term void is used in the health care industry as another word for.... well doing a number one, or taking a pee.
there is also a term, "void where prohibited".... usually in reference to some sale, or offer.. so...... "void where prohibited" = "pee where you please".
or is this my watchtower upbringing twisting my reality?edited by - zev on 26 october 2002 6:2:12.
u frogot the void, and urinate.,also i have heard pass my water, make water