Leave it in a small foundation for apostate web-sites.
JoinedPosts by Balaamsass
What to do with our money (estate) when we die?
by life is to short inmy husband just gave me the km for june.
i thought the question box was interesting.
it asks the question "what should be kept in mind if we want some or all of our assets to go to jehovah's organization upon our death?".
Does anyone have copies of Cease and Desist letters sent to elders from a LAWYER?
by Greybeard injust preparing and looking for information.
i suspect i will be under the gun soon as a close friend of mine already is.
they are asking him to meet with them as they have "witnesses to his apostacy".
If you want to remain just a fader,
A couple of times before I have known JWs to effectively make strong general denials to elders, and then say "I have a right to know my accuser, and they had a scriptural duty to approach me first, before involving the elders. This is slander and I insist on speaking with them first to iron this misunderstanding out."- If the elders refuse to give you names or allow you to speak with your accusers privately, you might act shocked, and remind the Elder he is not following directions of the faithful slave. And THAT could be viewed as Apostacy.
- I have rarely seen JWs stick to their guns on an accusation when slander is brought up. If these "Witnesses" recieve a certified letter with a couple of scriptures, and a Watchtower quote, starting with "I hope this is a misunderstanding, perhaps you mis-heard me" I doubt you would ever hear about any of this again, and you might not have to use the above disassociation letter.
You could do the above over the phone or in a letter. Make em squirm.
Does anyone have copies of Cease and Desist letters sent to elders from a LAWYER?
by Greybeard injust preparing and looking for information.
i suspect i will be under the gun soon as a close friend of mine already is.
they are asking him to meet with them as they have "witnesses to his apostacy".
Greybeard I found this from Dec 2011;
Disassociation letter
This law firm has been retained by "R" to remove her good name from your roster and all records because of her wishes to no longer be a member of the Jehovah Witness religion. Per your request of my client, this letter will serve as "R" formal notification of her intent.
It is of great concern that it is your common practice to make formal announcements of this sort public in an effort to stop family and friends from ever associating with her again, despite the fact she desires this decision for her own person only. With this concern, it is of great importance that you understand defamation of character is a serious offence punishable under both state and federal law. Therefore, it is this firm's demand that any public or private discussion that demeans the good name of "R" either in the near or distant future will be met with legal action.
As with all cases, our goal is satisfaction of both parties if possible. We trust you understand that dissatisfaction for our client can only be experienced by purposeful, hurtful and unnecessary action on your part.
From a JW/WTBS standpoint, if CHILD MOLESTERS get off with a simple denial, then I might add a general statement like " I have always lived an exempliary christian life and followed my Bible trained conscience, any suggestion to the contrary is false and slanderous".
A broad statement denying ANY wrongdoing would give the elders an "out"..... "he denies everything,and we didn't have enough proof". Case closed.
Does anyone have copies of Cease and Desist letters sent to elders from a LAWYER?
by Greybeard injust preparing and looking for information.
i suspect i will be under the gun soon as a close friend of mine already is.
they are asking him to meet with them as they have "witnesses to his apostacy".
There was another letter from a law firm on here about 6 months ago. humm.
Don't give them power or play in their court.
Grey beard, use a REAL Attorney if you can. If not, I have used Legal Shield a few times for nasty letters. I wouldn't want them for a REAL case, but hey for $17.00 you can get a real Attorney to write a nasty letter on letterhead with lots of names on the letterhead and some advice. Be sure to NAME them all. Send it to their HOMES and the HALL certified-or have it served. (if you don't like the Biker idea, the Sheriff works well.. for a mere $30-You can have a real cop bang on the front door of their home or the hall- uniform, marked car, guns and all ! ). WTBTS & Elders HATE being served and certified letters.
If they go ahead and D'f you afterward anyway, it does give you more options. You sent a demand and attempted to mitigate. California now has a $10,000 small claims limit. Not many elders will risk even 10k for WTBTS.
Does anyone have copies of Cease and Desist letters sent to elders from a LAWYER?
by Greybeard injust preparing and looking for information.
i suspect i will be under the gun soon as a close friend of mine already is.
they are asking him to meet with them as they have "witnesses to his apostacy".
A long time ago I did some paralegal and investigative work for an attorney with a sense of humor. He would have some of his letters "served" by a group of guys who actually were licensed process servers. They were a biker gang. Imagine your elders getting a visit at HOME by a gruff, bearded, tatooed guy who drove up to the door on a noisey Harley. All for a mere $50...... Priceless.
Do you think it's sad Ted Jaracz is not here to reap what he sowed.
by yesidid in.
after all jaracz was in charge of the service dept which formulated and enforced the silence rules and others which are now a source of such pain for the watchtower.. shame he died without having to face the consequences.
Last night I read on Silent Lambs Ted himself was accused of Child abuse! I can understand now that he and Leo G might influence the handling of child abuse policy.
Ted's wife always seemed nice. Teddy always had a scowl, even though our families had lined his pockets with $$. What a turd.
How do you think the W.T.S will spin the Candace Conti case to the R&F???
by karter inthe cats well and truly out of the bag and even the r&f are all going to know about it soon.. .
will they blame her?.
blame satan?.
Normaly, they could simply say " Look at what damage this one brother did! ". "The scriptures warn us that there are rocks under the water at our love feasts". "Like Judas, Satan can enter into a brother to cause problems for the entire association of brothers". "That is why it is Soooo important for all of us to guide our hearts and minds to avoid allowing Satan a foothold into our hearts and minds. That includes, pornography, R-rated movies, APOSTATE web-sites, AND bad association with those who no longer walk orderly with jehovahs progressive people...in person and on the internet".
Hey did that sound like next weeks meeting???
No doubt today a kindly persuasive WTBTS Elder/Attorny is pleading with Candice and her Attorney. "We are soooooo sorry for what this weak sick man did to you". "those Elders were good brothers they just did not understand what was happening". "Can't you find it in your heart to forgive?" We would like to offer you unlimited medical assistance, a nice home for you and your horse and enough income for you and your horse to live without having to work." We are willing to pay you $500,000 today so you can pay off bills and buy a nice home cash, and $50,000 per year for the rest of your life, or as long as this system lasts. Just sign here, (confidentiality agreement). And all this terrible stress can be gone today." "Sister, we know you want to get re-instated this week , and quit your job, so you can shop for that little ranch this week. You don't REALLY want to fight us in court for the next xxxx years...simply to risk having nothing but bills left at the end do you?"
To her Attorney "Listen, you did well. We could really use an attorney like you on our team. A guy like you could go far with a little quick capital. You don't really want to fight us alone for xxxx years when we bring in our A team...do you? If your client is willing to settle for let's say 3 mil...we will set here up with some cash for a home, and a lifetime annuity so the poor girl will always have a home,and can get therapy. You will have 1 mil to pay off your expenses and sink in your business today." We will tell everyone we are appealing, and we can all leave this nasty business behind us today" - just have your client sign here.......
Any suggestions on handling financial abuse of a senior by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society?
by Balaamsass indoes anyone here have any suggestions on handling financial abuse of a senior by the watchtower bible and tract society?
mom gave a lot of money to the watchtower bible and tract society over her lifetime- (6 figures).
after she ran low on funds she made a 5 figure "conditional loan" to wtb&ts.
Thanks for asking :) The case is comming along. Mom has dementia and big medical expenses. The wheels of justice do turn slowly, but Candace Conti's win and publicity is helping, in that law enforcement is beginning to realize Jehovah's Witnesses are not another quaint religious group like the Amish.
I have to be careful what we post here. It is monitored by WTBTS. We do not want to tip our hand.
Candace Conti video on YouTube - let's send it viral!
by cedars ini've uploaded a video that discusses the dramatic jury verdict regarding the abuse suffered by candace conti, of which you are all aware.
if you're not yet familiar with the story for any reason, please check out my blog article on the link below.... http://jwsurvey.org/general-information/the-watchtower-punished-society-loses-legal-battle-over-child-abuse-case.
john hoyle suggested i get a youtube video out fairly quickly so that we can spread the message more effectively online.
Cedars; Great short video. Easy to follow. Balanced.- KUDOS!
Juan, I agree with you 100%. The WTBTS arguements about reporting statutes in California in 1993 vs 1994 are assanine. If a JW was watching a child get raped and stood by and did nothing it would be OK? "Jehovah will take care of it".
The governing body believes they have the moral high ground over ...what... with this kind of reasoning....a septic tank? These men have a broken moral compass and do not deserve to be leaders of anything. Even prison gangs have a beter moral compass on "baby rape".
What Some Loyal JW's Are Saying About The Oakland Case.
by Bangalore inform the pro-jw site jwtalk.
this is such a ronald mcdonald court case.
i can't believe what i am reading.. lie: "the lawsuit alleged that watchtower had a policy that instructed elders in its jehovah's witnesses congregations to keep reports of child sex abusers within the religious group secret to avoid lawsuits.".
Jehovah's Witnesses
2401 Smith Road, Brentwood, CA (925) 634-5654 ()
I made some calls. I guess if you want to ask the molester, or his elders opinion, here you go. Google earth has a photo. - P.S. -Take a look at "Discovery Bay" down the road (google photos). THAT congregation shares this hall, check out the homes and boats!! Wowzer.