Is is all a conspiracy between Hitler and company to down play and reduce power to the jews, the later didn't bite. No?
Posts by one
Do you believe Mary was a virgin?
by JustTickledPink inmy catholic friend and i were talking the other night about the virgin mary.
she doesn't even believe that she was a virgin and she doesn't believe in the immaculate conception.
if you think about it logically today, if you had a fiance that went to visit relatives for a few months and then came back pregnant and told you it was god's child, would you believe it?
Do you believe that ancient humans once had advanced technology?
by Elsewhere inthis is something that has been tossed around for some time, but something occurred to me: if ancient humans did have advanced technology, such as space travel, we would know about it.
the reason i say we would know about it is because they would most certainly have left objects in orbit around earth.
yes, the low-orbit objects would have eventually fallen back due to the drag of the upper atmosphere.
So adavanced that they could not figure a way to preserve documentation of whatever they did... if they really did..any thing really extraordinary. Have you seen any.. .
"still wiping my ass with processed tree bark..." ROFLAO
But dont complaint, it is renewable.
"LOL! I'm just imagining Simon's steam-powered JWD server."
easy, steam can carry data if properly 'proccessed', but wont go to far,
i swap steam-power for fuelcell power anytime,
the show is just starting.
problem is humans are slow to adapt to what a few bright minds can develop.
Manpower problems at Bethel reason behind delay in annual report
by truthseeker ini was talking to a ministerial servant last week, and he said that a bethel elder told him the reason why the 2004 annual service report was .
delayed, was because of man power problems.
they simply don't have enough staff at the us branch, because the annual report is already .
The tradicional statistic lovers are worry about recent statistics.
Talk about a dog, your best friend, turning around to bite you?
Is there any other religion more concerned with grow and numbers?
What that tells you,?
Only corp concerned with $$ profits do that, that's their goal and sure do the drilling on the the selling team.
I will never forget a jw prospect asking
how could you measure spirituality with numbers.
He became elder (still is), i could never forget his retorical question, it really helped me to walk out.
Segregation in Provo, Utah: "Mixed Species" Households Not Allowed!
by Stephanus in
cats, dogs living together a no-no in utah town
associated press.
LOL the bible does not mention Nephilim girls but
by cousin once asked me about my now ex girl friend (TALL)
"Where did you get this nephilim girl? i though they were all gone!"
I dumped her... again he said "how could you do that to such a beatifull blonde nephilim" ? lol
I said: i did it for being "blond", (no kidding)
LOL, that was 6 years ago but until now,
anytime we talk about her (there is always a lot to talk about her) we refer her NOT by her name but "the nephilim" (roflmao)
by one in
"the mission of global peace initiative (gpi) is to inaugurate and promote international grassroots movements?especially in developing countries?to resolve wars and conflicts and to address human crises with practical, community-based solutions.
there is a special focus on street children, abandoned women, victims of natural disasters, and refugees.
What do you all think about this
"The mission of Global Peace Initiative (GPI) is to inaugurate and promote international grassroots movements?especially in developing countries?to resolve wars and conflicts and to address human crises with practical, community-based solutions. There is a special focus on street children, abandoned women, victims of natural disasters, and refugees. "
Instead of joining UN, WT should join the above movement.
Or is the movement a religion, covered up, part of "babylonethegrape"?
If not then, they could join and do more "incidental preaching" (the excuse to join).
WT can start a new corporation (just one more) from ground zero. Any wt reform will have to go in such direction to re-vendicate the borg AND collect more $ from better motivated public,
present (?) spiritual and future paradaise (carrot) does not motivate anymore.
They have the right org infrastructure, training and human resources for the job.
Will you join wt again if...
How did you feel when you learned it was all a lie?
by what_Truth? inbit of background.
i grew up as a jw i left the church when i was 14 because a ministerial servant who was conducting a one on one baptism study with me said that i couldn't ballance my dreams of being a professional singer with the so called "truth".
i stopped the study and told my mom i no longer wanted to be a witness.
Sorry... knowing that a large group of family members and old frriends were traped and nothing i could effectively do to help them.
"Waving" (with CoC book at hand) "on the fence" just waiting for the first sign of anyone in the circus arena siginaling that needs help..
Who else hasn't got a pension plan?!!!!!!!
by Gill inwell here we are starting to think about retiring in another twenty years and what do we find?
we find that we've missed the best years of our lives for saving in a pension plan simply because we knew that we wouldn't need one because armageddon was coming.
we were told by quite a few elders in our congregation that simply having a pension plan showed lack of faith that the kingdom was coming very soon and we should actively get rid of the company pension plans that we had.
more specific this
could be the answer for some, at least steering in the right direction...
I keep finding more and more grey hairs in my beard. :S
by Elsewhere ina few years ago i started my little "collection" in a small container in my bathroom.
evertime i find a grey hair in my beard i pluck it out and put it in the container.
so far the collection has been quite "modest".. now it looks like they grey hairs in my beard are starting to gang up on me.
ask metatron he is the antiaging guru
Well ,I Just Had An Elder Come By To See If I Wanted To Go For A Beer
by minimus ina little before 5p.m., i got a call asking me how long i'd be working to.
it was my ex best friend, i'll call roger.
i recognized his voice.
it is obvious now but i will say that again
"YOU are being tracked"
??'s for Computer Programmers
by DanTheMan inwell at 34 years of age i'm still wondering what i'm going to do with my life, career-wise.. i have done well in college courses i've taken in math, computer programming, and logic.
also i have a fair amount of experience working as an end-user of various database programs used by my previous and current employers, and i have found that i have a good intuitive knack for understanding the underlying logic that makes them do what they do.
so, i think that i have the mental goods necessary to be a good computer programmer, in fact i feel that i could be a pretty damn good one.. but, with all the out-sourcing, i'm wondering if american computer programmers are a dying breed that will eventually be completely supplanted by indian, chinese, and russian programmers.. so to those of you americans who currently work in the field, do you think that it is foolish to pursue a degree in computer science, given current trends?
"Arab translators",
You sure know black gold is the grease that keeps everything moving in the right direction...
but dont go too fast or too deep into the grease, let me tell you, despite the fact that hydrogen is corrosive and volatil, somehow it WILL move everything, indeed make thing fly...
what about coding onthefly? (for impatient developers)