Huge pressure on Elders to have PERFECT FAMILIES. Impossible for any middle aged man with teenagers to have a balanced family life and DO ALL THE BUSY WORK the WTBTS loads on him. Kids are kids, so almost NO ONE qualifies as presiding over their families in a fine manner if they have normal teenagers who "act out" a bit.... WHEN DAD IS NEVER HOME, AND WHEN HE IS, HE PRESSURES THEM TO APPEAR PERFECT.
What adjusted person who loves his family will put his wife and kids through that? At the first sign of trouble at home they step aside.
Hearing the CO ramble on with nonsense, and reading all the private "letters" from WTBTS, doing the mental limbo to deal with the Watchtower legal on crap like pedophilia will slap that "True Believer " out of you darn quick. Having to be "harmonious" with mean spirited, pharisaical A Holes in judicial matters gives most healthy men coronary problems in short order.