Anony Mous;
I was drinking coffee on a break at the "home" in 1976 when a member of the Governing body was talking to a brother in the office discussing the possibility of not charging for Lit. in the future. They were discussing the information passed along by a sister who was a secretary at the IRS. I asked if it was common, he smiled and said "it wasn't uncommon. " Two days later I brought up the subject again, and he bragged about how common it was.
It would serve no purpose for me to be d'fed right now so I am not going to give the who, and where. I bring up things I know of PERSONALLY first hand. At the time I was a youth PROUD of our "theocratic warfare" against the "evil doers working against Gods people". Our families go back 3 generations, many have served at Bethel or in Branches. I haven't begun to tell all the stories family have told me over the years or my friends. Some stuff is too specific and will point to me if a member of my family or an old buddy knows the story or event and trolls this site.
When serving as an Elder in a medium sized area I personally knew of a number of "Friends" who worked as medical transcibers, court records, police records, medical records, video rental records, USPS, Health Insurance, or medical support. A few times a year one of them would secretly report to their body of elders a JW who had broken the "rules". Being treated for an STD, Blood, Abortions, birth control (single), alcholism, DUI, past due child support, arrests, renting porn or "R", Gun magazines, porn magazines. Hey a JW sorts the mail in our town, so getting the mail at a P.O. BOX in our town will not guarantee privacy. What happens is two brothers make a "Sheparding call" on the JW in question and give them the 5 minute "secret Sins" part. Surprizingly, about half are striken and think "god moved these elders" to uncover the sin and confess..not knowing they got ratted out by a JW. The 1/2 that smile and keep quiet just don't get "used" as much. The spies are protected. No one ever meets the accuser.- Welcome to the real world.
P.S. A lot more JWs than you can imagine troll this site a couple of times a month. I get calls about stuff on this site from very active JWs who tell me stuff I know they read here. They say "they heard it". LOL!!