JoinedPosts by Balaamsass
Watchtower shunning of disfellowshipped children -- an email campaign tool
by FatFreek 2005 inhi all,.
sometimes a picture tells it all -- how very cruel corporate policy can be.
as always, right click on image for a menu of choices.
Why would Jehovah pick Russell, erm, the Watchtower...
by dgp inif you look at the pictures of charles taze russell, you find that the man has a goatee.
anyways, if jehovah dislikes beards, how come he picked the owner of a prominent one as his faithful and discreet slave?.
on the other hand, if jah chose an organization, and not charlie, as "some said", why didn't jehovah pick the catholic church instead?.
GREAT HEADING. Your thread was in my Google email in-box this morning! And it was also in email inboxs at Bethel and tens of thousands of current JWs. (google alert-for "Jehovah")WELL DONE.
by Refriedtruth injehovah's witnesses' land sell-off has brooklyn dreaming bigcrain's new york business - amanda fung-1 hour ago.
at stake are 34 mint-condition properties in brooklyn heights and dumbo that the jehovah's witnesses spent decades accumulating and now are considering's always has been about the money...they talk about pristine real estate and the excellent pool of skilled craftsmen/women .
hey what about the paradise for my family 4 generations that slaved?.
Today one in West Virginia was made into a Police Station. Hall flipping! o cost basis (donations). 0 taxes. =$$$$$$$$$$$
Jehovah's Witnesses mentioned in this article from Huffington Post on the Penn State Scandal
by insearchoftruth in
"credible charges of childhood sexual abuse have been exacerbated and made more horrendous by equally credible charges of conspiracy and concealment.
However, current law fails to properly hold responsible not only those who commit the crimes but also those who suppress or obfuscate them. "So opinions please. The Mrs and I were discussing this. WE are stumped...WHY do so many wives and mothers...stand by and allow children to be abused, sexually, physically, and mentally??? I am puzzled. The Mrs says she would NEVER allow anyone to hurt her kids (normal), yet many JW women pretend these incidents NEVER happened. AND they are rarely punished by anyone.
At an old hall a few of these sisters .."church ladies" shunned their own adult children..past victims of abuse, and sat proudly next to their JW pervert husbands in the front rows of the hall proudly answering every other paragraph. It made my stomach turn during the meetings.
Someone, EXPLAIN THIS TO ME..I do not get it.
How big a fee does the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society get for booking Jehovah's Witnesses into Convention Hotels?
by Balaamsass incurious.
i know travel agents and on-line sites get a kickback or fee for booking hotels.
how much is this fee?.
James we were clearing pennies slapping sandwiches together in the 70s. This is soooooo much cleaner and more profitable. When you deal with large numbers the effect is so magnified. 7 MILLION ACTIVE JWS and many more Convention attendees. Cost $0 for the program. Internal rate of return -infinate!!!!!!
How Judicial Committees Violate Individual Privacy
by Londo111 inmany here have called for public judicial committees, which would indeed add to transparency.
but--every person deserves a measure of privacy, and to be able to keep their dirty laundry from public view.
why should everyone know the details of very personal matters, perhaps involving private struggles and family secrets?
I agree Band on the Run. With the court case in Menlo Park showing there is no arms length relationship, and the Rabid Hate Speech at the Public Watchtower Study, do you believe 2012 is RIPE for a Juicy lawsuit against WTB$?
They might settle quikly rather than battle it out in the court of public opinion. San Francisco would be a GREAT place to bring suit. The printed trail of WTBS hate speech would work against them.
By the end of 2012 the majority of the US population will have smart phones and private 24/7 access to the internet. Great publicity!!
A savy attorney and plaintiff might make a little change from a quick settlement. What do you think?
Are you game? $$
Menlo Park (CA - USA) Kingdom Hall
by Juan Viejo2 ini received an anonymous email over at that had an attached legal filing.
the first couple of pages seemed to be standard legal filings, but the rest of the pages looked like standard typed documentation (not in numbered double-spaced legal format.
) i'm not quite sure what to make of it, so wonder if anyone here has heard of it.
Those pins hurt!
Memorial for Disfellowshipped or Inactive members of WTB&TS
by trillaz ini've never heard of someone who was disfellowshipped having a memorial announced for a kh.
i can't recall inactive either.
what are other's experiences?
I got heat for conducting a memorial for an Ex Jw Aids victim at a funeral home. The grieving family was turned down by a number of Elders worried about position. Screw 'em.
Let's Review: How the Watchtower Society Uses Quickbuilds to Make More $$$
by under_believer ini posted something similar to this in another thread, but i decided that this is an important subject, and something that a lot of people don't realize, so i expanded it into its own post.
and we can always use a review now and then, so that lurkers, active witnesses, and newly ex-witnesses can catch up.
according to the watchtower society, one of the best examples of god's holy spirit operating on the organization is the building program.
Inflation has little to do with profit on loans. Cost of funds does. WTBTS cost is almost 0. Therefore Internal rate of return can be infinate.
BIG $$$. Remember WRIGLY Field in Chicago, and the GUM KING. Pennies, even on a stick of GUM add up. 7 million+ x anything is a lot of bucks....when your capital and LABOR is DONATED.
Occupy Watchtower
by OnTheWayOut ini stole the idea from a fb friend.
just like occupy wallstreet (and the spread to various cities), imagine people without a single voice picketing wt at brooklyn and having warming barrels loaded with burning watchtower literature.
if you did, what would your sign say?
Lots of great ideas. I love the idea of visiting the PUBLIC MEETINGS during especially hateful Watchtower studies. A few videos of publishers going on about killing apostates during the meetings or other Hateful comments posted here, on You tube and on Facebook would have a great impact.
There are 25,516 members of this site. 4-5,000 people A DAY surf this site. If the 25,000 members of this site EACH posted to Facebook these Hate comments, the issue would go viral.