I've struggled with wanting to be 'something' mostly probably to fill that hole that was left and to try and belong somewhere, anywhere really. So I've tried penecostal, presbyterian, united churches but they all seem fake. I always compared everything to the jw's, and didn't even realize it. I'd say well this church is too big, how am I going to get to know anyone? or the minister seems aloof, like he doesn't really believe what he is saying. or me being judgmental, (that part of that residual slime Im getting rid of) the women there, their skirts are too short. There was such fear in me of satan and all his demons, and I often believed more in him than I did in a god that loved me. But now I'm at a bit of a different place, I dont know that I even beleive in satan anymore, I almost think he's just made up to instill fear so that control can be kept over members, of any church really. I am more into spirituality, meditation, finding out what my purpose in life is, and not worrying specifically about 'a religion' although I find myself longing for the honesty and the closeness I discovered with one church group I got involved with. It was presybterian, we had what they called 'homegroups' and we met every other firday night, sometimes we'd study the bible, sometimes we'd just sing or socialize, and of course there was always food. But we all got to know each other. I guess what I'm saying is I really lack the ability to form close relationships, I've never been good at that and that's what I miss I never was taught how to do that, I'm incredibly shy sometimes, and I come off as snobby and I just end up alone. I mean I married with two kids now, but I can count on less than 3 fingers how many friends I have. Whoa, that is way off topic huh? Okay well back to my original question then, what religion if any are you now?
What religion are you now?
by Michalea 42 Replies latest jw experiences
Do we need religion, or does religion need us?
You seem to be on the right path. Believing in God does not necessitate ones participation in a religion.
When I first left the JWs I considered going to a non-denominational church so that there wouldn't be much of a judgemental "we're right, you're wrong" type of attitude.
I am now agnostic, so I don't have a religion. I think you'll find that most organized religions seem rather fake. Try this:
I'm a member of the "God is the Great Artist" sect. And His most elegant work of art is the female form. I was going for a Masters in studying that art form! I hope I never graduate, I was thinking of going to 'audit' and starting over! Maverick
Well it is true that church does not save us, only Jesus can do that. But I do find pleasure in going to church and I attend a Baptist church. Its nice to have friends to associate with as it keeps me in line and helps me not to stray away from the Lord.
Michaelea, you might try reading this article. I am not going to advocate anything, but it presents a non-JW approach.
Where is the Body of Christ? My Search for True Christians by Tom Cabeen
You dont need a religion >Just a relationship. All you have to do is Pray! to the Creator of the heaven & Earth( Col 1:14..)..Tells us the maker of everyone,everything was JESUS>.. And Confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord & Believe in your heart God raised him from the dead.. Your saved!!!!Not Maybe!!!! as the WT says .!!!!..Whatever you do dont read it in the Watchtower monstrosity ( they have bracketed (other) to twist the meaning Trying to say Jesus was created first... NOT!
You asked so I gave my beliefs not all on here agree with me. But we do love one another & they allow me to express my thoughts without being shot down....( Up to now lol) -
None, I have no religon and very much like it that way. I am what would be described as an agnostic-pagan, pretty much a panthiest. I feel we are all part of the universal energy and that energy is not a person or god but just an energy. To me the idea of a God/dess, is far removed from my nature.
No church...........never, never, never again.
I do not need a religion.
Hmmmm....yous say you went to a church where the women were wearing short skirts? Maybe that's my new religion!
Right now, after becoming inactive after 30 yrs in dubdom, I'm so burned out that I can't look to anything formal, at least for now.