you guys overwhelmed the original poster, whre is she/he?
it is my turn, I am entitle to an opinion too.
Being faithful to account Geneis, back to Eden, forget babylon (Iraq?)
Cain went his way (got mad), sure he took a female with him... (did you start to get the picture or are you still using vhs instead of dvd?)
Any family will develop their own "langage", your inmediate family may use phases (and jokes) that the rest of the extended family can not understand the meaning of the expresion, Right?, Not to mention non family members or neighborgs.
Since they visit each other and talk on the phone, no major problem develops.
But what about if distance is a problem, eventually they develop (improve?) better ways to under-stand each other..
in their isolated (that's relative) environment they start writting things like "Mule 4sale or 4rent"
(this topic is starting to get 2funny), redneck, hillbilly,
what the hell to they mean or wanabe?
No offese but i have hard time understanding the langage spoken in London, the south and west usa.
fast forward (for savvy, dvd onwers only)
Then you have the IBM group speaking EBCDIC, another group COBOL, FORTRAN, PASCAL, HTML, FLASH, JAVA etc
But B. Gates (true to his name) is trying to help confused IT zombies with .NET Framework to push everyone through the Gate, Right Simon?
But all those langages have a root, there are only a few MACHINE (Hebrew so they say) languajes, a pain in the neck tolearn you know, ask Freddy..
But dont star blaming god for the BABEL IT community. No way.
In fact some IT guys enjoy confusion so much that they dedicate themselves to create more languages, right Simon?
Quo Vadis? (rhis topic)
Thanks for not understanding