Wow! You're truly making an effort. I do want to mention that JWs leave their religion they temd to be vulnerable and desprately look for a substitute. It's like leaving an abusive relationship and falling into another. There's also religious co-dependence. During this time, i would focus on strenghthening your relationship with God and follow Jesus NOT religion. Religion can be good at introducing people to faith and sparking that desire within for a spiritual life. God is a spirit and those worshipping him do it in spirit and truth. Humans have a need to belong but if you pray about you WILL find your tribe. I highly recommend you read a book called The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse by David Johnson and Jeff VanVonderen. It's extremely important to know who you are, how being a JW affected you and how to avoid falling in a similar pattern.
JoinedPosts by Whynot
My search for religion.
by joe134cd insince leaving the jws i have become more interested in finding out about other faiths.
here are a few of my findings.. lds: i just couldnt get my head around the mental gymnastics i would have to do to understand their doctrines and theology.
i attended their services twice.
by bs_since_1870s ini just updated my website, any feedback is welcome!.
The link isn't working
YMCA membership what is the current belief?
by Whynot ini know that having a y membership was a huge no, no for jws.
there hasn't been any information on this subject in decades.
i met an elder's wife a few years ago that goes to the y and also has a membership.
I know that having a Y membership was a huge no, no for JWs. There hasn't been any information on this subject in decades. I met an elder's wife a few years ago that goes to the Y and also has a membership. So I'm thinking there was an unwritten change somehow. It just hasn't been published for some reason. At the same time, if it's not acceptable for JWs to have a membership, wouldn't that also mean that they can't eat at Chic-fil-a or Cracker Barrell or any business who supports "christendom"? It may even affect JWs going to Starbucks, right? I also don't understand why it would be ok for JWs to have an NGO membership with the UN but not at the Y.
Why do ones that got out come back in?
by moreconfusedthanever ini have not been to a meeting for about 2 years now.
i do not intend to go back but one thing has me baffled.
why do ones that have faded and been out for years return?
There's a book titled "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse" where it explains why people go back to abusive religions/relationships. There's a certain comfort zone, they think their situation may be worse if they leave, they hope for an improvement. It's very common for this to happen wether you're s JW, Mormon, Catholic or of any religion who uses abuse to get control of the members.
Am I Overreacting Here?
by pale.emperor inlet's call him "dave".. dave: hello?.
dave: we dont have to tell you how she is.
dave: <her mother> has custody.
I don't know if this helps but I had my Custodial and Visitation agreement modified to not allow unsupervised visits with certain family members. I asked my lawyer and he said I was allowed in my state in the USA
My JW Update
by jdash inhey guys!
for me, things are doing better, you could say.
ever since i been on here, posting, and whatnot, i have been even more enlightened, if that's the correct word.
I highly recommend this book: The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse by David Johnson and Jeff Van Vonderen. The book explains in detail how religious leaders manipulate and weigh you down in guilt and shame and how it affects you. It also offers advice in how to break free and overcome the damage done
Who deserves the title of king of apostasy ?
by Chook ini think this would be a noble endeavour..
I really don't like the word apostasy. I feel like the WT has placed a new meaning for the term. I don't see these wonderful people as apostates. Just my opinion. I would rather call them Truth Tellers or something similar
Reflecting On The JW Version Of You
by pale.emperor inlately i've been thinking over how far i've come over the last 2.5 years since leaving the cult.
when i first left i remember not knowing who i really was and what my beliefs and values were.
previously my values and beliefs were dictated to me the the governing body in watchtower magazines.. i'm politically active, being a member of a political party and i'm even considering running in my local election in a few years.. when it comes to religion, im an atheist who has little time for superstition and "god did it" answers to complex questions.
Before I became a JW I was very, very close to Jehovah. I changed once I started following the organization. Even though I was born into it, my father never spoke about the Watchtower or GB. Our congregation was very loose too, like when it came to WT rules and policies. It was nice actually. But the CO and DO had to "fix" things. I didn't notice how much I changed until I was in my mid-twenties and I noticed that I felt myself being more faithful to an organization rather than Jehovah. I felt like I had lost my identity. Things started to come clear when I got separated from my husband. It was such a huge crisis. My husband was an elder and then suddenly he was DF and most people started shunning me as well. My eyes were open but I felt more lost than ever. That was 4 years ago and it has really shaped who I am now.
As of now:
I don't believe in ANY religion but I do believe in the Bible.
My relationship with Jehovah has been restored to how it was before being indoctrinated by the WT.
I feel more hopeful towards the future and less preocupied with rituals that please men.
I'm more open to all kinds of people without feeling paranoid of their bad influence.
I feel like i have a more authentic love for people in general and the desire to do community service.
Definitely more outspoken about my feminists beliefs I have always had but had to surpress.
My husband, still DF, isn't too comfortable with this new me. He actually wants to go back. I faded out these past 4 years and don't want to go back. My husband suffered greatly from spiritual abuse and I think he realky misses the comfort zone the congregation provided for him. (Sigh)
Movie coming out for Easter 2014 release: "Heaven Is For Real"
by adamah inwith a release date of easter 2014, coming soon to a theatre near you: hollywood (tristar pictures) is capitalizing on the near-death-experience theme with a movie starring greg kinnear.
here's a hd trailer:.
Atheists also have NDEs. Google it and you will find several. It's a diferent perspective. The Egyptian Book of The Dead has some too.
The laziness of JW parents....
by stuckinarut2 init struck me that the society has created a culture of lazy jw parenting.. rather than parents being there to guide and direct and help their children through all stages of life, the gb / society has become the "go-too" for everything.. if the child has an issue, there is a wt article for that.. does the child need help with something else?
ah, there is a caleb and sophia cartoon for that.. what about that other topic?
ah, there is a book for that.. so rather than being present parents, the average jw parent simply outsources their parenting to the organization!
Most non-JW parents I know usually have books on parenting. I don't see anything lazy about looking for sound advice. Most JWs I know don't really read the articles, they feel that taking their kids to the meetings is enough. Now they have videos to educate their kids. I think the organization really wants parents to rely on the meetings for educating their kids. At least that's the message I've been getting since I was a child.