I wonder about the elders that carried out the order from Brooklyn to kick him out.
It would be interesting to see what they have to say TODAY.
i remember vaguely, well all hell broke loose in the late 70's regarding, ray franz being df'd, and the witch hunt at bethel.
i was just a little kid at the time, and didn't pay much attention.. i know ray's point of view, from what i've read on this board, and also ordered myself his book "crisis of conscience"(should be a good read).
i think back now, i remember the event happening, and the speaker talking about it at our circuit assembly, but i don't recall the reasons (bs) he gave.
I wonder about the elders that carried out the order from Brooklyn to kick him out.
It would be interesting to see what they have to say TODAY.
they are now paranoid about mobile phones.
No warning about radio frequency radiation.. a danger with no age discrimination .
WT seem more carefull before 'talking' about what they don't know (aluminum) or
they may be reluctant to increse the number of enemies (mobile phone industry).
What did the WT say about the prior, older 'danger', alphanumeric pagers?
i did radio broadcast for about 20 years.
whereas i am thinking of doing it again, i hope that it doesn't come down to it.
unless i can do morning drive again.
Does your story include the use of a "voice changer" or a long travel to work, lets say to another city?
Or did you get training as a double agent for a counter intelligence agency or something?
I was a consultant for a radio station many years ago and the station was purchased by BIG worldwide church. I had a panic attack and resigned within weeks, before they (jw) found out.
That was one of my several resignations due to 'conflict of interest', i lost tons of $, but who knows i may get it ($) back from the wt bank account some day, somehow... today you hear about class action you never heard before.
Taliking about class actions did you know that putting a "radio" (cel phone) on your ear is "dangerous to your health"? Lawyers are working on it.
The world economy does not need another blow. That is ONE of the reasons why nothing has happened YET.
But the cellualr industry (handset manufactures) has not done much to mitigate or reduce their exposure. Not much has been done on the ergonomic front to a least cry "it its safe" or "safer". Maybe those 'earplugspeakers'' will help them...
Why am i talking about that on this thread anyway?
i did radio broadcast for about 20 years.
whereas i am thinking of doing it again, i hope that it doesn't come down to it.
unless i can do morning drive again.
What do I think? It is hard to believe, strictly from the technical point of view.
Sunstorms are more likely to affect the analytical thinking ability of any one, including engineers, specially if they believe in miracles or esoteric stuff.
A good excuse is always a convenience.
i did radio broadcast for about 20 years.
whereas i am thinking of doing it again, i hope that it doesn't come down to it.
unless i can do morning drive again.
This a delayed broadcast… I mean a week delayed re-reply.
Glad to meet you, never before met a lady with that kind of technical inclination, going for the FCC first.
To answer your question, I purchased sort of tutorial book, then took the exam in Miami.
With all the input you get on this forum you can probably hold a talk show on social/spiritual issues allowing anonymous (chat/email) participation over the internet..
I would set up an ‘station” over the internet then you would be the program director, deal?
Breaking news! A mysterious implosion destroyed a wt building located at…
They still haven’t come up with a user friendly ‘internet radio receiver’…, yes internet appliances are coming.
memorable experience? well, not vocal experience but i did get a few electrical shocks, not to mention lighting damaging antennas.
as most of you probably already know, from time to time the watchtower society likes to use district conventions as a platform for adopting silly resolutions, which more than likely are forgotten by the people who gave their approval to it by the time they leave the parking lot of the convention.
this year, during the final talk of the convention (talk entitled: "keep bearing much fruit to jehovah's glory"), a ten point resolution was adopted, with all the baby seal-like clapping following its adoption.
here's the main jist of the ten points (i didn't copy it word for word):.
You people don't appreciat spititual things, you should seriously consider that the resolutions declared 8 decades ago in Cedar Pint Ohio were...sorry i can't rembember the rest of it but they were really important, your life depend on it..
whatever you do, are you always the exception to the rule?
does it ever happen that you see a doctor and he can't understand your problem, that you are a unique case that he never seen before?
or if you go to the garage with your car, and have a problem that no one ever had?.
yes, regularly i got used to it,.
Being a jw in the past, combined with other uncommon factor has contributed greatly to it.
Besides murphy's laws are alway at work
In that regard i got tentative titles for a couple of books i should be wrriting, I mean there is alwasys a positive side to every situation...
i did radio broadcast for about 20 years.
whereas i am thinking of doing it again, i hope that it doesn't come down to it.
unless i can do morning drive again.
If you think radio has changed wait for the new digital transmission standard to be widely used. The same as digital tv transmission, they will be able to pump more through the same pipe. (More than one program channel). so if you think there are too many tv and radio station on the air... wait. TV stations will have at least four program channel capacity or just one very high difinition, hdtv.
The present standard is still the same as the first standard of many decades ago, it hasn't change. In the case of TV it was invented by a Russian who then went to work for RCA, By the way I studied at the RCA Institutes when it was something, Yes i did get to use the slide rule, Studiyng there was considered a "a pain in the neck". Then I went for Capitol Radio Engineering Institute and so on.
In a very few emergencies i did get to sit behind a radio or tv station mic. Even a 50kw radio station, max power allowed.
Do they still full around with equalizers to make their voice sound great?
But you should know that you can have your own radio station, dirt cheap, over the internet, the whole world is your audience. You can do whatever you like, so don't complaint. The play field is leveling off.
Futuristic radio stations are all on the internet, they know that is the future.
Hey Simon what's next? can you play that kingdom melody again?
I had the FCC First Class, Radar endorsed license.
1975. the end of 6000 years of man's existence, and logically, therefore, the start of the 1000 year reign, which meant that armageddon had to be done and dusted before that.. i remember it well!
the hype at assemblies, my dad giving up his job and selling his home to move where the "need was great", now minimised by mother with her "oh so you're another seventy-fiver are you" comments.. now it's just something that occasionally embarrasses jw's, some of them deny it ever happened, others think that it was all too long ago to be relevent.. maybe we need to put 1975 into a slot where we can all relate to it.
maybe those of us who remember that year could chip in as well.. so, what did happen in 1975?
did you say warnings in 1974?, can you elaborate?
As far as i know they were stronger than ever.
I concluded in 1974 that at least 1975 was a bit too early, judging by the state of affairs in the org itself.
1975. the end of 6000 years of man's existence, and logically, therefore, the start of the 1000 year reign, which meant that armageddon had to be done and dusted before that.. i remember it well!
the hype at assemblies, my dad giving up his job and selling his home to move where the "need was great", now minimised by mother with her "oh so you're another seventy-fiver are you" comments.. now it's just something that occasionally embarrasses jw's, some of them deny it ever happened, others think that it was all too long ago to be relevent.. maybe we need to put 1975 into a slot where we can all relate to it.
maybe those of us who remember that year could chip in as well.. so, what did happen in 1975?
Incidentally thing happened that scared many around that time.
WT implied they knew the “day and hour.”, so ‘don’t toy’ with contradictory argument, they said..
OIL EMBARGO, even some scared head of state said there was no way out of the crisis, fyi then came 911, 30 years later.
President Nixon resigned, “I am not a crook”
President Gerald Ford went to Helsinki for a “WORLD PEACE” conference.
Some jw stored food to survive…
My parents practically gave away everything, abandoned rights and property, so I ended up helping them "survive", the one out of the religion but the one more stable economically, i wonder why... I had to play catch up of course.
Some resigned good jobs. Forget about any needed surgery etc etc
They were acts that showed real faith, you know.
The “last” big international convention “before big A” took place in 1973, missionaries were given the “last chance” to see their relatives.
Two scary “kingdom news” pamphlets were distributed to “1/7” of earth population. I wish i can get one of those. They were really insulting to church and politicians. BTW the WT have no respect for the separation of religion and state. No wonder they have been "persecuted", banned. Some times you get what you deserve.
Then, around 1977, the infamous wt magazine issue blaming the R&F, for believing in fantasy. After that I lost confidence in the old boys in Brooklyn. CoC only confirmed everything I don’t know why I got the book so late, lack of advertising I guess.