Is the infamous "YOU KNOW" re-encarnating and evolving?
Posts by one
World War 1 and 1914
by Schizm in.
how did it just so happen that a world war took place in the very year that russell had attached so much importance to?
i realize that he expected 1914 to see the end of the world's governments, and of course that didn't happen, but it still seems to be quite remarkable that this war happened that very year ... a war that would later be construed to be the fulfillment of jesus' prediction in matthew 24:7.. the explanation given on the e-watchman site is that satan deliberately caused the war to happen so as to mislead jehovah's witnesses into thinking they had actually seen the fulfillment of bible prophecy, in order to make them think that jesus had returned invisably.. any ideas?.
JW's and government
by Granny Linda inmy jw sister works for the postal service, wearing the uniform and driving one of their mail trucks.
not only do i think this is hypocritical given the jw stance on government, it pisses me off each time i go to the post office and read the stupid sign about postal employees and federal crimes blah blah blah - like, what makes them so much more important than any other working person.. anyhow this has been bugging me for some time and i'd really like to confront her one day about wearing a symbol of the government, but i doubt i'll ever have the chance.
gawd, i detest those phoney people.. gl.
last two jw ladies tried to "preach" to me, after a few minutes the ran out of words.
They said they dont care about politics becasue god's kingdom will fix everything, i asked what do you do during the mean time, if too many people think as you do then thieves, criminals, would be running the country.
I told then in fact you are "preaching to me in this park at night just because you feel safe seeing a few police officers around, don't you?,
if the major does not protect the city, THEY replace him with a new one during the next election, don't THEY? (YOU TWO DON'T COUNT). So don't you ever complaint...
They even shoot themselves mentioning they "authoritiries are alowed by god. I said if so then try to choose the best availble or DONT COMPLAINT.
Hey not only a gov jos (usps) is ok but welfare is fine, UN library card card is even better, yeah right they are not part of the political system.
They don't boicot (sp?) IRS just because they know exactly what any gov will do to them if they even hint..
Can jw differentiate their righ hand from their left hand?
by Terry ini happen to think quite a few intelligent people have cornered the market on certain information.. when you are around other intelligent people you find in talking with them that you are incredibly more well informed about certain subjects than other people are.
in fact, you might know things that nobody else knows anything about.. tell me what it is that you know.. i have some really quirky things i know.
but, what do you know that sets you apart?
I am the only one who knows that i have no clue "All i know is that i know nothing"
But i know that with the right 'tuner" (for different type of wavelenghs) you could see (in full color and motion) and listen to any live or dead indiviudal or animal, even Rutherford...
"I know the exact location of Las Tetas de Mariana (longitude and latitude)" LOL
Can you share the info? Is it below or above the ecuator (sp?) east or west from Greenwich (sp)
UK is alwasy in the midle of everything, you know.
btw, are they at a fixed location or do they move with the help of two legs?
"works dandy" ? what is it?
BTW, do you know where the Pi come from?
Multiplying mentally any two numbers, no matter what the number of digits and get a close answer is easy, specially for multiple choice answers or other common use where you dont need to know the exact answer. The key is using the "power of ten"
The only ones that could claim to know anything are the specialist, those who, as time pass, know more about less.
The Internet and Apostasy
by CakeMonkey inhas the internet and forums like these caused an exodus from the j-dubs?
when i left in the early 1990s i met support groups through the yellow pages but it still felt like i was the only one in the world who was an apostate.
i've come to this forum in the last year to browse because my brother has now left.
Daniel 12:3-4
Those who are wise [ 1 ] will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there (surfing) to increase knowledge."
John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
Footnotes [1] 12:3 Or who impart wisdomalso at the website anyone can find the best books, full of documetal evidence, written by a top insider, ex-GB member
Why did Jehovah act more in ancient times than he does now?
by truthseeker inin ancient times.... .
jehovah punished adam and eve for their disobedience.
destroyed an ancient world.
No. Santa claus appears every year. Oh i'm sorry that "story" is not part of the bible YET.
After a few more hundred years may be included. After all it is being celebrated every year along the birthdate and death of the latest and most known bible personality.
Besides every year a "miracle" happens, lots of money come from nowhere, (mana(sp?)) and star circulating like magic, around cristmass time. Millions have witnessed.
Oh. dont forget that during 1969 angels came to earth pickedup a few humans and transported them to heaven and back, actually they took a break at the moon while traveling around.
But that is not part of the bible YET either, as someone said miracles are always in the distant past.
Did someone mention japan? don't forget that, prior to the moon experience, god did, (through humans flying on birds), some miracle droping firecrack, (just to test and scare everyone who does not beleive that "god bless america") , in heroshima and nagasaki.
Just read the bible again in a couple thousan years and let me know.
Brilliant Minds and Great Thinkers with Opposite Conclusions.
by Blueblades init happens all the time,great thinkers, brilliant minds,come to opposite example is the view on "the ransom".
.alan f.wrote a brillant essay on this and concluded that such a thing is not reasonable.
after having read his essay and many others, i agree.. on the other hand, ray franz believes in the ransom.
Pure emotional factors, rahter tahn ignorance is what set even brilliant people apart with different opinions, opposite corners.
As an silly example even very brilliant people take sides about their employeer, their mate, their country, their religion etc NO MATTER WHAT.
Everyone is emotional, even brilliant people.
even god is emotional, according to bible she/he gets ANGRY (emotion) and all.
Emotions do no follow rules constantly, can not be predicted.
Even this topic may not be provocative emotionally to generate hundreds of replies, try fluff.
baptized at 12?
by pennycandy in.
i'm considering what to say to a friend who's thinking about letting her 12 year-old get baptized.
okay, guys, let 'em rip!
Tell your friend to think twice.
First of all, the fact that the parent must approve the baptims tells to any reasonble person that something is not logical.
Then show your friend the statitistics, the prrobability that the child will later leave the WT is very high.
Then how is that going to affect their relationship?, Appeal to the emotional side if the logical argument does not seem to work.
Must children don't know, are not sure, what their working career or kind of employment they are going to be seeking as adult, isn't that your case?.
The kid is just emotionally attached to the WT and his parents. All religion seem an emotional feeling more than anything else.
When a CO asked me the baptism questions I notice on his face that my answers did not satisfy him, but i got dunked anyway. My family was in the elite "circle" and a source of $ for the heavies.
Take it from a member of the
Regretfull baptized at 12 class
Ray Franz update
by one inhe became 82 on may 8, the wt propagated news long ago about his death has been "exaggerated".
he always gets back to me even if takes some time to write.. recently he received shipping of 3000 copies of crisis of conscience (4th edition), 158 cartons.. but he is getting help now from (edited), a russian young man, including managing his website he is starting to get feeback from latin america such as mexico, chile, argentina and others.
internet is getting around i guess.. pending on his family health issues, he wants to go back and revisit puerto rico and dominican republic where he started his "career", becoming branch overseer, and is well known...
I keep on telling him about so many of us have been set "free" thanks to his writtings. You know the true "true shall make you free".
Complaint,is not his style, by the way i rembember his wife, Cinthia, was always smiling she is beautiful too, but he can use any monetary help, a "donation" a check or money order "for your trip to the Caribbean" dont sound bad.
Or anyone can orden a book or too and tell him to keep the "change", thats what everyone does at restaurants for "food" which do not provide lasting benefits. The food he has provided for our minds is much better, dont you think?
If you dont need the book just give away or donate to a library.
He sent me, for free, boxes of his previous book editions, with specific instructions to donate them, it has been my honor following the instructions. .
His "career" was missionary by his qualifications the WT president asked him to go to Bethel, around 1965, to work on major writting project and to become a GB member as his major acomplishment, within the WT of course.
His uncle was the number 2 in brooklyn, actually number one when you think about it, his uncle was the "oracle" who could "rationalize anything".
But such blood relationship had nothing to do with his climbing, he could and can shine by himself as you can see by the books he wrote for the WT, the best in my opinion.
So good were his WT writting that caused him some trouble eventually..
No you can see his other writtings as he freely started thinking outside the box at brooklyn.
Ray Franz update
by one inhe became 82 on may 8, the wt propagated news long ago about his death has been "exaggerated".
he always gets back to me even if takes some time to write.. recently he received shipping of 3000 copies of crisis of conscience (4th edition), 158 cartons.. but he is getting help now from (edited), a russian young man, including managing his website he is starting to get feeback from latin america such as mexico, chile, argentina and others.
internet is getting around i guess.. pending on his family health issues, he wants to go back and revisit puerto rico and dominican republic where he started his "career", becoming branch overseer, and is well known...
He became 82 on may 8, the wt propagated news long ago about his death has been "exaggerated".
He always gets back to me even if takes some time to write.
Recently he received shipping of 3000 copies of Crisis of Conscience (4th edition), 158 cartons.
But he is getting help now from (edited), a russian young man, including managing his website .
He is starting to get feeback from Latin America such as Mexico, Chile, Argentina and others. Internet is getting around I guess.
Pending on his family health issues, he wants to go back and revisit Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic where he started his "career", becoming branch overseer, and is well known..
Alan or anyone from Colorado, H2ICE etc
by one inas you surely know h2ice is the 'precursor' of the 100% hydrogen fuel cell ev.
in some states there are hydrogen pumps (not gasoline pumps) installed.. this outfit is dealing on the matter.
i emailed them, but if anyone can provide an opinion based on experience or having seeing (or will be able to) their shop or operations would be appreciated..
prototype? are you kidding?
They are fully tested and operational everywhere, car buses trucks, submarines, megawatts electric generators etc etc ALL FROM FUEL CELL
Problem is OIL COMPANIES and company, they don't like the idea. Therefore
1.- the Hydrogen to supply the fuel cell is not available everywhere,
2.- the cost of the fully elctric vehicle, EV is very expensive as of today, production is a very small scale as there is no demand.
SO they are manupilating to control hydrogen supply, which is going to be very dificult unless they get the goverment to do just like iit did with alcohol/whisky production, controlled. With mr. Bush in power that is given.
So the precursor is the H2ICE vehicle, (hydrogen internal combustin engine), the same old crap only to run on different fuel, hydrogen.
You can buy one from Ford Motors (Focus model) right now and used in the california "hydrogen highway" and some other places where gasoline xxx i mean hydrogen pump station have been installed.
the "outfit" in "COLORADO" is promising to be able to convert (fleet conversion) your vehicle from gasoline to hydrogen, NOT FUEL CELL. As it is right now they dont seem to be too serious with the proposal.
Can you find out who they are?