As far as I have seen, religion is about money, leaders who know reality (how to make a living from other people’s need) and for people who can’t face reality (those who ‘need’ to hang on something).
There are other more practical nonprofit org
i've struggled with wanting to be 'something' mostly probably to fill that hole that was left and to try and belong somewhere, anywhere really.
so i've tried penecostal, presbyterian, united churches but they all seem fake.
i always compared everything to the jw's, and didn't even realize it.
As far as I have seen, religion is about money, leaders who know reality (how to make a living from other people’s need) and for people who can’t face reality (those who ‘need’ to hang on something).
There are other more practical nonprofit org
alright, i need a question answered, if possible with bible versicles.
do demons flee when someone pronounces god's name, jehovah?
i know this is a belief from the jws, but i don't know on what it is founded, or if it is.
Turn the light on please, where is the switch? I can't read.
Uninformed or misinformed people can be easily programmed. They (we) usually do not have an antivirus to protect their head from accepting stupid concepts.
Been in the dark, is any sense of the word, is scary as you don t see, or have any control of what is going on.
Have you seen how hesitant is a real blind person trying to walk around without the stick and no training?
The more I ignore the more insecure I am. We may ignore that some stuff we believe is nonsense.
When insecure people get the jitter they turn the light on to get some relief. Or they get near where more people are 'congregated' to get the feeling that help is near by, insecurity.
The preservation instinct, present in animals too, keep me away from potential danger, uncontrolled or perceived as uncontrolled situations, such as dark spots.
many years ago people seemed more polite to woman, by tipping their hats or holding a door open to let them in.
even in busses, men gave their places if a woman was standing.
does a person look stupid if he is too polite today compared to years ago?.
lack of proper education
they are a product of the "system"
look deeper and they are not too happy intenally either
limit your contact with them, jw style, it can make you sick.
An space, (country?) should be set up for people who want to move away from...
Who wants to write "Declaration of Indepence", constitution laws etc, history may repeat itself somehow.
Those who can do it just "built" their own paradise....
recently i asked:have you experienced god?and many of you responded.the question was not intended to prove that god exists,or,doesn't.rather, what each persons own experience meant for them.. now,i thought that it would be only fair to ask:have you experienced satan?again not to prove that satan exists or dosen't.rather what each persons own experience meant for them.. maybe some have experienced both,god and satan at different times,or can you tell the difference?.
A person I now tried to sell his soul to him/her but they did not agree on the price.
Then I got to know a demon (female), at least that is how my lawyer described a young beautiful girl that i dated. .
Actually I think that Satan should step down and let this demon take his/her place… believe me. She has more credentials being visible to begin with.
by nature, are you a person that typically makes a judgment on your gut feeling or do you feel that you don't have all the facts to judge against someone?
On most hurting, controversial, fraud situations I give the benefit of the doubt, but i should change actitude, for decades evidence later available have proven the suspected but rejected (hunch?) "feeling" to be the right one.
It is more in line with practice, that they are guilty untl proven otherwise rahter than the other way around. For personal consumtion there is no need for the rule "behind any reasonable doubt".
WT has been a classical exambple.
if all goes like you plan, where and what do you expect to be doing in 10 years from now?.
what do you expect to accomplish here to then?.
Traveling with a grandson/girl on in a fuel cell zero pollution/emission fuel cell powered van. Probably with more than 100 thousand miles on the electric "engine". Online at broadband 80 mph.
Hope not to need any passport, even ID, to cross any country border, wishfull thinking. (A very educated/powerful world wide civil movement is required), maybe 75 years later a new world order will arrive. A more realistic jw version.
as far as i'm concerned, the united states is in north america, just like canada and mexico.
so why do americans think "america" means only the us?
so often i hear americans talk about the us as "america".. .
An asian island was named (re-named) USA ( not U..S..A.) for marketing purposes
A new American country may be born and, you guess it...or an old American country may decide to modify or change its name and, you guessed it again...But do they actually have to be in America to do it? One of those Arab countries may just like the A merica. They invented the decimal numbering system so they may just as well adopt the whole alphabet for any disputable purpose..
as far as i'm concerned, the united states is in north america, just like canada and mexico.
so why do americans think "america" means only the us?
so often i hear americans talk about the us as "america".. .
Some day a citizen of one of those American countries will sue the USA, maybe a class action...
recently, dr. wolf-ekkehard loennig, a jw working in a leading position at the gene-science-department at the max-planck-institute, has been banned from the institute's website for spreading his view about evolution.
he promotes the so called "intelligents design".
max-planck-institute calles this creationism in disguise.
Web banned? Prelude to being fired?
Paradox can be explained… Scientist are not immune to mental disorders, I have seen a few true professionals (science field) loose their minds or hold silly religious related ideas and concepts. In fact their mental capacity may be used to "rationalize" anything..
666. you all know it as the mark of the wild beast.
i'm begining studies on this subject and my first impressions so far have been quite interesting.
i believe that the jws have it wrong.
What is the logical reasoning to justify receiving a message from your father, employer or supervisor ENCRYPTED?... and not even giving you the key...
Once you get a satisfactory answer then... keep on the excercise on futility.
only when i dont feel good and have strange or bad DREAMS.
an old babylonian king had a dream and went crazy after that...
the strangeest individual i have konwn are very religious and interested in profecy... keep your common sense.