I always thought it was odd how everyone dressed to the 9s and went out after. I enjoyed it..but thought it odd. Perhaps to make up for Easter Sunday..........??
JoinedPosts by Balaamsass
And I thought memorials were supposed to be a solemn occasion!
by cedars injust found this on youtube.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1eic5fiywe.
not that i blame them for making the most of an otherwise dreary event, but i've never known a memorial to be treated like a high school prom before!.
I found out a JW friend of mine has an addiction to torturing animals!
by Vienna Angelika inlast night i found out a close jw friend of mine takes delight in watching animal torture.
i am an animal lover, and i dont know what to think.
i dont want to end our friendship because this friend has been very accepting of me.
This little farm animal has been tormented and beaten by WTBTS!!! Please report them!!!!!
Growing old and broke... Need advice on making money! Ebay? Ideas?
by Greybeard ini was in business with my jw family and they took that over because i am now a worthless apostate.
i am 50 years old and need to make some moola.
i am good with ebay and i can build websites.
If refrigeration is related, I know some guys make BIG $$. Nothing sends a grocer into a panic like a broken refer on a Sunday.
Growing old and broke... Need advice on making money! Ebay? Ideas?
by Greybeard ini was in business with my jw family and they took that over because i am now a worthless apostate.
i am 50 years old and need to make some moola.
i am good with ebay and i can build websites.
Your photography skills are excellent! Studio/commercial/website work? Weddings? Your music? -sent you an email.
new member- my story
by AndDontCallMeShirley in"that which can be asserted without evidence, can.
be dismissed without evidence.
" - christopher hitchens.
kingdom hall packed from memorial invitees!!!
by nowwhat? inafter spending a month in cold,rainy, snowy conditions, and using up 100's of gallons of fuel in service.
jehovah certainly blessed our efforts!!.
we must have had zero invitees up from zero the year before!!!
The last few baptisims/ new memorial attendees at our hall fit the above descriptions.
Dementia patients from the nearby resthomes (2)
Recently paroled/ released Felon
Disabled "turrets" person (my favorite)...mumbles constantly then suddenly screams out something completely inapropriate. LOL!!!!!
Lots of "growth"......
Have to temporarily change my picture....
by Brother of the Hawk inthe witch hunt is on!
can't talk about it now.
but our thoughts and prayers go out to each and every one of you being hunted and harrassed by the gestapo i mean elders.. affectionately brother of the hawk.
I knew a brother who simply got a cheap prepaid cell phone # in another area code and annouced that "business would be taking hime out of town a lot". People called the long distance number looking for him and left messages on the voicemail. When he did answer..he did so from someplace with poor cell reception to cut the call short...worked like a charm!!!!! He never really moved!!!!!
Putting a "For Sale By owner" /sold... sign up on the front lawn helps.......
Growing old and broke... Need advice on making money! Ebay? Ideas?
by Greybeard ini was in business with my jw family and they took that over because i am now a worthless apostate.
i am 50 years old and need to make some moola.
i am good with ebay and i can build websites.
P.S.- Put a dash of haircolor/grey cover-up on for interviews. Leave off OLD experiance 70s, 80s, Grad dates. Employers DO discriminate- the over 50 crowd raise insurance premiums. Get a LinkedIn profile up with and OLD photo-or photo shop- the HR people check it out.
Growing old and broke... Need advice on making money! Ebay? Ideas?
by Greybeard ini was in business with my jw family and they took that over because i am now a worthless apostate.
i am 50 years old and need to make some moola.
i am good with ebay and i can build websites.
Hi Greybeard! All good advice.
I had a bunch of "junk" in the garage and was amazed we got 30K for it on ebay. Just make certain the auctions END when people in all US timezones are awake and home.
With voip, Skype, and high speed internet you can do a lot of things from home. A lot of companies pay well for sales...something every JW had plenty of experience with. A Wallstreet company hired me on the spot when they found out I had been raised a JW. The manager laughed out loud and said I KNOW you must be able to handle rejection!!!. Made some good $$ at it-
I have read about LOTS of construction and truck driving jobs in Nebraska and the Dakotas because of the oil boom. No housing for workers etc.
They're (Elders) after me!!!!!!!!!
by Gojira_101 ingood morning and sorry this is so late being posted, it's been a busy week and this is the first chance to post.. our home phone, which only a few people know and have, has been ringing constantly for the last two weeks, and my hubby and i have been ignoring it.
my parents and the elders are the only ones that have our home phone number and my parents have been just calling my cell because they know we won't answer the house phone...anyways this has been going on for several weeks.. on saturday i get a call from my dad asking me how the asl cong works with recruiting people for their hall...i was really confused because my parents live 90 miles from the asl cong and the people in that hall are too lazy to drive that far.
so i asked him to explain.. apparently some man called asking if there was anyone in the household who knew asl to help communicate with deaf....so i can't say everything about the conversation because i don't want to reveal details.
Just turn on your answering machine. You can get great canned messages on I-tunes and the net..famous actors and comedians. Screen your calls, and get some peace.