It is a LAWSUIT in FEDERAL COURT for violation of usa constitutional rights of jw, causing decrease in membership. I dont have details yet.
I am trying to get my PACER ID and password to enter the FEDERAL court web site myself
My old pc crashed AND my backup database file (in zip disk) where i have my passwords is corrupted...
The END must be near my world is coming apart without that particular databse file.
You wont beleive it, but it is a ms-dos program secuencial access database (FIRST CHOICE) older than god.
Any way with the software it is so easy to create records AND search the database that i cant let it go. Unless any of you show me something easier to use, specially for searching and creating inmediate tables on screen..With that software i can create a new database, for personal use, in less than 5 minutes depending on the number of fields.